Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

FACT600,000 Syrians , 90% Muslims killed by Syrian Muslims helped by Iran and Russia . Death toll includes 5000 plus Palestinians . No protests , no talk of genocide . no debates in Parliament, no social media coverage, no mainstream media coverage , no lefties concerned, no UN debate, no South African sponsored ICJ debates Now similarly 200,000 Muslim Yemenis killed by Muslims helped by Iran ….no protests , no talk of genocide, no social or mainstream media coverage , no UN debate, no South African sponsored ICJ propaganda And in Sudan people are starving but hey it’s only Muslims killing Muslims and who gives a shit about those poor motherfuckers

Watch: Hamas leader, Fathi Hammad, is frustrated by the Muslim world as he cries out on TV and begs Muslim nations to help the Palestinians destroy Israel and kill Jews for the sake of Allah (God of Islam).

During this interview on TV he praised the Muslim men in Gaza for fighting the enemies of Allah while sacrificing "their own children, women, and elderly – for the sake of Allah".

He also accuses Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of being a "traitor" for taking Christians and Jews as allies instead of fighting and killing them for Allah (God of Islam).

According to him, Islam is the only reason Hamas initiates wars and kills people. As you can see in this video, he explains the goal of Hamas is to re-establish ISIS (Islamic state): "Palestinians Are Preparing To Establish An Islamic Caliphate With Jerusalem As Its Capital".

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