Obama Talking About Working Together While He's Working To Split Us Apart


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Usually when Obama gives a speech he talks about things that he is responsible for but acts like he never did it.

Tonight was no different.

He's talking about people who are living week to week....and they don't have 14 months to wait for things to change. Problem is he's been dilly-dallying for nearly 3 years and he's still talking about a jobs program that just might work....if we just learn to work together.

Obama Goes Big -- and Political -- With $450 Billion Stimulus Plan- Daniel Gross, Y! Finance

President Obama is finally laying out his latest plan to boost economic growth. The particulars are important, and meaningful for an economy laboring under slow growth. The administration believes the package, worth about $450 billion, is good economics. The centerpiece: extending and expanding the existing payroll tax holiday for another year.


Well, that BS was a total waste of time.

60 seconds after it was over with the applause is gone.

So is his chances of re-election.
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Obama speech on 'stimulus act-Jan-2009
If nothing is done, this recession could linger for years. The unemployment rate could reach double digits.
We could lose a generation of potential and promise, as more young Americans are forced to forgo dreams of college or the chance to train for the jobs of the future.
In short, a bad situation could become dramatically worse.
I understand that some might be skeptical of this plan.
Our government has already spent a good deal of money, but we haven't yet seen that translate into more jobs or higher incomes or renewed confidence in our economy. That's why the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan won't just throw money at our problems - we'll invest in what works.
we will launch an unprecedented effort to eliminate unwise and unnecessary spending that has never been more unaffordable for our nation and our children's future than it is right now.
There is no doubt that the cost of this plan will be considerable.
...only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe.
That's why we need to put money in the pockets of the American people, create new jobs, and invest in our future.
We should have an open and honest discussion about this recovery plan in the days ahead, but I urge Congress to move as quickly as possible on behalf of the American people. For every day we wait or point fingers or drag our feet, more Americans will lose their jobs. More families will lose their savings. More dreams will be deferred and denied. And our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse.

Any of that language sound familiar?
I don't know about you but I'm ready for some football.
he will come out with insane spending legislation and when fiscally responsible republicans come out against it he will accuse them of obstructing progress!!

I kept getting the feeling that the GOP wasn't buying his BS and the Dems were trying to act over-exuberant to make it seem like what he was saying wasn't BS.

Nobody there really wanted to be there. Obama was raising his voice like he was pissed about something. Boehner was looking at him with a bit of a smirk on his face trying desperately not to roll his eyes at the same old bullshit speech.
"Pass this bill now", "Pass this bill now", "pass this bill now"

Lol, does he mind if congress read it first?

Everyone has tuned this guy out by now.
I thought, most of what he said sounded very good, and promising. I am troubled with the Idea that "it will be paid for later" I have 0 Confidence that Future Congresses will honor that.

It was less of a campaign Speech than I expected, and as I said the President mentioned some good Ideas. Will be interesting to see the Actual Plan to see how much of it is for real. Was Interesting to see the Guy who has been claiming things are getting better for 2 years now, admit the Economy has stalled.

All in all, a very good speech, but again they are just words. We need to see it backed up with Action.
Obama jobs speech transcript: Full text (as prepared for delivery)
Tonight we meet at an urgent time for our country.
I am sending this Congress a plan that you should pass right away.
The purpose of the American Jobs Act is simple: to put more people back to work and more money in the pockets of those who are working.
The American Jobs Act answers the urgent need to create jobs right away.
Every proposal I’ve laid out tonight will be paid for.
What’s guided us from the start of this crisis hasn’t been the search for a silver bullet. It’s been a commitment to stay at it – to be persistent – to keep trying every new idea that works, and listen to every good proposal, no matter which party comes up with it.
(I had to laugh when I heard this one come out of the Presidents mouth)
So did he explain what he is cutting to support his program?

No, he wants to pay for it by using the money that the Super Committee is supposed to be cutting by Christmas. So, he's already trying to spend that money.


Well, they've been telling us today that the $450 bil is already paid for.

The first question is how?

Like you said....through cuts recommended by the Super Committee.

So he robs from Peter to pay Paul again.

I have an idea. He can create jobs with just two words...

I resign.
So did he explain what he is cutting to support his program?

No, he wants to pay for it by using the money that the Super Committee is supposed to be cutting by Christmas. So, he's already trying to spend that money.


Well, they've been telling us today that the $450 bil is already paid for.

The first question is how?

Like you said....through cuts recommended by the Super Committee.

So he robs from Peter to pay Paul again.

I have an idea. He can create jobs with just two words...

I resign.

However, with those two words, he would consign us to 14 months of President Biden.

I don't know about you, but at least for those 14 months, I think I would rather take my chances with what we have now rather than the moron who would succeed him.

I was a bit taken aback when he said we could help Create Jobs by Passing Trade Agreements. If that is so, why has he had a few of them sitting on his desk since the day he was Elected, and never sent them up to congress for Approval?

I also found it funny when he said we need to consider all ideas no matter who comes up with them. I wish they would have showed Harry Reid when he said that. You know, the guy who has Refused to even allow Consideration in the Senate of Some GOP plans, Most notably Cut, and Cap Bill.
I listen to the Speech on the radio, it was almost comical how bad it was ,it was the worst speech I've heard from Obama. The good part is he seems to be falling apart as it gets closer to the election, I couldn't stop laughing when Obama says "WE'VE GOT TO PASS THIS BILL… RIGHT AWAY"…:lol: There isn't even a bill yet
So did he explain what he is cutting to support his program?

No, he wants to pay for it by using the money that the Super Committee is supposed to be cutting by Christmas. So, he's already trying to spend that money.


You mean he is already trying to get out of the debt ceiling deal. Shocking.

Didnt even wait two months.
I listen to the Speech on the radio, it was almost comical how bad it was ,it was the worst speech I've heard from Obama. The good part is he seems to be falling apart as it gets closer to the election, I could stop laughing when Obama says "WE'VE GOT TO PASS THIS BILL… RIGHT AWAY"…:lol: There isn't even a bill yet

In your unbiased opinion?

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