
I'd like to see Obama tell Congress: "Okay gang, you have until January 31, 2015 to put an immigration bill on my desk. If it's not there, I'll do it myself."

At least that.

Then neither silly side can bitch.


House Fails To Pass Immigration Bill Asks Obama To Act Alone The National Memo

This situation shows the intense concern within our conference – and among the American people – about the need to ensure the security of our borders and the president’s refusal to faithfully execute our laws. There are numerous steps the president can and should be taking right now, without the need for congressional action, to secure our borders and ensure these children are returned swiftly and safely to their countries ...

the Tan Man says for Obama to take stand alone action... and all of a sudden it's illegal ?

ok, got it.

I'd like to see Obama tell Congress: "Okay gang, you have until January 31, 2015 to put an immigration bill on my desk. If it's not there, I'll do it myself."

At least that.

Then neither silly side can bitch.


Do you know or not know that the president cannot usurp federal law, or make up laws with out congress?

I cannot fucking tell.

I guess we'll find out.

Do you think the GOP should come up with a idea, or not?

Turley is also the lawyer representing the House of Representatives in its civil actions against Obama's executive actions in the implementation of the ACA.

Just doing what he's paid to do - rouse the rabble.
This is the same guy who said the Bush Administration should be tried as war criminals. He's one of yours.

Why for not lying about wmds that were found? For enforcing the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds that was signed by Clinton?

Hey, fucking loser, obama is making W look like George Washington. You are so fucking stupid that you voted for obama the first time, then voted for him again and you brag about it to this day.

Do you have an appreciation for how dumb you actually are?
What goes around comes around, the libs will get theirs for this clowns overreach.

Well, this is the part of the story that concerns me.

The liberals are (predictably) downplaying the story, sure. But what happens if a Republican President wants to push things even further?

"Turnabout is fair play" is understandable, but I sure don't like this direction.


I would not want a Republican following in Obama's footsteps, but apparently the Dem's need to be taught a lesson. I'm not sure that's even possible, Dem's in congress are liars and dishonest elitist pukes they may be beyond saving.

I'd like to see Obama tell Congress: "Okay gang, you have until January 31, 2015 to put an immigration bill on my desk. If it's not there, I'll do it myself."

At least that.

Then neither silly side can bitch.


Do you know or not know that the president cannot usurp federal law, or make up laws with out congress?

I cannot fucking tell.

I guess we'll find out.

Do you think the GOP should come up with a idea, or not?

House GOP unveils standards for immigration reform - NBC Politics
Like allowing Ebola infected people to roam freely about the country, Obama's grant of amnesty is an act or war

Wow there are still retards trying to make something of Ebola.

Turley doesn't even know what the President plans to do, so how can he make an educated analysis of its consequences?
Immigration reform has passed the Senate and would pass in the House but for Boehner refusing to allow a vote.

How does that tyranny compare to speculation about what the President might do?
Turley is also the lawyer representing the House of Representatives in its civil actions against Obama's executive actions in the implementation of the ACA.
yeah, the "liberal" tag is just OP partisan bullshit. Turley is a staunch opponent of executive power expanding at the expense of congressional power. I don't know what Obama's got up his sleeve, but if he just said we're not deporting anyone who's been here five years or has citizen kids, has a job, and who has not committed a violent or drug/DUI crime, I think people would laugh at McConnell. The Potus gets to say how the fed govt allocated judicial resources. Off year elections not to the contrary. If the gop's got a problem, run Mittens again on "self deportation," as that worked so well last time.

sorry, link.

Jonathan Turley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Turley also has his own website if anyone's interested.

I'd like to see Obama tell Congress: "Okay gang, you have until January 31, 2015 to put an immigration bill on my desk. If it's not there, I'll do it myself."

At least that.

Then neither silly side can bitch.


Do you know or not know that the president cannot usurp federal law, or make up laws with out congress?

I cannot fucking tell.

I guess we'll find out.

