Why do Democrats lie so often with such obvious and easily-refuted lies on Gruber etc.?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Why do Democrats lie so often with such obvious and easily-refuted lies on Gruber etc.?

The answer is equally obvious:
Because they know the grief they will catch for telling those obvious lies, is far less than the grief they will catch if they had acknowledged the truth.

Truth about pretending the Obamacare mandate wasn't a tax.
Truth about pretending you could keep your doctor or your health care plan.
Truth about their program grossly increasing insurance costs.
Truth about who allowed the IRS to target conservatives.
Truth about who allowed the NSA to spy on Americans.
Truth about why the Democrats reduced security at our middle Eastern embassies and consulates during the 2012 Presidential campaigns, leading to the Benghazi attacks.

They would much rather have to face accusations of lying about these and other things, than have to answer for the really serious things they did.

Lying may be obvious and blatant. But it still makes a great smokescreen to keep people from asking about what the Democrats are covering up.

Lying is integral to the Democrats' approach to nearly every item on their agenda. They could never have gained power, much less used it, without lying and deceiving the American people about what they were doing and what they wanted to accomplish. If the American people had known the truth about them, they would have voted the Democrats out of power years (actually decades) ago.
So Acorn, which deity is higher on your cult's totem pole, Alinsky or Gruber?

Do you conservatives have to worship them both to go to conservative heaven?

What are the specific chants, prayers and rituals involved in your worship of each?

Which one do you yourself love the most?

Please forgive all the questions, but we liberals are a curious sort, so we're always interested in the pagan rituals of primitive religious cults.
The left lies because they understand the way the media works today. They will NOT be challenged on their lies until those lies come to the forefront. In other words - if Bush had told the lies that Barry has told - the media would be relentless in calling him on it.

It is obvious to anyone who looks - that this Gruber asshole was in direct contact with Obama for the entire building of this boondoggle - and Gruber has said as much. Barry, on the other hand, knows that all he has to do is deny and the matter is dropped by the media (with the exception of FOX). Were it not for FOX - the American people would have never have known about this jerk off.

When the left knows they can say (and do) pretty much anything they wish - with no responsibility and no accountability by the media - then they (the media) are no better than the former TASS in the Soviet Union. And, sadly, that's where we are now.

When you place "party" above "country" - you get communism.
They get away with it because they are protected by the liberal media. If a crook like Gruber popped up in the Nixon administration the so-called "investigative reporters" would be falling all over each other trying to cover the story. Obama would have been laughed out of office years ago if he wasn't protected by the liberal media.
The "American" Left HAS to lie because the truth is they are ugly, anti-American, Fascist fucks. If they told the truth it would be, "You're too stupid to run your life, the government is going to do it for you and we'll kill you if you have a problem with that"
Melissa Francis while at CNBC was called on the carpet multiple times for being too critical of Obama for simple telling the truth about Obamacare. Liberals are liars and they have pretty much the entire liberal media flying cover for their lies. Its an unholy alliance of evil!
Larry Elder nailed it when he identified the media as one of the pillars of the 'Axis of Indoctrination' for the left; with the other two being academia and Hollywood.
It's a measure of the liberals' hubris that Gruber felt fine with admitting their lies in a public forum with cameras rolling.

Lying and deceiving the American public, as well as expressing his contempt for them, comes so naturally to these people that they forget that anyone (such as the aforementioned American people) might object at all.
Equally valid are these questions:

Why do snakes slither?
Why do sharks swim?
Why do bats fly?
Why do ticks bite?

I'm sure you can think of more - unless you're a Democrat and aren't allowed to. Think, that is.

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