The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

Don't wait for them to knock. Proactively organize with your local
* HOA or civic associations
* school district PTO and board members
* party precinct chairs and members
* city or county council reps
To set up your own democratically managed medical cooperatives with partnerships to pay service providers and clinics directly

Model programs to replicate: Nonprofit Cooperative benefits at half cost plus NO deductibles copays or exclusions for preexisting conditions all covered. Developed by Donald McCormick and Bret Schulte, Libertarian legal advisor who set up all the documents, licensing and contracts for this program to operate in TX.

AtlasMD in Wichita KS, promoted by Sean Hannity

Kaiser Permanente and other similar associations

Or you can sign up for a Health Share ministry like Medishare or CHM, then use the Cooperative model combined with it to reduce costs to Medicare priced contracts with each provider.

The point is: get off govt health care. Set up your own locally through direct associations at Medicare pricing. So you have your own system for deciding policy directly between you and your doctors and clinic on retainer. is one doctor promoting faster treatment instead of vaccines. Find local doctors who support the same approach you believe in, and set up your own cooperative around that.
Folks, can you imagine the profound ignorance and arrogance required to tell total strangers what they did and didn’t do with regards to their own private healthcare?

I’ve never had a flu shot in my entire life. I just haven’t.

This flawlessly illustrates the left. In their fascist dictatorial tizzies, they declare that which just isn’t so in an attempt to defend a bat-shit crazy position that never should have been taken in the first place.
In epidemics, governments or those in authority have always taken dictatorial actions for the protection of the public. Those actions have ranged from killing the sick, transporting the sick, locking them up, and mandating public protection.

Government vaccine mandates are as old as the country. They are very much part of US culture and tradition dating back to the colonial era, even before Edward Jenner’s 1796 discovery of cowpox vaccinia. George Washington required smallpox inoculations for the Continental Army in 1777, writing that “we should have more to dread from smallpox, than from the sword of the enemy.” He condemned a Virginia law restricting inoculations, saying he would rather move for a law to compel inoculation of all children “under severe penalties.” Massachusetts enacted the first law mandating immunization in 1809. States began requiring childhood vaccinations as a condition of school entry by the mid-19th century. Vaccines are often mandated for military service members, new immigrants seeking permanent US residence, college and university students, health care workers, and the public in many epidemics around the country. Balancing individual freedoms with public safety is nothing new.
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In epidemics, governments or those in authority have always taken dictatorial actions for the protection of the public. Those actions have ranged from killing the sick, transporting the sick, locking them up, and mandating public protection.
That's what China did for Covid. Never happen here.
Government vaccine mandates are as old as country.
When has the federal government, by executive order or regulation, mandated a vaccine for the general public?
I guess the difference between us is I cooperate, which is what I should do according to folks around here.The most important aspect of stopping an epidemic is public cooperation, willingly or mandated.
The United States has less than 4% of world population, yet we have 18% of the cases and 15% of the deaths. We lead the world in deaths and number of cases followed by Brazil and India. The common elements between all 3 countries has been the lack of cooperation with government and healthcare authorizes in preventing the spread of the virus and emphasizing economic recovery and growth over controlling the virus. Countries that have done the best job at controlling the virus are those countries with a high level of cooperation from the public, either voluntary or mandated.
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That's what China did for Covid. Never happen here.

When has the federal government, by executive order or regulation, mandated a vaccine for the general public?
The federal government is not wow mandating a vaccine for general public nor have they ever done so.
On most messages boards it is against the rules to alter a post to make it say something I did not say.
The federal government is not wow mandating a vaccine for general public nor have they ever done so.
And so, when you say "Government vaccine mandates are as old as the country" you mean legislatively, at the state and local level.

What precedeent, then, is there for the proposed federal regulatory mandate for private companies with 100 or more employees?
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No it not. If someone comes to my door asking about my vaccination status, I’ll say “none of your business” and close the door in their face. By the way I am vaccinated.
I won't tell anyone this sort of information. I'm sick of being datamined. And people asking inappropriate questions. I always think it's so weird that people get told by employers they have to be vaccinated ---- where is that step where they ask if you are? They would never get past that with me.

Do you see that employers saying you have to be vaccinated also means you have to answer them when they ask you if you are, and show them papers? None of any of that should be happening, and with me, it won't.
In epidemics, governments or those in authority have always taken dictatorial actions for the protection of the public.
“In societies, women have always been raped. Going all the way back to the caveman days”.

Sorry, Flop. Just can’t get onboard with your “logic” here. Just because something has always happened, doesn’t mean it’s right or ok.
Flopper in post #124:
Government vaccine mandates are as old as the country.
And then Flopper just three posts later in post #127:
The federal government is not wow mandating a vaccine for general public nor have they ever done so.
These fuck’n people are just amazing. Let a leftist talk more than 30 seconds and they will inevitably contradict themselves. :eusa_doh:
And so, when you say "Government vaccine mandates are as old as the country" you mean legislatively, at the state and local level.

What precedeent, then, is there for the proposed federal regulatory mandate for private companies with 100 or more employees?
I can answer these.

The federal government doesn't issue public health emergency mandates for the simple reason that the Constitution does not give it that power, so the 10th Amendment says that that power lies in the hands of the states. Check your State Constitution; mine gives the Governor and legislature the power to enforce public health mandates. While these won't include shooting infected people in the head, it easily covers vaccine and mask mandates.

The power to enforce the OSHA workplace vaccination laws comes from the law that established OSHA in 1970 (by a bipartisan Congress, signed by a Republican President). OSHA gets its authority from Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, which gives Congress the power to pass laws to regulate interstate commerce. The Supreme Court (which was conservative-led at the time) has agreed numerous times since then that this includes governing workplace safety, as long as it is based on a legitimate health concern.
I can answer these.

The federal government doesn't issue public health emergency mandates for the simple reason that the Constitution does not give it that power, so the 10th Amendment says that that power lies in the hands of the states.

The power to enforce the OSHA workplace vaccination laws comes from the law that established OSHA in 1970 (by a bipartisan Congress, signed by a Republican President). OSHA gets its authority from Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, which gives Congress the power to pass laws to regulate interstate commerce.
Seems to me, you contradict yourself.
Seems to me, you contradict yourself.
I don't. The 10th Amendment applies to powers that aren't specifically granted to the federal government in the Constitution. The OSHA mandate is derived from a power specifically granted to the federal government in the Constitution, so the 10th doesn't apply.
I don't. The 10th Amendment applies to powers that aren't specifically granted to the federal government in the Constitution.
Ha Ha, dream on. Lincoln used that "constitution" to make war on the Southern States, turn Washington into a private cororation and the states into subsidiaries. Lincoln was advised by Karl Marx, appointed Communists escaped from the failed 1849 Communist revolution in Europe to high positions in the Washington DC corporation named The United States of America, no longer These United States of America. Everything is rigged for the Rich man.

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