Let’s Not Panic Over Romney’s Defeat

The American Spectator : Let

First of all, Romney ran a damned good race. He was up in the polls by as much as 7 points (Gallup) going into the last week. Where he got sandbagged was Hurricane Sandy. The storm captured the nation's attention and pushed the election off the front page. It gave President Obama a chance to act presidential (with vague memories of President George Bush Jr.'s initial inaction on Hurricane Katrina reverberating in the background) and to shake hands with Chris Christie. Now I don't fault Christie either and don't see any nefarious plot to maneuver for 2016. A governor has to act on behalf of his state. Parts of New Jersey were devastated, and if Christie had snubbed Obama, it would have put thousands of his constituents in immediate danger -- and been interpreted as his fault as well.

Freewill Romney ran a good race from the 1st debate to the 2nd one....after Candy Crowley screwed him by showing her being in the bag for Obama and taking the biggest news story off the table BENGHAZI......it knocked Romney off and he never recovered. Did anyone notice how Obama knew she had THE TRANSCRIPT already to go?! THAT was the end of this election. It turned it all around. Romney was a wimp from that point on, letting the POS get away with not answering for Benghazi.

I agree with Rush.....if there was an election to lose, this was it. Now theres no getting around it...he owns HIS economy....we know things will get worse under his policies. In 2014 the people wake up, the 3 million GOP who sat this out come out, we take the Senate and in 2016 we take the WH. :clap2:
He tried to play it too safe when the moment called for a more aggressive push toward the finish line. It was his to win or lose, and he lost it.

He acted presidential and lost. But I seriously doubt there was much more he could do to win. There were, as I thought, very effective ads run by Romney and he at least won or tied in all the debates. So in my opinion the fix was in there was nothing anyone could do, that is why Obama hardly ran.

He did very well in the first debate and then decided to coast in from there rather than risk a more aggressive tone in the last two debates and in the last months of the campaign in general.

The American Spectator : Let

First of all, Romney ran a damned good race. He was up in the polls by as much as 7 points (Gallup) going into the last week. Where he got sandbagged was Hurricane Sandy. The storm captured the nation's attention and pushed the election off the front page. It gave President Obama a chance to act presidential (with vague memories of President George Bush Jr.'s initial inaction on Hurricane Katrina reverberating in the background) and to shake hands with Chris Christie. Now I don't fault Christie either and don't see any nefarious plot to maneuver for 2016. A governor has to act on behalf of his state. Parts of New Jersey were devastated, and if Christie had snubbed Obama, it would have put thousands of his constituents in immediate danger -- and been interpreted as his fault as well.

Freewill Romney ran a good race from the 1st debate to the 2nd one....after Candy Crowley screwed him by showing her being in the bag for Obama and taking the biggest news story off the table BENGHAZI......it knocked Romney off and he never recovered. Did anyone notice how Obama knew she had THE TRANSCRIPT already to go?! THAT was the end of this election. It turned it all around. Romney was a wimp from that point on, letting the POS get away with not answering for Benghazi.

I agree with Rush.....if there was an election to lose, this was it. Now theres no getting around it...he owns HIS economy....we know things will get worse under his policies. In 2014 the people wake up, the 3 million GOP who sat this out come out, we take the Senate and in 2016 we take the WH. :clap2:

You are making a 2016 Presidential election prediction now? Would you like to reconsider this?
when have you right wing fucks EVER been correct in your predictions of the effect of policy?
Not accusing you of anything but isn't it a sad statement on our society when the advice for Romney is he should have gotten more aggressive (i.e. nasty as did Obama)

I didn't say "nasty."

As i said I wasn't accusing you. But what else could Romney have done? .

He could have pressed obama harder in the 2nd and 3rd debates. People were eager to see him do it. He could have gone on every talking head show he could find and made his case clearly and forcefully. He didn't do ANY interviews the last few weeks of the campaign.
What's the matter? No self-confidence? Not sure you can rise to the top?

I am not worried about myself, my six figure income has served me well. But our children's futrue, I am not to sure of. If you think selling our children's future for an 8 percent unemployment rate is a good thing then maybe we do need to legalize drugs so I too could think such happy thoughts.

Why? Haven't you done your job as a parent? Aren't your kids as prepared as you are?

BTW, why do you think I will believe that you have a "six figure income"?

Anyone who lacks awareness to the degree that you do is, in my opinion, incapable of earning that kind of income.

You believe all such kinds of lies I expect you not to believe the truth or not recognize it when you see it. Must really burn to think how much smarter you are then me yet I am more successful. Must really hurt. Put some Obamacare ointment on that butt burn.

There is nothing I can do about the 5 trillion dollars in debt placed on your children. When it all comes due I am sure you will take full responsibility.

You are right though, if I were a self-centered liberal I would be quite happy. I made more money last year then ever. I made money from fracking and finally my investments started to look better. I guess I should just do as you an Jillian, put my fingers in my ears, cover my eyes and think happy thoughts. Rainbows and unicorns.

