Let's Nationalize the Police....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
So on my way to work I was listening to the local radio channel and they took a call from this whiny liberal black idiot, who insisted that because he is an "oppressed minority", he understands what racism is, because he sees it everywhere, and in everything. That's a summary of course because it was almost intolerable having to listen to this freakishly ignorant bed wetter. When he went on to assert that we needed to nationalize the police I almost lost my shit.

Nationalizing police has worked really great in the past. Especially for "oppressed minorities", just ask 6 million european Jews in a fuckin séance, or 20 million russian souls on "early release" thanks to the NKVD. This bed wetting imbecile, and the rest of the jabbering retard moonbats I've heard suggest it love to parrot that the police are currently unaccountable. Never mind the fact that cops are constantly under scrutiny, regularly end up on trial only to get exonerated by civilian juries, and subjected to prison if they are convicted. When was the last federal official held accountable, tried and put in prison for destroying a citizen's life or liberty? How about convicted for massive corruption we all know most of them are involved in?

You want a police force that is UNACCOUNTABLE? Nationalize ours. Look what the federal police did in Ruby Ridge and Waco. We mocked the Chinese and scorned them for murdering their own people with tanks and military force, then watched Clinton do it to our people and NOT ONE MOTHER FUCKER was even charged. The government had to pay several Davidians in civil court and had to pay Randy Weaver but not one evil do-er faced any scrutiny in court or the media for mass murder.

I actually kinda hope the bed wetters get their way, because it will be the cities with the most police "protection" that will be "served" by police that can't be held accountable. Every single one of the officers left after the democrooks purge the depts. of "unfit" officers will likely be rouges, vicious, corrupt and without a drop of empathy. The biggest mistake we ever made was trying to prevent liberals from getting abortions. These pieces of shit should have been sucked out of the womb or sterilized generations ago. Now their mouth breathing genetic waste clogs our cities, burns shit down in honor of criminal scum, and elects babbling demented racist dumbfucks like Joe Biden. I welcome the collapse.

So on my way to work I was listening to the local radio channel and they took a call from this whiny liberal black idiot, who insisted that because he is an "oppressed minority", he understands what racism is, because he sees it everywhere, and in everything. That's a summary of course because it was almost intolerable having to listen to this freakishly ignorant bed wetter. When he went on to assert that we needed to nationalize the police I almost lost my shit.

Nationalizing police has worked really great in the past. ask 6 million european Jews in a fuckin séance, or 20 million russian souls on "early release" thanks to the NKVD. This bed wetting imbecile, and the rest of the jabbering retard moonbats I've heard suggest it love to parrot that the police are currently unaccountable. Never mind the fact that cops are constantly under scrutiny, regularly end up on trial only to get exonerated by civilian juries, and subjected to prison if they are convicted. When was the last federal official held accountable, tried and put in prison for destroying a citizen's life or liberty? How about convicted for massive corruption we all know most of them are involved in?

You want a police force that is UNACCOUNTABLE? Nationalize ours. Look what the federal police did in Ruby Ridge and Waco. We mocked the Chinese and scorned them for murdering their own people with tanks and military force, then watched Clinton do it to our people and NOT ONE MOTHER FUCKER was even charged. The government had to pay several Davidians in civil court and had to pay Randy Weaver but not one evil do-er faced any scrutiny in court or the media for mass murder.

I actually kinda hope the bed wetters get their way, because it will be the cities with the most police "protection" that will be "served" by police that can't be held accountable. Every single one of the officers left after the democrooks purge the depts of "unfit" officers will likely be rouges, vicious, corrupt and without a drop of empathy. The biggest mistake we ever made was trying to prevent liberals from getting abortions. These pieces of shit should have been sucked out of the womb or sterilized generations ago. Now their mouth breathing genetic waste clogs our cities, burns shit down in honor of criminal scum, and elects babbling demented racist dumbfucks like Joe Biden. I welcome the collapse.