Do you think the GOP should come up with a idea, or not?

House GOP unveils standards for immigration reform - NBC Politics

Great, then we find ourselves in a position very similar to the ACA.

The GOP needs to be screaming at the top of its lungs at every opportunity and in every interview that it has a clear and specific plan for immigration. I haven't seen them doing this, just as I did not see them doing it before the ACA bomb was dropped.

Nice and loud. Any day now.

Turley is also the lawyer representing the House of Representatives in its civil actions against Obama's executive actions in the implementation of the ACA.
yeah, the "liberal" tag is just OP partisan bullshit. Turley is a staunch opponent of executive power expanding at the expense of congressional power. I don't know what Obama's got up his sleeve, but if he just said we're not deporting anyone who's been here five years or has citizen kids, has a job, and who has not committed a violent or drug/DUI crime, I think people would laugh at McConnell. The Potus gets to say how the fed govt allocated judicial resources. Off year elections not to the contrary. If the gop's got a problem, run Mittens again on "self deportation," as that worked so well last time.

sorry, link.

Jonathan Turley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Turley also has his own website if anyone's interested.

No, they get to decide about executive branches, like DOJ, but the courts are funded by congress, and the lesser courts are run by the judicial branch itself, as lesser versions of the supreme court.
Turley is also the lawyer representing the House of Representatives in its civil actions against Obama's executive actions in the implementation of the ACA.
yeah, the "liberal" tag is just OP partisan bullshit. Turley is a staunch opponent of executive power expanding at the expense of congressional power. I don't know what Obama's got up his sleeve, but if he just said we're not deporting anyone who's been here five years or has citizen kids, has a job, and who has not committed a violent or drug/DUI crime, I think people would laugh at McConnell. The Potus gets to say how the fed govt allocated judicial resources. Off year elections not to the contrary. If the gop's got a problem, run Mittens again on "self deportation," as that worked so well last time.

sorry, link.

Jonathan Turley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Turley also has his own website if anyone's interested.

No, they get to decide about executive branches, like DOJ, but the courts are funded by congress, and the lesser courts are run by the judicial branch itself, as lesser versions of the supreme court.
But courts don't decide what cases to prosecute. The DOJ does. Obama is not telling any judge how to rule.
Turley is also the lawyer representing the House of Representatives in its civil actions against Obama's executive actions in the implementation of the ACA.
yeah, the "liberal" tag is just OP partisan bullshit. Turley is a staunch opponent of executive power expanding at the expense of congressional power. I don't know what Obama's got up his sleeve, but if he just said we're not deporting anyone who's been here five years or has citizen kids, has a job, and who has not committed a violent or drug/DUI crime, I think people would laugh at McConnell. The Potus gets to say how the fed govt allocated judicial resources. Off year elections not to the contrary. If the gop's got a problem, run Mittens again on "self deportation," as that worked so well last time.

sorry, link.

Jonathan Turley - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Turley also has his own website if anyone's interested.

No, they get to decide about executive branches, like DOJ, but the courts are funded by congress, and the lesser courts are run by the judicial branch itself, as lesser versions of the supreme court.
But courts don't decide what cases to prosecute. The DOJ does. Obama is not telling any judge how to rule.

Good point, but here is a question,

How would you feel about a president telling the EPA to no longer enforce the Clean Air Act?
Turley is also the lawyer representing the House of Representatives in its civil actions against Obama's executive actions in the implementation of the ACA.

Do you have problems with people concerned about a President stepping outside of his enumerated powers? Or, are you of the mindset that any US President, regardless of party or conservative/liberal bent, can simply use a pen and a phone?

I'd like to see Obama tell Congress: "Okay gang, you have until January 31, 2015 to put an immigration bill on my desk. If it's not there, I'll do it myself."

At least that.

Then neither silly side can bitch.


Do you know or not know that the president cannot usurp federal law, or make up laws with out congress?

I cannot fucking tell.

