CDZ let's prepare for the attack on Taiwan a lot better than we did for the attack on Ukraine..

yeah, that sounds great.

but in reality, much like in Ukraine, it is the western doctrine of expansion of our way of life and governing that is fueling an endless war in which many will die horrible deaths.

by arming the people of Ukraine and Taiwan to fight the "evil" communists (people who are merely protecting their own backyard in both cases), by demonizing the communists in both cases, we are in effect placing ourselves on the wrong side of history.
historians will recognize the right of non-democratic leaderships to defend their own backyard from invasion by capitalist government forms, which often aren't that free to begin with.
the US mainstream is served by a mainstream media which is very polarized and which spends a great deal of it's time attacking the other side of the political spectrum based on gossip-like complaints which are repeated over and over.
my own Netherlands doesn't even have independent forums like, it has a petitions website, but getting those petitions "airtime" requires huge amounts of money to run ads on our mass-media outlets.

don't get me wrong, i love living in the meager but real freedom that i'm allowed by my western capitalist alliance NATO, but the fact remains that one can get the same quality of life in a communist or religiously ruled country (Iran) if one does not criticize the government. the rules in an autocracy are only slightly stiffer. in an autocracy, one can get a visit from some police force for speaking against the government, here in the west one is simply ignored by the government because they know they have total control over the schools and mass-media.

i saw this first hand when i complained for the last 5 to 8 years about the encroachment NATO did against Russia's western border.
Putin's invasion of Ukraine surprised me, and it's disregard for the suffering of the innocent there even more, and Putin's refusal to link up Sevastopol (home of his naval base in Crimea) to Russia via a Chinese belt-and-road built railroad heading straight East from Sevastopol and then North struck me as particularly inhumane, but maybe there *is* more going on in Ukraine's government, things that required a pruning of the land, military, population and government of Ukraine.
one thing's for sure, the west will never tell you the truth about Ukraine, since Ukraine was chosen by our leaders to become part of NATO one day. but even we have to recognize publicly there were too many problems in Ukraine's government for them to be put on the fast track.

my point is : expansion of the capitalist semi-free government style is great, *except* when it creates wars that put millions in prolonged suffering and millions more as the new poor who barely speak western languages in western countries as refugees. it is always the poor and the middle class from those new warzones who suffer the fate of ending up poor refugees. and they often bring attitudes about life and crime that make them a criminal threat to the population of the country that hosts them as refugees. our leaders don't care about non-educated former middle class or poor people, yet our PR problems force them to accept these people as refugees just as much as valuable workers who can remain middle-class or wealthier in their new home country.
You cannot get the same quality of life in a communist country where you are killed for simply saying something your leader doesn't like. Only the party faithful who are willing be as corrupt as they are told to do have an opportunity to be more than a serf. The Chinese people did not vote for communisim, they were murdered by the tens of millions until they were forced to submit. I have no respect or se for anyone who wants to defend that government. The people of Taiwan were the leaders of china before they were forced out by the brutal thigs called communists. The people of Hong Kong tried to be free from the murdering thugs of China, those who spoke out have been disappeared. I think you work for XI the way you attack free nations and support without question the most brutal and dangerous government in the history of earth
Our entire military strategy in case of Chinese war against Taiwan should be focused on protecting the evacuation efforts for long enough so that the entire Taiwanese population, including it's soldiers, are in fact safely relocated to other locations in the world.
Are you insane?

thats the silliest idea I have heard in a long time

if china invades the Taiwanese will resist

and the free nations must come to their defense

mass evacuation is never going to happen
here we go again, gambling with the lives of others and hiding behind shady definitions of what a country is supposed to be in order to be recognized as an independent nation.

both in Ukraine and Taiwan, we foster pro-western feelings among the population and politicians, but we effectively end up using them as cannon fodder when a fight between them and the nearby non-democratic superpower country arises, which always happens eventually, and our own politicians know this, but nevertheless have no problems using the locals as cannon fodder, and filling our own airwaves with calls for donations to the locals during their time of severe suffering during such conflicts, to keep our own populations distracted and compliant with the supposedly great international capitalism-expansion project.
this is very very shameful, and i wish to hereby at least once file an official complaint about it.

for more information, see :

A country becomes a sovereign nation when most of the world recognizes it as such.