My solution is that at first when you disrespect a cop, they can palm slap you across the face and arrest on the spot. Of course training for this slap as to not break the skin
Just take all the straight white males out of the police force and everything will be solved.

it’s so simple and obvious. Conservatives will never allow it, but Biden could easily get it done with a stroke of a pen

I like the idea of a nationalized police force. This would give the government the authority to purge all the white men from the police force. It would never get done at the local level,especially in rural, white supremacist America
So on my way to work I was listening to the local radio channel and they took a call from this whiny liberal black idiot, who insisted that because he is an "oppressed minority", he understands what racism is, because he sees it everywhere, and in everything. That's a summary of course because it was almost intolerable having to listen to this freakishly ignorant bed wetter. When he went on to assert that we needed to nationalize the police I almost lost my shit.

Nationalizing police has worked really great in the past. Especially for "oppressed minorities", just ask 6 million european Jews in a fuckin séance, or 20 million russian souls on "early release" thanks to the NKVD. This bed wetting imbecile, and the rest of the jabbering retard moonbats I've heard suggest it love to parrot that the police are currently unaccountable. Never mind the fact that cops are constantly under scrutiny, regularly end up on trial only to get exonerated by civilian juries, and subjected to prison if they are convicted. When was the last federal official held accountable, tried and put in prison for destroying a citizen's life or liberty? How about convicted for massive corruption we all know most of them are involved in?

You want a police force that is UNACCOUNTABLE? Nationalize ours. Look what the federal police did in Ruby Ridge and Waco. We mocked the Chinese and scorned them for murdering their own people with tanks and military force, then watched Clinton do it to our people and NOT ONE MOTHER FUCKER was even charged. The government had to pay several Davidians in civil court and had to pay Randy Weaver but not one evil do-er faced any scrutiny in court or the media for mass murder.

I actually kinda hope the bed wetters get their way, because it will be the cities with the most police "protection" that will be "served" by police that can't be held accountable. Every single one of the officers left after the democrooks purge the depts. of "unfit" officers will likely be rouges, vicious, corrupt and without a drop of empathy. The biggest mistake we ever made was trying to prevent liberals from getting abortions. These pieces of shit should have been sucked out of the womb or sterilized generations ago. Now their mouth breathing genetic waste clogs our cities, burns shit down in honor of criminal scum, and elects babbling demented racist dumbfucks like Joe Biden. I welcome the collapse.

A national police force would be as corrupt as our FBI. They would only persecute conservatives and the innocent, while allowing black thugs to reign terror. They’re already doing it.
Just make cops as liable as perps for their actions or call it parity if you like, the riots and unrest will continue as long as civilians feel abused by the pigs man, get hip to the trip.
So on my way to work I was listening to the local radio channel and they took a call from this whiny liberal black idiot, who insisted that because he is an "oppressed minority", he understands what racism is, because he sees it everywhere, and in everything. That's a summary of course because it was almost intolerable having to listen to this freakishly ignorant bed wetter. When he went on to assert that we needed to nationalize the police I almost lost my shit.

Nationalizing police has worked really great in the past. Especially for "oppressed minorities", just ask 6 million european Jews in a fuckin séance, or 20 million russian souls on "early release" thanks to the NKVD. This bed wetting imbecile, and the rest of the jabbering retard moonbats I've heard suggest it love to parrot that the police are currently unaccountable. Never mind the fact that cops are constantly under scrutiny, regularly end up on trial only to get exonerated by civilian juries, and subjected to prison if they are convicted. When was the last federal official held accountable, tried and put in prison for destroying a citizen's life or liberty? How about convicted for massive corruption we all know most of them are involved in?

You want a police force that is UNACCOUNTABLE? Nationalize ours. Look what the federal police did in Ruby Ridge and Waco. We mocked the Chinese and scorned them for murdering their own people with tanks and military force, then watched Clinton do it to our people and NOT ONE MOTHER FUCKER was even charged. The government had to pay several Davidians in civil court and had to pay Randy Weaver but not one evil do-er faced any scrutiny in court or the media for mass murder.

