Leftists...do you believe that the motivation to remove Trump from office is based on...

That’s all in your head dude. I’m playing guitar, sipping whiskey, and reading the occasion moronic post on this message board. Happy as a clam. Can you believe there are actually people out there trying to claim that Trump isn’t divisive? That’s like straight up delusional

And some dudes think they're women; that doesn't make it so.

Trump is better for poor and middle-class Americans than any Democrat. Until he demonstrates otherwise, I'll stick with him. You can vote for Warren, who wants open borders and free healthcare for all of Mexico.
Warren’s not gonna be prez. And you can pretend like trump is working for the poor and middle class all you want but that has nothing to do with the toxic decisiveness he is perpetuating in this country. I hate to burst your bubble but the president doesn’t have that huge a impact on the poor and middle class. Trump isn’t pulling any magic strings of salvation. He is just power tripping and trolling while setting up his business expansion and media empire which will come as soon as he leaves the White House. Mark my words

I think Trump is trying to provide a better business atmosphere for the country so that the economy can grown and so that Americans can have a better standard of living. You just hate Trump. Trump could deliver fantastic results for the American people and you would still oppose him because of your delusional, rabid hatred of Trump. You're unhinged.

Hey Slade3200

How do you feel about Adam Shiff?
That’s all in your head dude. I’m playing guitar, sipping whiskey, and reading the occasion moronic post on this message board. Happy as a clam. Can you believe there are actually people out there trying to claim that Trump isn’t divisive? That’s like straight up delusional

And some dudes think they're women; that doesn't make it so.

Trump is better for poor and middle-class Americans than any Democrat. Until he demonstrates otherwise, I'll stick with him. You can vote for Warren, who wants open borders and free healthcare for all of Mexico.
Warren’s not gonna be prez. And you can pretend like trump is working for the poor and middle class all you want but that has nothing to do with the toxic decisiveness he is perpetuating in this country. I hate to burst your bubble but the president doesn’t have that huge a impact on the poor and middle class. Trump isn’t pulling any magic strings of salvation. He is just power tripping and trolling while setting up his business expansion and media empire which will come as soon as he leaves the White House. Mark my words

I think Trump is trying to provide a better business atmosphere for the country so that the economy can grown and so that Americans can have a better standard of living. You just hate Trump. Trump could deliver fantastic results for the American people and you would still oppose him because of your delusional, rabid hatred of Trump. You're unhinged.
I dont hate trump I just don’t think he is a good person and I think he is a shitty representative of our country. You don’t know me, don’t presume to know how I feel.
...a desire to improve the lives of poor and middle-class Americans? If so, why do you believe that to be true?
I believe the motive to remove Trump from office is to follow the constitution and hold him liable for his crimes.

No matter how blind to his crimes you may be or how desperate you may be to defend his lawlessness or spin his actions in some wild partisan conspiracy, he must be held to account for the safety of constitutional government.

Well, no evidence of a crime has been submitted to the public, so how do you KNOW that Trump committed a crime? And you're calling me "blind"?

Did you also believe the fairy tale that Trump conspired with Putin?

I own a bridge in San Francisco. Can I interest you in buying it, if I give you a good price?
Trump told us he broke the law. The Senate Intel Committee told us Mueller was right and Russia interfered. The whole American intelligence community told us the same.

The only folks in a fairy tale world are the blinder wearing Trumpians.
...a desire to improve the lives of poor and middle-class Americans? If so, why do you believe that to be true?
I believe the motive to remove Trump from office is to follow the constitution and hold him liable for his crimes.

No matter how blind to his crimes you may be or how desperate you may be to defend his lawlessness or spin his actions in some wild partisan conspiracy, he must be held to account for the safety of constitutional government.

Well, no evidence of a crime has been submitted to the public, so how do you KNOW that Trump committed a crime? And you're calling me "blind"?

Did you also believe the fairy tale that Trump conspired with Putin?

I own a bridge in San Francisco. Can I interest you in buying it, if I give you a good price?
Trump told us he broke the law. The Senate Intel Committee told us Mueller was right and Russia interfered. The whole American intelligence community told us the same.

The only folks in a fairy tale world are the blinder wearing Trumpians.

You obviously oppose the concept of democratic governance.

Hey Slade3200

How do you feel about Adam Shiff?
I think he is a looney tune. You can’t tell by the crazy look in his eyes. Dude needs to get voted out of Congress stat!

At least we agree on something.
i think we agree on two things. 1. Schiff is cray cray and 2. You’re full of shit when you say Trump isn’t divisive.

What we can agree upon is that you're a butthurt little twat.

Hey Slade3200

How do you feel about Adam Shiff?
I think he is a looney tune. You can’t tell by the crazy look in his eyes. Dude needs to get voted out of Congress stat!

