Lawyers call for international court for the environment

So let me get this right... People in other countries are going to be able to punish the US for not preventing global warming, when global warming can't even be proven to be caused by humans...

Is there anyone else that see's a problem with this?

Lawyers call for international court for the environment - Telegraph

Besides the fact that America would giving up it's sovereignty and the price being passed on to the consumer I wonder what would be done with any fine they manage to exact.
Hell we're ALREADY doing that with trade agreements, aren't we?

All part of the gradual erosion of the nation state folks.

Return to your homes and your television sets.

Go shopping or something.

But, for you own good, we warn you to stop asking questions which might lead us to think that you THINK.

We know where you live, you know.

Accidents do happen. Things get broke.

Your jobs can always be outsourced.
It's great for the third world countries that don't produce anything... Here's what's going to happen... Each country is going to get environmental credits... They will get credits that we will then have to buy from them in order to avoid fines...

So what you have is a transfer of wealth but instead of it just being an Obama transfer of wealth plan here in the USA it will be a global transfer of wealth plan... All countries will then be equal... The poor get richer and the rich get poorer...

And with a liberal President and a Democratically controled congress why wouldn't the Democratsagree to this... afterall isn't that what they want equality for all?
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and the goracle flys around in his private jets,, a million times richer than most? Don't them Dems just make yer head swim?

Cap and trade and this idea of a world body dedicated to the enforcement of environmental policies will never work because it will only punish those that are willing to be punished and those that are parties to it. Take for example China, and India, if you do allow for the fact that the United States is brought into this sphere of environmental craziness then you have accomplished nothing as the worlds largest producers of pollution and contributors to this so called man made global warming will not even be a part of it. As the United States is brought into line and forced to eliminate even more of it's domestic energy production and become even more dependant on foreign sources of energy all in the name of bending at the alter of environmentalism ,countries like China, India, Russia, and many many others go on building coal fired plants, nuclear, and increase production without these burdens placed on them. The only people that beneifit in this system are the ones who make money on it and those are the environmentalists themselves and those that are involved in making money on trading in carbon credits like the much celebrated former V.P. Al Gore.
and the goracle flys around in his private jets,, a million times richer than most? Don't them Dems just make yer head swim?


They are a bunch of hypocrits plain and simple... If they really believed humans were the problem and really cared about the planet they wouldn't live in mansions and fly around in private jets...
Yeah it makes PERFECT SENSE to put the USA economy at the mercy of the rest of the world, doesn't it?

After all, the economy of Equator and the economy of the USA have exactly the same voting power in the ITO.

Yeah that makes sense, for sure.

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