I actually kinda hope the bed wetters get their way, because it will be the cities with the most police "protection" that will be "served" by police that can't be held accountable. Every single one of the officers left after the democrooks purge the depts. of "unfit" officers will likely be rouges, vicious, corrupt and without a drop of empathy. The biggest mistake we ever made was trying to prevent liberals from getting abortions. These pieces of shit should have been sucked out of the womb or sterilized generations ago. Now their mouth breathing genetic waste clogs our cities, burns shit down in honor of criminal scum, and elects babbling demented racist dumbfucks like Joe Biden. I welcome the collapse.


Yeah, the govt murdered several at waco and ruby ridge but never were held accountable in a court.
Just take all the straight white males out of the police force and everything will be solved.

it’s so simple and obvious. Conservatives will never allow it, but Biden could easily get it done with a stroke of a pen

I like the idea of a nationalized police force. This would give the government the authority to purge all the white men from the police force. It would never get done at the local level,especially in rural, white supremacist America
How do we take the straight white males and fire them? I would just say I wear dresses during my down time and call myself Klinger. I'm sure no one here has ever called you a fucking moron, but I shall.
the local radio channel and they took a call from this whiny liberal black idiot, who insisted that because he is an "oppressed minority", he understands what racism is, because he sees it everywhere, and in everything. That's a summary of course because it was almost intolerable having to listen to this freakishly ignorant bed wetter.

Sounds like a sucker plant.
the local radio channel and they took a call from this whiny liberal black idiot, who insisted that because he is an "oppressed minority", he understands what racism is, because he sees it everywhere, and in everything. That's a summary of course because it was almost intolerable having to listen to this freakishly ignorant bed wetter.

Sounds like a sucker plant.
You've listened to Rush Limbaugh also?
Just take all the straight white males out of the police force and everything will be solved.

it’s so simple and obvious. Conservatives will never allow it, but Biden could easily get it done with a stroke of a pen

I like the idea of a nationalized police force. This would give the government the authority to purge all the white men from the police force. It would never get done at the local level,especially in rural, white supremacist America
White straight men must be the bane of your very existence.


Worst idea ever. The best thing about policing is localization.
Just take all the straight white males out of the police force and everything will be solved.

it’s so simple and obvious. Conservatives will never allow it, but Biden could easily get it done with a stroke of a pen

I like the idea of a nationalized police force. This would give the government the authority to purge all the white men from the police force. It would never get done at the local level,especially in rural, white supremacist America
But blacks are too lazy to do anything especially be a cop, and gays and trannies might break a nail getting in and out of the police vehicles.
Just take all the straight white males out of the police force and everything will be solved.

it’s so simple and obvious. Conservatives will never allow it, but Biden could easily get it done with a stroke of a pen

I like the idea of a nationalized police force. This would give the government the authority to purge all the white men from the police force. It would never get done at the local level,especially in rural, white supremacist America

I bet you believe in fairy tales as well.

the local radio channel and they took a call from this whiny liberal black idiot, who insisted that because he is an "oppressed minority", he understands what racism is, because he sees it everywhere, and in everything. That's a summary of course because it was almost intolerable having to listen to this freakishly ignorant bed wetter.

Sounds like a sucker plant.
You've listened to Rush Limbaugh also?

And Hannity too.

They were on the station I listened to for traffic in the Morning and the Astros. So some times at lunch and on the way home I caught a few minutes of the Clown shows. The subtle lies, vitriolic humor and scripted guests has become GOP mainstream, thank the Don.....
the local radio channel and they took a call from this whiny liberal black idiot, who insisted that because he is an "oppressed minority", he understands what racism is, because he sees it everywhere, and in everything. That's a summary of course because it was almost intolerable having to listen to this freakishly ignorant bed wetter.

Sounds like a sucker plant.
You've listened to Rush Limbaugh also?

And Hannity too.

They were on the station I listened to for traffic in the Morning and the Astros. So some times at lunch and on the way home I caught a few minutes of the Clown shows. The subtle lies, vitriolic humor and scripted guests has become GOP mainstream, thank the Don.....
I used to eat lunch in my truck(so I could get high) and Rush would be on and I just couldn't believe the bullshit he pulled, this was 1990-91 I put him in the same category of crap entertainment as Howard Stern even though Howard had boobs on his show the rest sucked.

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