Leader of Oath Keepers was ready with arms across bridge in Virginia on January 6th

Nice try weak minded idiot. Your side wants violence. Youre virtue signaling once again.
I say both sides want violence and you just see it as their side wanting it…

I have seen threads by the left calling for the death of the right and I have seen it from the right.

Also daily you see violence by both sides from BLM and ANTIFA doing riots to shooters killing people in the name of racism, so why doesn’t everyone just chill on this subject and get their camp in order before demanding the other side to stop…

I mean read the responses between you and the other poster and before you scream “ He started it “ the fact that you are willing to go into trash talk tell me you are also part of the problem and not part of the solution!
I say both sides want violence and you just see it as their side wanting it…

I have seen threads by the left calling for the death of the right and I have seen it from the right.

Also daily you see violence by both sides from BLM and ANTIFA doing riots to shooters killing people in the name of racism, so why doesn’t everyone just chill on this subject and get their camp in order before demanding the other side to stop…

I mean read the responses between you and the other poster and before you scream “ He started it “ the fact that you are willing to go into trash talk tell me you are also part of the problem and not part of the solution!
The both sides argument in my view is weak.

I don't hear the left talking about violence. All I hear is right winger want to use violence to effect elections.
I say both sides want violence and you just see it as their side wanting it…

I have seen threads by the left calling for the death of the right and I have seen it from the right.

Also daily you see violence by both sides from BLM and ANTIFA doing riots to shooters killing people in the name of racism, so why doesn’t everyone just chill on this subject and get their camp in order before demanding the other side to stop…

I mean read the responses between you and the other poster and before you scream “ He started it “ the fact that you are willing to go into trash talk tell me you are also part of the problem and not part of the solution!
Riots that occur because of racial discrimination are quite a different matter and not equivalent to having a riot cover up an attempt to undermine the US government. There's no comparison.

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