I guess we'll find out.

Do you think the GOP should come up with a idea, or not?

House GOP unveils standards for immigration reform - NBC Politics

Great, then we find ourselves in a position very similar to the ACA.

The GOP needs to be screaming at the top of its lungs at every opportunity and in every interview that it has a clear and specific plan for immigration. I haven't seen them doing this, just as I did not see them doing it before the ACA bomb was dropped.

Nice and loud. Any day now.


You did not see or hear the republicans say anything against obamacare?

Huh, not one of them voted for it.

But, you wanted to hear from them?

Maybe you missed Ted Cruz filibuster for 21 hours to prevent the fraud that ACA is.

Gowdy talks Obamacare and Executive Overreach with Lou Dobbs

House Speaker Boehner Speaks After ObamaCare Voted Defunded


I'd like to see Obama tell Congress: "Okay gang, you have until January 31, 2015 to put an immigration bill on my desk. If it's not there, I'll do it myself."

At least that.

Then neither silly side can bitch.


Do you know or not know that the president cannot usurp federal law, or make up laws with out congress?

I cannot fucking tell.

I guess we'll find out.

Do you think the GOP should come up with a idea, or not?

House GOP unveils standards for immigration reform - NBC Politics

Great, then we find ourselves in a position very similar to the ACA.

The GOP needs to be screaming at the top of its lungs at every opportunity and in every interview that it has a clear and specific plan for immigration. I haven't seen them doing this, just as I did not see them doing it before the ACA bomb was dropped.

Nice and loud. Any day now.


You did not see or hear the republicans say anything against obamacare?

Huh, not one of them voted for it.

But, you wanted to hear from them?

Maybe you missed Ted Cruz filibuster for 21 hours to prevent the fraud that ACA is.

Gowdy talks Obamacare and Executive Overreach with Lou Dobbs

House Speaker Boehner Speaks After ObamaCare Voted Defunded

No, that's not what I said.

What I said was that the GOP did not take every opportunity to explain its health care plan, not just slam the ACA.

I think I made that pretty clear.

So now they have another chance on immigration. Let's see if they really have a plan, or they just watch again.


I'd like to see Obama tell Congress: "Okay gang, you have until January 31, 2015 to put an immigration bill on my desk. If it's not there, I'll do it myself."

At least that.

Then neither silly side can bitch.


He's been doing that for - how many years now?

The bill they both agreed on has been sitting on Boehner's desk for - how many years now?

And what have they done?

They obstruct, play golf, pose for photo ops and obstruct some more.
Do you know or not know that the president cannot usurp federal law, or make up laws with out congress?

I cannot fucking tell.

I guess we'll find out.

Do you think the GOP should come up with a idea, or not?

House GOP unveils standards for immigration reform - NBC Politics

Great, then we find ourselves in a position very similar to the ACA.

The GOP needs to be screaming at the top of its lungs at every opportunity and in every interview that it has a clear and specific plan for immigration. I haven't seen them doing this, just as I did not see them doing it before the ACA bomb was dropped.

Nice and loud. Any day now.


You did not see or hear the republicans say anything against obamacare?

Huh, not one of them voted for it.

But, you wanted to hear from them?

Maybe you missed Ted Cruz filibuster for 21 hours to prevent the fraud that ACA is.

Gowdy talks Obamacare and Executive Overreach with Lou Dobbs

House Speaker Boehner Speaks After ObamaCare Voted Defunded

No, that's not what I said.

What I said was that the GOP did not take every opportunity to explain its health care plan, not just slam the ACA.

I think I made that pretty clear.

So now they have another chance on immigration. Let's see if they really have a plan, or they just watch again.


So, we need to restate the obvious? That Illegal immigration is a danger to the culture on innumerable levels, because it sucks money out of the government's fiscal means, introduces foreign ideas hostile to American Principle, promotes election fraud, undermines cultural cohesion and so on?

Is that your position?

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