Knuckle Draggers and the Pro-Life Enlightenment


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Interesting article on how it is the pro-choice side that is anti-science.

From the following article:

The American Spectator : Knuckle Draggers and the Pro-Life Enlightenment

Abortion, then, was already legal for swaths of the country and had been for a long time. Even after Roe, legalization of abortion was relatively uncontroversial. It wasn’t until scientific advances gave us a peek at the baby within that the pro-life movement gained force and public opinion softened. Abortion opponents take heart: You’re on the cutting edge; ahead of the curve.

Unfortunately, the Neanderthal left will continue to obstruct your progress, rigidly clinging to pro-choice dogmas and incantations in the face of evidence. But primitive superstitions can only survive for so long. Abortion may persist in America, but thanks to modern science, heartbeats are being heard and hearts are being changed.
Abortion | Gallup Historical Trends



'nuff said

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