Kid jailed over Facebook comment


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Texas teen makes a joking comment on Facebook about going and shooting up a school full of kids and eating their hearts followed by LOL and JK, but still lands in jail, facing up to 8 years in prison.

The community has started a petition, hoping that it will help free Justin.

Do you think this is over-reach, or should a teenager know better than to make those types of jokes?

After reading his comment, I'm inclined to believe he was joking, but shouldn't teens know better than to make those types of jokes after all we've been through in this country?

NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas – An Austin man wants to warn other parents and teenagers that statements made on social media websites can land them in jail.
Justin Carter was 18 back in February when an online video game "League of Legends" took an ugly turn on Facebook.
Jack Carter says his son Justin and a friend got into an argument with someone on Facebook about the game and the teenager wrote a comment he now regrets.
“Someone had said something to the effect of 'Oh you're insane, you're crazy, you're messed up in the head,’ to which he replied 'Oh yeah, I'm real messed up in the head, I'm going to go shoot up a school full of kids and eat their still, beating hearts,’ and the next two lines were lol and jk.," said Carter.
“LOL” stands for “laughing out loud," and “jk” means “just kidding," but police didn’t think it was funny. Neither did a woman from Canada who saw the posting.
Justin’s dad says the woman did a Google search and found his son’s old address was near an elementary school and she called police.
Justin Carter was arrested the next month and has been jailed since March 27. He’s charged with making a terroristic threat and is facing eight years in prison, according to his dad.

Friends and family have started an online petition they’re hoping will garnish more attention for Justin’s plight. You can find it by clicking here.

Texas teen charged with making terroristic threat after online joke | Houston
I think he is an idiot and has no clue on what a man is, to make a joke about something like that. Does he need to be in jail? No. I think he needs a shrink and so do his parents for doing a damn bad job of parenting.
Kids say stupid things. It was up to the police or FBI to investigate to determine whether or not he was a threat. If they determined that he is not a threat, then why is he still in jail? Either they really believe he is or our judicial system is really as screwed up as many of us think it is.
Jailed Facebook teen finally getting day in court -

2 teens are arguing over a video game on Facebook. One teen calls the other crazy so the kid responds with a very disgusting comment about hows hes crazy and shooting kids(this was 2 months after sandy hook) then says he's just kidding.

Some how the police find it, and arrest him with "making terrorist threats" which is a felony. So far he's been in jail for 4 months awaiting trial with an outragous bail bond.

Seriously, wtf? Where is the common sense? Ok, I suppose I can relent enough to understand police being nervous and investigating the comment... But to lock him up and charge him with a crime? o_O Totally. Ridiculous.
I have a feeling he's going to be released soon. This is picking up national attention. Bob Beckel was talking about this last night on The Five.

When this kid does get out his family needs to file one hefty lawsuit and I would also demand some people lose their jobs over this.
His family needs to kick his ever loving ass and remove his computer from him for a year for posting such over the top garbage.

My kids post nothing that I don't see...and if they are on facebook, I'm monitoring them. I've removed friends, I've removed their own posts, I've gone in and deleted notifications and blocked others.

That's what PARENTING is all about.

My cousin's 13 year old daughter loves fb...and I know he monitors it but he hasn't put the smack down on her's about time. She's ranting all over about how mad she is at her "ex" and she leaves "I hate you" vids for him, lol. "Today I burned someone's sweatshirt. Just because." haha...but she posted one silly rant with her saying "Seriously, I am so mad I could just kill you" with her little 13 year old girlfriend in the background agreeing with her..then the little kid's AUNT wrote on there "you do realize you just threatened my nephew on facebook. Guess you aren't so smart after all".

Sheesh. Kids are bad enough, but that woman is supposedly an adult.

Anyway. What were we talking about
Welcome to the post 911 police state. Do you feel safer now that your 4th amendment rights are for the most part gone, and now your 1st amendment rights are being seriously attacked? Was trading all that freedom for security worth it especially now that you know that the U.S. government considers it's own population a threat?
His family needs to kick his ever loving ass and remove his computer from him for a year for posting such over the top garbage.

My kids post nothing that I don't see...and if they are on facebook, I'm monitoring them. I've removed friends, I've removed their own posts, I've gone in and deleted notifications and blocked others.

That's what PARENTING is all about.

My cousin's 13 year old daughter loves fb...and I know he monitors it but he hasn't put the smack down on her's about time. She's ranting all over about how mad she is at her "ex" and she leaves "I hate you" vids for him, lol. "Today I burned someone's sweatshirt. Just because." haha...but she posted one silly rant with her saying "Seriously, I am so mad I could just kill you" with her little 13 year old girlfriend in the background agreeing with her..then the little kid's AUNT wrote on there "you do realize you just threatened my nephew on facebook. Guess you aren't so smart after all".

Sheesh. Kids are bad enough, but that woman is supposedly an adult.

Anyway. What were we talking about

How dare you try to take away the governments right to parent!!!!!!
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Our current administration has no respect for The we should expect continuous violations of the 1st and all amendments.

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