Kudos to Tucker tonight calling out China and the leaked video of Chinese Muslims being persecuted and "reducated"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
No video yet, as I can't find it online (if someone finds it, please post it). Tonight Tucker showed a video clip of Communist government patsy who was questioned by a British host about a leaked video which apparently came from a Communist drone. In this video it show men blindfolded and kneeling in a camp. The communist patsy says "I don't know where you got that video from" (sounding quite guilty of knowing how messed up his country it), and defending the communist methods against those who follow Islam in China. Gordon Chang react to the video and provided his usual insight.

I don't always agree with Tucker, his life experiences have been vastly different than mine I'm sure. I do however respect his arguments and willingness to engage in debate. He's the most interesting guy to listen to, though I know of which assumptions he makes that I disagree with.

The issues of confronting communist abuses of their citizens, or NY Times who doxx people (and he rightfully called them out), should be supported and understand by everyone. These tactics won't end well for the rest of us if powerful abusers have free reign.
No video yet, as I can't find it online (if someone finds it, please post it). Tonight Tucker showed a video clip of Communist government patsy who was questioned by a British host about a leaked video which apparently came from a Communist drone. In this video it show men blindfolded and kneeling in a camp. The communist patsy says "I don't know where you got that video from" (sounding quite guilty of knowing how messed up his country it), and defending the communist methods against those who follow Islam in China. Gordon Chang react to the video and provided his usual insight.

I don't always agree with Tucker, his life experiences have been vastly different than mine I'm sure. I do however respect his arguments and willingness to engage in debate. He's the most interesting guy to listen to, though I know of which assumptions he makes that I disagree with.

The issues of confronting communist abuses of their citizens, or NY Times who doxx people (and he rightfully called them out), should be supported and understand by everyone. These tactics won't end well for the rest of us if powerful abusers have free reign.
If for no other reason it matters because what china does to its own people is only a preview of what it will do to every country that falls under its power in the future
I'm sorry after watching the twin towers fall and watching people jumping out of windows to their death because of muslims, I just don't give a rats ass how China treats them.
I'm sorry after watching the twin towers fall and watching people jumping out of windows to their death because of muslims, I just don't give a rats ass how China treats them.
Agreed. Let’s hope the Islamic-Terrorists focus their attention on China.
I'm sorry after watching the twin towers fall and watching people jumping out of windows to their death because of muslims, I just don't give a rats ass how China treats them.

Me neither, especially since they have been doing far worse to Christians for much longer and the right wing sociopaths don't spend any time at all reporting on those atrocities, whether it's Red Chinese govt. or Muslim Indonesia's ongoing murders.
I'm sorry after watching the twin towers fall and watching people jumping out of windows to their death because of muslims [sic], I just don't give a rats ass how China treats them.
Then you are neither a Christian nor a logical person.
I'm sorry after watching the twin towers fall and watching people jumping out of windows to their death because of muslims, I just don't give a rats ass how China treats them.
Agreed. Let’s hope the Islamic-Terrorists focus their attention on China.

They won't touch Red China; they respect Red China because the Reds will hunt them down and wipe out entire towns to kill them, they don't care about public opinion. Muslims love them, actually, especially the African Muslims and Iran.
I'm sorry after watching the twin towers fall and watching people jumping out of windows to their death because of muslims [sic], I just don't give a rats ass how China treats them.
Then you are neither a Christian nor a logical person.
lol look up the definition of 'Unkotare'. What this post means is he likes the taste of Red Chinese feces and hates any criticism of them.
I'm sorry after watching the twin towers fall and watching people jumping out of windows to their death because of muslims, I just don't give a rats ass how China treats them.
Agreed. Let’s hope the Islamic-Terrorists focus their attention on China.

They won't touch Red China; thye respect Red China because the Reds will hunt them down and wipe out entire towns to kill them....
Swing and a miss. The Muslim world, including the crazy-ass terrorists and the just-about-as-crazy-ass theocracies, respect renminbi.
How about it matters because human life, liberty, and dignity matter?

but it seems that some people in America and europe dont give a damn what china does so we have to appeal to their self interest

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