At least we agree on something.
i think we agree on two things. 1. Schiff is cray cray and 2. You’re full of shit when you say Trump isn’t divisive.

What we can agree upon is that you're a butthurt little twat.
i disagree. My butt is just fine. Don’t be so angry
Dems policies was doing great harm to the poor and middle class.
Under Trump their improving.

Over a Million Households Climbed to Middle Class Under Trump, Census Data Shows

he data bears out a middle-class expansion unseen since the 1960s. Nearly 30 percent of households pulled in between $50,000 and $99,999 in 2018. That’s up from less than 29 percent the year before—the fastest increase since 1968.

America has done a decent job of lifting up its poor, with the number of households earning less than $25,000 a year dropping by about 20 percent since 1968. The improvement is more significant when taking into account that the average household size has decreased from about 3.2 people to 2.5 people in the same period.
If defending the creature Donald Trump is enough for the idiots to start a civil war, then maybe this country needs one.

You need to keep in mind that, throughout world history, the left has always sought to achieve totalitarian power. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, etc. were the ultimate examples of what happens when the left seizes total power.

The American left is no different. They would love to do the same here, but are restrained by laws and patriots.

Obviously, the American left is trying to overturn the 2016 election by hook or crook. They have no problem fabricating a crime, framing Trump and then removing him from office with the help of some corrupt Republican senators.

My view is this, if the left is going to resort to such tactics, then it's time for American patriots to pick up their guns and begin eliminating the traitors that committed treason.

I take it you'll be supporting the Democratic fascists.
I think that you actually believe what you're saying, and that's why the time for dialogue may have ended. Whoever rises from the ashes gets to decide, and deal with what comes out on the other end.

You have looters and rioters with little to any assets

Good luck, pal
id have to take you seriously to care

I thought we were having a polite conversation. Somehow, you became triggered and enraged.

I can tell you why. These suckers always cheerlead the power brokers as if, when the power brokers take Total Power, they will turn to the hoard of minions and say, "hey, in my black rotten heart, I'm suddenly overcome by gratitude for how great of a shill you've been. Come to the glittering city of power and take power with me!!" Or something similar. It never happens; it will never happen. That grown people believe it is beyond sad but what are you gonna do, really?
Chanting "send them back" isn't divisive?

When did Trump make that chant?

Was it "divisive" when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from participating in the 2012 election?
"send them back" came from this tweet

The new finding suggests Republicans and the media provided an incomplete or even misleading account of what the IRS was up to when it was reviewing political organizations that sought tax-exempt status.

Yea, he didn't say what you accused him of saying. Tell the truth.
Neither does Trump.

Trump ran for president for one reason - he is a patriot. He was the only candidate that didn't need the job. Himself, his daughter and son-in-law all work without pay and for the love of their country. Trump has been the only voice for poor and middle-class Americans. The Democratic Party sold out the American worker for their own personal gain.

You have a rabid hatred of Trump on premises rooted in your delusional mind. You are critical of Trump but go out of you way to defend your Democratic masters even when caught, red-handed, screwing the American people.

You have this false belief that the Democratic Party cares about you and average Americans. They couldn't care less about you. They sold you out a long time ago. Their loyalty is to their own wealth and power.

Elizabeth Warren, the leading Democratic candidate for potus, is another leftist that can't tell the truth. I'm guessing you won't be posting any criticism of her for lying.
Sorry but that is total BS. His family and business’ have financially benefited from from his presidency. Just for one....how did Jared Kushner suddenly get the the huge amount of money he needed to save his failing real estate project that was under water and no one in their right mind would lend to him for it?

Patriot or conman?
Neither does Trump.

Trump ran for president for one reason - he is a patriot. He was the only candidate that didn't need the job. Himself, his daughter and son-in-law all work without pay and for the love of their country. Trump has been the only voice for poor and middle-class Americans. The Democratic Party sold out the American worker for their own personal gain.

You have a rabid hatred of Trump on premises rooted in your delusional mind. You are critical of Trump but go out of you way to defend your Democratic masters even when caught, red-handed, screwing the American people.

You have this false belief that the Democratic Party cares about you and average Americans. They couldn't care less about you. They sold you out a long time ago. Their loyalty is to their own wealth and power.

Elizabeth Warren, the leading Democratic candidate for potus, is another leftist that can't tell the truth. I'm guessing you won't be posting any criticism of her for lying.
Warren lies a lot less than falsely claimed. Trump does it daily, it is out in the open.
Chanting "send them back" isn't divisive?

When did Trump make that chant?

Was it "divisive" when Obama used the IRS to prevent conservative groups from participating in the 2012 election?
"send them back" came from this tweet

The new finding suggests Republicans and the media provided an incomplete or even misleading account of what the IRS was up to when it was reviewing political organizations that sought tax-exempt status.

Yea, he didn't say what you accused him of saying. Tell the truth.
Its Trump's own tweet.

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