The vast majority of the world does NOT recognize taiwan.

Why not?
A country becomes an independent nation when they engage in self-determination, moron. Go back to school, study AND PAY FUCKING ATTENTION THIS TIME.
Awwww. You think hawaii is a independent country. That's cute. Lol
Nope, moron. If you recall, Hawaii, a territory of the US, CHOSE statehood in 1960. Taiwan, on the other hand, chose independence in a civil war with CCP in 1949. Reach up your ass for some more idiocy. Did you actually complete third grade? It is disappointing to see ignorance on such a scale as you are exhibiting, so please study and learn and quit embarrassing yourself. -
The Taiwanese population stands at 23.6 million people.

But evacuating these people in the event of a war by the Chinese, which is something that President Xi has repeated over and over to be one of his primary goals, can only happen by airplane or ship. Obviously ships would be more practical. But we'd need to properly prepare enough civilian ships for this task, and we'd better start preparing for that now.

And evacuating the mission-critical personnel and -equipment of the computer chips factories in Taiwan at the first sign of war also seems crucial for the entire western civilian and defense industries to me.

Our entire military strategy in case of Chinese war against Taiwan should be focused on protecting the evacuation efforts for long enough so that the entire Taiwanese population, including it's soldiers, are in fact safely relocated to other locations in the world.

We'd need to indoctrinate our own people about the very real fact that not all Asians are the same, and that a Taiwanese person is much more in tune with western style thinking than a Chinese. If we fail to do this, then our own people's tendency to be racist towards people of other skin colors from hostile regions will gravely upset efforts to integrate the evacuated Taiwanese into western societies, which in turn would upset our own ability to produce enough microchips.

The fact is, with China heavily investing in it's military and military tech level, we can not realistically hope to hold on to Taiwan.
It is simply too close to the Chinese mainland.

With what we've seen from Putin in Ukraine, and from Xi against the Uighurs and from previous Chinese leaders against the Tibetans, it would be shameful for us (not to mention extremely hard to justify later on the timeline), if we do not prepare a proper defense-and-evacuation plan for people in near-future conflict zones like Taiwan.

i will forward the URL to this thread to the whitehouse and selected western political parties, intelligence organisations, and mass-media companies.
opinions are of course very welcome.
We have no treaties with Taiwan. Give them 20 nukes and move on. We need to sunset all our non-Americas defense treaties for ten year terms.
Nope, moron. If you recall, Hawaii, a territory of the US, CHOSE statehood in 1960. Taiwan, on the other hand, chose independence in a civil war with CCP in 1949. Reach up your ass for some more idiocy. Did you actually complete third grade? It is disappointing to see ignorance on such a scale as you are exhibiting, so please study and learn and quit embarrassing yourself. -
Awww. You hate the people of hawaii who NOW TODAY choose to be a sovereign nation.

You seem very upset

I love it. Lol
You seem upset that some people in hawaii have declared themselves a sovereign nation. They meet regularly and have their own flag

Dont cry

LMAO, Yeah, I remember the Posse Comitadas, Branch Davidians, Bhagwan Rajneesh, Jim Jones and all the other whack job movements too. I don't think the movement you are relating to is relevant to a NATION who has been self governing for over 60 years and has had and still does have diplomatic relations with the US. You just keep reaching up your ass for this shit, moron. LOLOLOLOLOL. Where did you go to school? I want to steer my kids clear of there.
LMAO, Yeah, I remember the Posse Comitadas, Branch Davidians, Bhagwan Rajneesh, Jim Jones and all the other whack job movements too. I don't think the movement you are relating to is relevant to a NATION who has been self governing for over 60 years and has had and still does have diplomatic relations with the US. You just keep reaching up your ass for this shit, moron. LOLOLOLOLOL. Where did you go to school? I want to steer my kids clear of there.
Yeah I agree. Almost no one recognizes Taiwan as a country because it is part of China. We dont even have a treaty to defend them with military force.

Taiwan is china. If china invades it wont be our problem

Now. Would you like to say something about my mother? Lol

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