Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

You want Trump as president, but you want the nation to Catholic America??

Sorry, but those two are not compatible.
Perfectly compatible. Trump has governed closer to Catholic teaching than any other president.
I did not say it was immaterial in the case of rape. You did.

I am simply saying a woman should not be forced to carry to term a baby that was born of a heinous crime against her.
Again, how do the circumstances of a child's creation remove its right to live?
Atheists don't like me, that's true.

Don't get me wrong. I read the Bible. I read what happens to people who violate the commandments, death, a curse. Then I hear you openly admit to being dedicated to violating the first command, sin, and see you with my own eyes suffering from the death, a curse.

And so I believe.

I don't like you because you are presenting yourself here like a ignorant sanctimonious prick who is lying in the name of Jesus to deceive gullible people into submitting to fascism.

Whats to like?

You're really happy that Jesus died for your sins so you can sin with impunity for life? Sucker!
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Don't get me wrong. I read the Bible. I read what happens to people who violate the commandments, death, a curse. Then I see you openly admit to being dedicated to violating the first command, sin, and see you with my own eyes suffering from the death, a curse.

And so I believe.

I don't like you because you are presenting yourself here like a ignorant sanctimonious prick who is lying in the name of Jesus to deceive gullible people into submitting to fascism.
....he said as the gullible people sink into Marxism.
gullible people sink into Marxism.
uh huh......

and how is it they're any more controlling that the catholic hierarchy?

Do yourself a favor. Strive to become a better person. Fox News has fucked up your mind.
Hey guy, let me tell you the difference between me and your precious Marxist leaders. My only goal is to save the country and save souls. I have a few million dollars I've earned over the years. That's plenty for me. I live modestly in the same home for decades. I drive old cars. The goal of your Marxist leaders is to plunder billions from the country for their own personal use. Look at your hero 0bama. Net worth over 70 million. ALL springing from his ill-gotten administration. Plays golf at the MV Country Club, has a huge waterfront mansion. Same with Sanders, the Clintons, Pelosi, Feinstein, Biden....All filthy rich off from the government, the people they are supposed to be serving, living like royalty. Their benefactor Soros invests billions in the downfall of America so his children can plunder the country. I'm here to save you from yourselves, for you are blindly following these atheists off a cliff to your own doom.
My only goal is to save the country and save souls.
Then sound the alarm! Save your friends. Save your family! Save your soul! Save the country!

Your Church has become the habitation of every sort of foul and loathsome beast and bird.

Come out or be tossed alive into the lake of fire with the devil and the false prophet.
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Perfectly compatible. Trump has governed closer to Catholic teaching than any other president.

How many divorces does he have?

And is fucking a porn star when your wife is recovering from giving birth, a Catholic thing?

Your own set of laws say premarital sex is not to happen. Trump certainly did that and more.

Not to mention lying and cheating people.

If you call him the most moral president then your sense of morality is seriously flawed.
How many divorces does he have?

And is fucking a porn star when your wife is recovering from giving birth, a Catholic thing?

Your own set of laws say premarital sex is not to happen. Trump certainly did that and more.

Not to mention lying and cheating people.

If you call him the most moral president then your sense of morality is seriously flawed.
And yet Trump is 10X more moral than Biden who used his position to enrich his family, dated a woman who was still married, thus committing adultery, and oversees putting millions of unborn children to death, while claiming to be a devout Catholic. Trump saved millions of children by appointing great justices. Trump did not use his office to enrich himself. He actually lost money while in service.
And yet Trump is 10X more moral than Biden who used his position to enrich his family, dated a woman who was still married, thus committing adultery, and oversees putting millions of unborn children to death, while claiming to be a devout Catholic. Trump saved millions of children by appointing great justices. Trump did not use his office to enrich himself. He actually lost money while in service.

He had premarital sex. He is a serial adulterer. He has been married 3 times, and cheated on all 3 of them.

That is certainly not moral behavior, even if you are not a Christian.
He had premarital sex. He is a serial adulterer. He has been married 3 times, and cheated on all 3 of them.

That is certainly not moral behavior, even if you are not a Christian.
Overseeing and advocating the killing of tens of thousands of unborn children is far worse. This is why all national Democrat politicians will have a ton to answer for.
Overseeing and advocating the killing of tens of thousands of unborn children is far worse. This is why all national Democrat politicians will have a ton to answer for.

And breaking a sacred vow, not once, not twice, but three times?

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