Let’s Not Panic Over Romney’s Defeat

Answer this, Unkotare, "Do you believe in immigration reform that closes the borders, regulates illegals employment in business by punishing business severely, and in registering and putting illegals at the end of the line for citizenship?"

Truncate it, and I will report you. You will play by the rules, whiner.
Answer the entire question or be reported for improper truncating, "Do you believe in immigration reform that closes the borders, regulates illegals employment in business by punishing business severely, and in registering and putting illegals at the end of the line for citizenship?"

Your silent affirmation is noted if you refuse to answer the question.
Answer this, Unkotare, "Do you believe in immigration reform that closes the borders...

If you want to go crying to mommy, go ahead, pussy. If you want to revert to your usual 'Rubber and Glue' 3rd grader mode, go ahead, child. If you want to discuss the topic, address this point, idiot.

Only the most radical propose 'closing' the border. That is completely impractical. We need to control our borders, not close them.

If you don't want to discuss this point then shut the fuck up and go away, fool.
The American Spectator : Let

First of all, Romney ran a damned good race. He was up in the polls by as much as 7 points (Gallup) going into the last week. Where he got sandbagged was Hurricane Sandy. The storm captured the nation's attention and pushed the election off the front page. It gave President Obama a chance to act presidential (with vague memories of President George Bush Jr.'s initial inaction on Hurricane Katrina reverberating in the background) and to shake hands with Chris Christie. Now I don't fault Christie either and don't see any nefarious plot to maneuver for 2016. A governor has to act on behalf of his state. Parts of New Jersey were devastated, and if Christie had snubbed Obama, it would have put thousands of his constituents in immediate danger -- and been interpreted as his fault as well.

After the first debate if the election had been held immediately Romney might have been able to get enough votes to counter all of the ground-gaming by Obama and his organization. This country is split down the middle yet the gap between the sides is growing wider and wider. All it takes is a massive ground organization to tilt the "will of the people" one way or another. Hillary got a taste of it when Obama's group stole the nomination from her.

Obama depends on election day registrations and absentee balloting. Without solid voter I.D. laws Obama was able to stuff the ballot box.

Blaming Romney for this is misguided. We can blame the media for helping the left perpetrate a fraud on the American people.

Nobody can get elected without the help of the media. This is a fact of politics in America.
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A typical liberal conclusion. The fact that obama won the election does not 'prove' your personal bigotry "right," you hateful cur. And it most certainly does not legitimize your amateur analysis of prior elections. Don't get too excited over this or it's going to hurt all the more later.

I'm the primary kind of voter the GOP needs to win back if it hopes to have a future. .

Thanks but no thanks. YOU are ten miles to the left of most people in the democrat party. We sure as hell don't need you.

Well, you are doing so well without me..

Hey, guy, when I used to vote Republican, they used to win.

About says it all, really.
Unkotare cannot truncate a post that has to be taken in totality without violating the rules.

Answer this, "Do you believe in immigration reform that closes the borders, regulates illegals employment in business by punishing business severely, and in registering and putting illegals at the end of the line for citizenship?"
He did very well in the first debate and then decided to coast in from there rather than risk a more aggressive tone in the last two debates and in the last months of the campaign in general.

Not accusing you of anything but isn't it a sad statement on our society when the advice for Romney is he should have gotten more aggressive (i.e. nasty as did Obama)

Or Romney just calculated, getting nasty would have blown back on him, as it did the few times he tried it (Benghazi, embracing Birtherism, etc.)

Of course, what you call, "getting nasty", I call actually challenging his position.

His position was he was a turnaround artist. He understood business.

Pointing out the AmPads and the GS Steels and the KB Toys and other companies where Bain totally fucked over people to make a profit wasn't "getting nasty", it was pointing out the human cost of his kind of economics.


The American Spectator : Let

First of all, Romney ran a damned good race. He was up in the polls by as much as 7 points (Gallup) going into the last week. Where he got sandbagged was Hurricane Sandy. The storm captured the nation's attention and pushed the election off the front page. It gave President Obama a chance to act presidential (with vague memories of President George Bush Jr.'s initial inaction on Hurricane Katrina reverberating in the background) and to shake hands with Chris Christie. Now I don't fault Christie either and don't see any nefarious plot to maneuver for 2016. A governor has to act on behalf of his state. Parts of New Jersey were devastated, and if Christie had snubbed Obama, it would have put thousands of his constituents in immediate danger -- and been interpreted as his fault as well.

Panic?? LOL, over 62 Million Americans voters celebrated.
I'm the primary kind of voter the GOP needs to win back if it hopes to have a future. .

Thanks but no thanks. YOU are ten miles to the left of most people in the democrat party. We sure as hell don't need you.

Well, you are doing so well without me..

Hey, guy, when I used to vote Republican, they used to win.

About says it all, really.

Why don't you and Fakey go and work on your act together?
I'm the primary kind of voter the GOP needs to win back if it hopes to have a future. .

Thanks but no thanks. YOU are ten miles to the left of most people in the democrat party. We sure as hell don't need you.

But isn't it nice all the liberals that now want to help conservatives?

Meh, more like, "We'd like you to actually have a conversation and not talk like crazy people."

Do you know when I started to realize the GOP had lost it. it was on another board, and conservatives actually got up there with a straight face and said they couldn't support Governor Huckabee because despite his religious bona fides, he accepted money from the Tobacco Settlement for his state.

yes, apparently in Conservative Crazy Land, making a settlement with an industry that markets carcinogens to children and getting them to knock it off was just crazy talk to them. How dare the mean old government interfere in business.

Romney was a bad candidate, to be sure, but the fact the GOP has gone so far to the fringe is what did it in. I mean, Jesus if Bush could get (kind of) elected in a good economy, Romney should have been able to get elected in a bad one.

Unless what he was selling had become so toxic, that even Republicans couldn't buy it anymore.
I'm the primary kind of voter the GOP needs to win back if it hopes to have a future. .

Thanks but no thanks. YOU are ten miles to the left of most people in the democrat party. We sure as hell don't need you.

Well, you are doing so well without me..

Hey, guy, when I used to vote Republican, they used to win.

About says it all, really.

Oh, so now you're saying you only vote for the side that's winning.

To hell with what they stand for.
Unkotare cannot truncate a post that has to be taken in totality without violating the rules.

Answer this, "Do you believe in immigration reform that closes the borders...

I don't need your whiny little PM messages, Fakey. If you want to be a pussy and go running to mommy, go ahead. I didn't think you had any self respect left anyway.

Now, do you really want to "close" the borders or not? Maybe you just made a mistake and now you are too ashamed to correct yourself? You shouldn't be, since we have established that you have no shame and no self respect at all.
Thanks but no thanks. YOU are ten miles to the left of most people in the democrat party. We sure as hell don't need you.

Well, you are doing so well without me..

Hey, guy, when I used to vote Republican, they used to win.

About says it all, really.

Oh, so now you're saying you only vote for the side that's winning.

To hell with what they stand for.

I vote for the side that will do what is in my interest.

Right now, that isn't the GOP.

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