Lets take a look at what a REAL racial crime looks like...


Lets see the same outrage about race from you lefties. This time you might be right although I suspect you will remain silent.

Absolutely Outraged. But not as much as if they had not been charged....and definitely not as much as if they got off in a trial.

GZ was charged despite the lack of evidence. Subsequently he was found not guilty as a result.

Now back to the topic at hand. How long befor holder "investigates" civil rights violations and the msm goes wall to wall with coverage of this racially motivated crime?

Not long even thought the FBI has stated there is nothing on Zimmerman and there's no need to persue such charges.

Holder is out pimping race politics as usual.
Absolutely Outraged. But not as much as if they had not been charged....and definitely not as much as if they got off in a trial.

GZ was charged despite the lack of evidence. Subsequently he was found not guilty as a result.

Now back to the topic at hand. How long befor holder "investigates" civil rights violations and the msm goes wall to wall with coverage of this racially motivated crime?

Not long even thought the FBI has stated there is nothing on Zimmerman and there's no need to persue such charges.

Holder is out pimping race politics as usual.

Yup, the FBI questioned 35 people about Zimmerman and found squat. Holder is playing politics and nothing more but the race hustlers among us are too stupid to figure it out.
GZ was charged despite the lack of evidence. Subsequently he was found not guilty as a result.

Now back to the topic at hand. How long befor holder "investigates" civil rights violations and the msm goes wall to wall with coverage of this racially motivated crime?

Not long even thought the FBI has stated there is nothing on Zimmerman and there's no need to persue such charges.

Holder is out pimping race politics as usual.

Yup, the FBI questioned 35 people about Zimmerman and found squat. Holder is playing politics and nothing more but the race hustlers among us are too stupid to figure it out.


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