Leaving Them Speechless

PC Which side are you on ?

So which side is Trumpanista on?​

Can you imagine if another former President praised a rival country's leader after invading a sovereign country. Say like FDR when the madman Hitler invading Europe and the Baltics---NEVER!

I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion ... of Ukraine, Putin declares it as independent," Trump said in an interview Tuesday on the conservative Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.
PC Which side are you on ?

So which side is Trumpanista on?​

Can you imagine if another former President praised a rival country's leader after invading a sovereign country. Say like FDR when the madman Hitler invading Europe and the Baltics---NEVER!

I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion ... of Ukraine, Putin declares it as independent," Trump said in an interview Tuesday on the conservative Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.
Trump understands that NATO is a sham. Putin is rescuing Ukraine not conquering it. We should do the same for Taiwan no?
Trump understands that NATO is a sham. Putin is rescuing Ukraine not conquering it. We should do the same for Taiwan no?

"what kind of shithole American praises Putin"​

Bet Republicans still can't admit that Russia helped rump win election. Yet here he is praising Russia.
You will never be anything but a low-life scummy liar.
Cover up that stink hole of yours.
Watch how easily I prove it:
Still waiting for you to prove any one of those is a lie. Hint there was a bump in the production road in 2013-2014 but.....after the correction, the slope of the increase remained steady until 2020.
The cops in Ottawa are dragging truckers out at gunpoint, stealing their money and even their pets, kicking and beating them in the streets while not wearing name tags or badge numbers so they can’t be tried at Nuremberg. But as the tinpot dictator’s oppression machine marches in the capital, truckers are lining up in other cities in solidarity and defiance."

The police have done a miraculous job and they haven't needed to shoot any women (or men) for becoming violent in our Capitol. They have throw a few lameass drunken louts in jail though! It's over hon and you should try to get over your disappointment.

She's walking all over you and destroying you post after post and the best you can do is come back with some irrational prattle about her being up in the air?
You would be obsessed with her too if you saw her without her hair helmet!
What a stunner, that head literally glows!
What trump did was make a mockery of our constitution ,,,,played ball with our greatest enemy Putin and didn't know didly squat about running our country Also got all out allies to laugh at us
The difference here PC is when I smell crap I don't call it perfume You can dress Trump up in beautiful clothing but he'll still be nothing but a piece of excrement

It appears the questions, the outline of what you support, is beyond you.....

This: censorship, disarming innocent Americans in favor of criminals, arming the regime that aims to end Western Civilization, and pumping inflation up to 10% here while enriching Vladimir Putin .

Instead, all you can do is lie about a far better American President, Trump.
Cover up that stink hole of yours.

Still waiting for you to prove any one of those is a lie. Hint there was a bump in the production road in 2013-2014 but.....after the correction, the slope of the increase remained steady until 2020.

I love it when your lies are so clear and obvious, low-life lying scum.

Your posts become a weapon for me.

Now write soon, y'hear!
I still love ya stinky.

5. Days after his inauguration, Biden banned the Keystone Pipeline, and ended the energy independence that Trump gifted to American….

…..and at the same time removed any bar to enriching Putin…..removed sanctions and OK’s Nord Stream 2

Had both policies not been put in place, we’d be able to keep control of the gas station masquerading as a nation, Russia.

OK….you voted for Democrats…..clearly an irrational action.

Remember this?
You wrote this:

I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.

I wrote:

Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?

You responded:


post 5

Did you want to change that answer????
The Keystone Pipeline is fully operational and was never banned, The drop in US production happened in 2020 while Trumpybear was finishing out his term.
The Pipeline is fully operational and Biden stopped all development and usage so stop lying.
The Keystone Pipeline is fully operational and was never banned, The drop in US production happened in 2020 while Trumpybear was finishing out his term.

Keystone pipeline canceled after Biden had permit blocked​

https://www.usatoday.com › news › politics › 2021/06/09

— “President Biden killed the Keystone XL Pipeline and with it, thousands of good-paying American jobs,” Barrasso said in a statement.

Keystone XL pipeline halted after Biden blocks permit - BBC​

https://www.bbc.com › world-us-canada-57422456

The Keystone XL pipeline's developer has halted all construction on the project months after its permit was revoked by the Biden administration.

I love when you post, 'cause then I don't need to find an effigy of a buffoon.

The developer has now canceled the controversial project. The company behind the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline said Wednesday it's officially terminating the project. TC Energy already had suspended construction in January when President Biden revoked a key cross-border presidential permit.Jun 9, 2021

Controversial Keystone XL Pipeline Is Halted - NPR​

https://www.npr.org › 2021/06/09 › developer-abandons-...

You remain a low-life scummy liar.

But......write soon as I need a Biden voter to point at and laugh.
Good news PC

Probably promised Trump he could be president of Ukraine and can play golf there 24/7.​


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