King Abdullah of Jordan and Muslim leaders say ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. Stop the idiocy.


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
King Abdullah of Jordan and all Muslim leaders say ISIS has nothing to do with Islam and Pub/hater dupe insistence that it does is destructive, bigoted, and STUPID. Obama is doing everything chickenhawk fools are asking for. RW infotainment bought off BS, for Fox/Rush bots ONLY. And obviously getting the ME involved and not making US the target, like the idiots Bush, Cheney and the chumps did.

Jordan's King Slams 'Cowardly' ISIS After Pilot Executed
Jordan s King Slams Cowardly ISIS - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Arutz Sheva
17 hours ago - Jordan's King Abdullah says ISIS is a "criminal, stray gang that has nothing to ... Jordan's King Abdullah on Tuesday described the Islamic State (ISIS) as a ... gang that has nothing to do with our true religion,” the King said in a ...
  • ISIS video claims burning Jordanian pilot alive - Al Arabiya ... Arabiya
    22 hours ago - Jordan's King Abdullah cut short a visit to Washington after the news of the ... an act of “cowardly” terror by a group that had nothing to do with Islam. ... “This (is) cowardly terror by a criminal group that has no relation to Islam .
When Muslims become a lot more aggressive in denouncing this stuff, it will be harder and harder for the radicals to use religion in their recruiting.

This is a good thing and personally, I welcome Muslims speaking out against this.
Watching Fox...: "Can't defeat an enemy you don't admit exists" !!! Quite another planet....getting the angry old white idiots all riled up...
Watching Fox...: "Can't defeat an enemy you don't admit exists" !!! Quite another planet....getting the angry old white idiots all riled up...

When the Islamic terrorists say Allah Akbar when they kill people.
When the Islamic terrorists say they are murdering people to defend Mahammed
Then guess what it's about Islam....

To these radical fuckers they believe they are the true followers of Islam.
To act like these acts have nothing to do with Islam is childish....

Obama is afraid to speak the truth.Why?
Is he afraid he might piss these people off.
Guess what.....

ISIS has everything to do with Islam. They are acting exactly as did their forebearers as Islam exploded out of the Arabian peninsula, engulfed the entire region and took aim on Europe.
ISIS is to Islam what the Crusades were to Christianity, only Islam is allowed to go to war while Christianity is not. True Believers are always the most dangerous and deadly. The faith matters not a damn in the end.
It is SMART to drive a wedge between these radicals and mainstream Islam.
There already is one...

It's not big enough imho.
Your opinion matters not a damn. Learn the faith, then complain.

1) I'm fairly familiar with "the faith."
2) I wasn't complaining. I was complementing those - especially the Muslims - who are trying to marginalize these terrorists within the Muslim community.
When Muslims become a lot more aggressive in denouncing this stuff, it will be harder and harder for the radicals to use religion in their recruiting.

This is a good thing and personally, I welcome Muslims speaking out against this.

I agree. Does anyone think King Obdullah or the Jordan people want to convert America into a Christian nation? Sure they would love it if we became a Muslim nation but does anyone believe that is their goal?

We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with radical arabs who happen to be Islamic. And you are right our Christian counterparts here in the USA would love to make this a holy war. They love killing in the name of.
It is SMART to drive a wedge between these radicals and mainstream Islam.
There already is one...

It's not big enough imho.
Your opinion matters not a damn. Learn the faith, then complain.

1) I'm fairly familiar with "the faith."
2) I wasn't complaining. I was complementing those - especially the Muslims - who are trying to marginalize these terrorists within the Muslim community.
Learn how to give a complement then, that wasn't it.
King Abdullah of Jordan and all Muslim leaders say ISIS has nothing to do with Islam and Pub/hater dupe insistence that it does is destructive, bigoted, and STUPID. Obama is doing everything chickenhawk fools are asking for. RW infotainment bought off BS, for Fox/Rush bots ONLY. And obviously getting the ME involved and not making US the target, like the idiots Bush, Cheney and the chumps did.

Jordan's King Slams 'Cowardly' ISIS After Pilot Executed
Jordan s King Slams Cowardly ISIS - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
Arutz Sheva
17 hours ago - Jordan's King Abdullah says ISIS is a "criminal, stray gang that has nothing to ... Jordan's King Abdullah on Tuesday described the Islamic State (ISIS) as a ... gang that has nothing to do with our true religion,” the King said in a ...
  • ISIS video claims burning Jordanian pilot alive - Al Arabiya ... Arabiya
    22 hours ago - Jordan's King Abdullah cut short a visit to Washington after the news of the ... an act of “cowardly” terror by a group that had nothing to do with Islam. ... “This (is) cowardly terror by a criminal group that has no relation to Islam .

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (Isis)

Nope, nothing Islamic about them.

Leftist are stupid and they try to push that stupidity onto others.
and now for the bad news------tens of millions of people are delighted with ISIS ----I have no link-----I just know----my
"knowing" is not a delusion---please note---I did not say
"hundreds of millions" ----just tens
ISIS has everything to do with Islam. They are acting exactly as did their forebearers as Islam exploded out of the Arabian peninsula, engulfed the entire region and took aim on Europe.
Europeans did the same thing. If not motivated by religion, they were motivated by exploiting a profit....
When Muslims become a lot more aggressive in denouncing this stuff, it will be harder and harder for the radicals to use religion in their recruiting.

This is a good thing and personally, I welcome Muslims speaking out against this.

I agree. Does anyone think King Obdullah or the Jordan people want to convert America into a Christian nation? Sure they would love it if we became a Muslim nation but does anyone believe that is their goal?

We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with radical arabs who happen to be Islamic. And you are right our Christian counterparts here in the USA would love to make this a holy war. They love killing in the name of.
So you say you're an atheist, but you defend islam while you slam Christians and Jews..Gotcha:thup:
ISIS has as much to do with Islam as the KKK has to do with Christianity.

It's that simple, and yet some retards cannot comprehend it.
and now for the bad news------tens of millions of people are delighted with ISIS ----I have no link-----I just know----my
"knowing" is not a delusion---please note---I did not say
"hundreds of millions" ----just tens
Do you have fuzzy slippers on when you extol this knowledge...???

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