BTW, I paid cash for the entirity of my children's education, through college. No governement help for this working man. Oh wait I think the American legion gave one 100 dollars.
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I didn't say "nasty."

As i said I wasn't accusing you. But what else could Romney have done? .

He could have pressed obama harder in the 2nd and 3rd debates. People were eager to see him do it. He could have gone on every talking head show he could find and made his case clearly and forcefully. He didn't do ANY interviews the last few weeks of the campaign.

I agree he ignorantly handed Obama the race when he thought he couldn't lose......He got cocky and stupid. Not to mention the New Jersey fat bastard didnt help any ether. We have got to stop nominating Moderate pussies.
You mean other than I was RIGHT?

A typical liberal conclusion. The fact that obama won the election does not 'prove' your personal bigotry "right," you hateful cur. And it most certainly does not legitimize your amateur analysis of prior elections. Don't get too excited over this or it's going to hurt all the more later.

I'm the primary kind of voter the GOP needs to win back if it hopes to have a future. .

Thanks but no thanks. YOU are ten miles to the left of most people in the democrat party. We sure as hell don't need you.
I didn't say "nasty."

As i said I wasn't accusing you. But what else could Romney have done? .

He could have pressed obama harder in the 2nd and 3rd debates. People were eager to see him do it. He could have gone on every talking head show he could find and made his case clearly and forcefully. He didn't do ANY interviews the last few weeks of the campaign.

I agree, he could have and should have. But I am so jaded that I don't believe in our election process anymore so I doubt even that would have helped.
A typical liberal conclusion. The fact that obama won the election does not 'prove' your personal bigotry "right," you hateful cur. And it most certainly does not legitimize your amateur analysis of prior elections. Don't get too excited over this or it's going to hurt all the more later.

I'm the primary kind of voter the GOP needs to win back if it hopes to have a future. .

Thanks but no thanks. YOU are ten miles to the left of most people in the democrat party. We sure as hell don't need you.

But isn't it nice all the liberals that now want to help conservatives?
I am not worried about myself, my six figure income has served me well. But our children's futrue, I am not to sure of. If you think selling our children's future for an 8 percent unemployment rate is a good thing then maybe we do need to legalize drugs so I too could think such happy thoughts.

Why? Haven't you done your job as a parent? Aren't your kids as prepared as you are?

BTW, why do you think I will believe that you have a "six figure income"?

Anyone who lacks awareness to the degree that you do is, in my opinion, incapable of earning that kind of income.

You believe all such kinds of lies I expect you not to believe the truth or not recognize it when you see it. Must really burn to think how much smarter you are then me yet I am more successful. Must really hurt. Put some Obamacare ointment on that butt burn.

There is nothing I can do about the 5 trillion dollars in debt placed on your children. When it all comes due I am sure you will take full responsibility.

You are right though, if I were a self-centered liberal I would be quite happy. I made more money last year then ever. I made money from fracking and finally my investments started to look better. I guess I should just do as you an Jillian, put my fingers in my ears, cover my eyes and think happy thoughts. Rainbows and unicorns.

BTW, I paid cash for the entirity of my children's education, through college. No governement help for this working man. Oh wait I think the American legion gave one 100 dollars.

than me
than ever

Nobody believes you.
Does anyone else find it strange that all of our self-sufficient, capable, prepared-for-Armageddon nutters have such dim hopes for their future?

If you have life figured out, skills and assets gained from a lifetime of diligence and a strong work ethic.....and are a rugged real American survivor with "god" on your side.....AND.....your primary competition for life's necessities consists of emotional, moronic pansies......WHY ALL THE FUCKING ANXIETY?

What anxiety? And do you think we take pleasure in watching our fellow citizens destroy themselves? Especially when they can avoid it so easily.

Avoid it so easily? HOW???
First of all, Romney ran the worst campaign in living memory for such a well funded candidate.

Amen! I'm 65, and he was the worst piece of shit presidential candidate in my lifetime to date.

Don't be ridiculous. Dukakis, Dole, Kerry and McCain all ran much worse campaigns.

"I'm a Democrat in the Democrat tradition." - Mike Dukakis

"What's that? Losing every state but Massachusetts?" - Jay Leno.
Dukakis driving the tank, Kerry windsurfing, Bob Dole referring to himself in the third person, Kerry's headcase wife, Dukakis way out in left field, Dole barely awake half the time, Kerry speaking (and acting) French, etc., etc.

None of which compare to...

"I like to be able to fire people"
"the 47% are moochers"
"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake."
"I'm friends with NASCAR Team Owners"
"Ann has Two Caddies!"

Grandstanding on Benghazi, then sulking away when bitch-slapped by Candy Crowley.

Picking Ryan as a running mate. (Even worse than Sarah Palin). Then hiding him like a crazy uncle.

Not being able to stand up to Rush Limbaugh, or even Bryan Fischer.

Ryan was nowhere near as bad as Palin.
Obama ran the nastiest campaign i can remember and the American hypocritical people reelected him, truly disappointing.


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