Laughing At The Warmists....Again


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Most of us have seen Joe Bastardi making fun of Global Warmists...
"Joe Bastardi is chief forecaster at WeatherBELL Analytics, a meteorological consulting firm."

Here he is again:

1. "All This for .01 Degrees Celsius?

2. [As Obama] reveals his plan to reduce greenhouse gases to save us from an apocalyptic atmosphere, I wish to remind people of three things:

a. The true hockey stick of the fossil fuel era: Global progress in total population, personal wealth and life expectancy.

b. The geological time scale of temperatures versus CO2. As much as I struggle, I can’t see the linkage


c. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy admitted that the steps being taken would only prevent .01 degrees Celsius of warming, but it was the example that counted for the rest of the world.

This in addition to the fact that, in 2011, she admitted she did not know how much CO2 was in the atmosphere. And its lines of evidence for this are provably false!

Given the facts, I can’t help but wonder: Did policymakers ever take Economics 101, or a course in how to read a chart?"
Joe Bastardi All This for .01 Degrees Celsius The Patriot Post
Most of us have seen Joe Bastardi making fun of Global Warmists...
"Joe Bastardi is chief forecaster at WeatherBELL Analytics, a meteorological consulting firm."

Here he is again:

1. "All This for .01 Degrees Celsius?

2. [As Obama] reveals his plan to reduce greenhouse gases to save us from an apocalyptic atmosphere, I wish to remind people of three things:

a. The true hockey stick of the fossil fuel era: Global progress in total population, personal wealth and life expectancy.

b. The geological time scale of temperatures versus CO2. As much as I struggle, I can’t see the linkage


c. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy admitted that the steps being taken would only prevent .01 degrees Celsius of warming, but it was the example that counted for the rest of the world.

This in addition to the fact that, in 2011, she admitted she did not know how much CO2 was in the atmosphere. And its lines of evidence for this are provably false!

Given the facts, I can’t help but wonder: Did policymakers ever take Economics 101, or a course in how to read a chart?"
Joe Bastardi All This for .01 Degrees Celsius The Patriot Post
Hail to the chief… what tribe he is from? I seem to keep forgetting….
But yet the warmist are shutting coal down and reducing Emissions based on what you call a lie. These warmist are probably going to get reelected and continue what they're doing...hahaha
again, where is coal being shut down? You going to claim Germany again? You never did correct that lie.
But yet the warmist are shutting coal down and reducing Emissions based on what you call a lie. These warmist are probably going to get reelected and continue what they're doing...hahaha
Hey Matt? Are you OK over there? No reference to R&D, infrastructure and science this time? What's wrong???? I hope you are doing well.
But yet the warmist are shutting coal down and reducing Emissions based on what you call a lie. These warmist are probably going to get reelected and continue what they're doing...hahaha

"These warmist are probably going to get reelected and continue what they're doing...hahaha"

There can be no better statement proving that neither truth nor rectitude matter to these subhumans.
Meanwhile, the whole planet keeps working on the issue, completely ignoring the denier bedwetter kook fringe. Which, as this thread shows, really pisses off the deniers. That must sting, to be thought of as fringe nutcases by the whole planet. Sucks to be a denier. But then, they all freely chose that deviant alternate lifestyle, so we can't feel too sorry for them. If they want constant humiliation that badly, we'll give it to them.

Oh, it's hilarious that PC thinks that "The USA is not the whole world" is a valid point that excuses the USA from doing nothing. But then, deniers are almost always conservative, hence they feel entitled to have everyone else but themselves do the actual work.
The obvious extreme weather that we are seeing at present worldwide, a record hot year last year, another even hotter year this year, and maybe even another next year. Not going to impress the average voter that the 'Conservatives' are stating that none of this is happening.

Now at this point in time, both wind and solar are more than on par with dirty coal, and even cheaper than natural gas. Grid scale batteries are being manufactured in this nation as we post. So rather than costing to change to renewables, it is going to save money. In Texas and Oklahoma, renewables are being installed by the gigawatt.

The continued lying about both the cost and effectiveness of renewables by the '
Conservatives' is going to cost them big time as more people who are obviously not liberal make the decision to invest, both on the corporate level and the personal level, in renewables. And the reality of the weather and temperatures right outside their doors is going to create doubt in most Americans minds as to whether the 'Conservatives' are even living on the same planet.
The irony is that the 'warmists' wish that the 'Conservatives' were correct, and that none of this was happening. However, we deal with reality, not 'how things oughta be'. And that reality is that we are creating a huge problem for the foreseeable future.
I ask again...How are you going to stop the warmist? haha

By letting the little whiners queer up the energy policy to point where people start dying.. I think that's a great plan... Because they don't have an F-ing clue how to power a country like ours. Not when they rename garbage incinerators as "biomass conversion" and call it green...

Or take a large percentage of our primary grain producing land and end up BURNING IT in cars and SUVs and calling it a "miracle" of their faith...
If there was a REAL GWarming crisis -- we'd be building 80 new nuclear plants right now.
But the little whiners are more afraid of nuclear power than they are of GWarming. Aren't they?
I ask again...How are you going to stop the warmist? haha

By letting the little whiners queer up the energy policy to point where people start dying.. I think that's a great plan... Because they don't have an F-ing clue how to power a country like ours. Not when they rename garbage incinerators as "biomass conversion" and call it green...

Or take a large percentage of our primary grain producing land and end up BURNING IT in cars and SUVs and calling it a "miracle" of their faith...
Darn that Energy Policy law of 2005...
I ask again...How are you going to stop the warmist? haha

By letting the little whiners queer up the energy policy to point where people start dying.. I think that's a great plan... Because they don't have an F-ing clue how to power a country like ours. Not when they rename garbage incinerators as "biomass conversion" and call it green...

Or take a large percentage of our primary grain producing land and end up BURNING IT in cars and SUVs and calling it a "miracle" of their faith...
Darn that Energy Policy law of 2005...

That was the result of qualified experts consulting on Energy policy. You know --- those meetings that the WH had with folks who KNOW how to power America? The meetings that the leftists progs went ballastic over?

I don't want an Energy Policy designed by hucksters and dreamers. There is too much at stake..
I ask again...How are you going to stop the warmist? haha

By letting the little whiners queer up the energy policy to point where people start dying.. I think that's a great plan... Because they don't have an F-ing clue how to power a country like ours. Not when they rename garbage incinerators as "biomass conversion" and call it green...

Or take a large percentage of our primary grain producing land and end up BURNING IT in cars and SUVs and calling it a "miracle" of their faith...
Darn that Energy Policy law of 2005...

That was the result of qualified experts consulting on Energy policy. You know --- those meetings that the WH had with folks who KNOW how to power America? The meetings that the leftists progs went ballastic over?

I don't want an Energy Policy designed by hucksters and dreamers. There is too much at stake..
They lobbied hard for bio fuel from corn feed..They could smell the profits...
But, the price increase on grain forced me to sell my stock and no longer be an animal husbandry guy....I had to get a divorce..

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