Kick Pacific Coast States Out of America

So your not for ( Choice ) ( Legalized Drugs ) ( Sensible Firearms Restrictions ) ( Socialized Medicine ) ( Pathway / Amnesty ) ( Fighting Climate Change) ( Sanctions / Divestment from Israel ) ( help for Ukraine ) ...????
I am not for any of those IDIOTIC ideas.
  • I am for Choice by the baby (to live)
  • legzalization of drugs only fo medical purposes, not recreational
  • restricting firearms to law-abiding citizens promotes crime. More guns = less crime.
  • socialized medicine to some degree, FOR AMERICANS, OK.
  • Absolutely NO PATHWAY to citizenship, NO AMNESTY for illegal invaders. Mass Deportation needed.
  • Climate change is overrated. Not going to raise sea levels significantly, Does Obama worry ? He just bought a SEASIDE $12 million mansion.
  • More aid to Israel, Hamas must be exterminated 100%.
  • help for Ukraine too, but no defense of ther borders without defense of ours first, Build the wall, keep illegals out.
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We really ned to get rid of th Pacific coast states > Hawaii, Washington. Oregon, and California. These states are outdoor insane asylums. Just GET RID OF THEM.

Hopefully, when Trump gets re-elected, we'll have a Republican president, Senate, House, and Supreme Court. Then, it will be prime time to get rid of these moronic, lunatic states. That should be the first order of business, And with 30 foot unclimbable walls on their borders. Alligator moats on the American side.

Doesn't matter if you have the presidency, the senate, or the house.

You'd need to amend the constitution to do that. So 3/4 of the States. And you'd already be 4 in the hole.

No chance you'd get the support of say, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, Colorado, New Mexico, Illinois, Delaware, or Massachusetts

So that's 18 you can't get. With not 1 state on board such a silly little proposal. Instantly killing your entire fantasy.

Math. Ain't it a bitch?
The problem is, as longs the states of Hawaii, California, Oregon and Washington (as it is now) remain they way they are, they drag down the whole rest of the USA.
I agree with your statement 101%. That is WHY we eastern Washingtonians & eastern Oregonians are trying our best to form the state of LIBERTY as well as absorb eastern Oregon into the "Greater Idaho" project. Below I am listing the problem we have both in Eastern Washington/Oregon, which is LACK OF HUMAN POPULATION;

Washington state;

Oregon state;

There are other counties within both eastern Washington/Oregon that have higher populations but when compared to the social liberals(statist left) packed into the coastal area the combined population of the eastern counties in Washington state is a drop in the bucket, & just or even more pathetic if @ all possible it's the same for eastern Oregon counties.

It's as bad in Idaho itself regarding low population per square mile. In Idaho county the PHYSICALLY LARGEST county in Idaho, Idaho County, has a whopping population of just over 16,000 folks.

In Clark county Idaho the entire population of the county is under 1,000 folks

When I said we are holding a front line with holes in it, zero reserves & no reinforcements coming I was not kidding like we could use some help from our fellow classical liberals(Libertarians), Conservatives/Republicans & allied Independents further east from us. I mean over here in eastern Oregon/Washington & Idaho in general, a pathetic handful of farmers when compared to the amount of the U.S. population we feed, are doing everything we can to keep these fields producing bumper crops of wheat, oats, barley, lentils & a host of other crops to include timothy/grass hay & alfalfa for our dairies despite the enviro whacko/marxinazis trying to curb our access to gypsum(nitrogen) fertilizer. When one loses their farming community they lose everything including their lives. Support our farmers so we can escape from tyrannical government.
I agree with your statement 101%. That is WHY we eastern Washingtonians & eastern Oregonians are trying our best to form the state of LIBERTY as well as absorb eastern Oregon into the "Greater Idaho" project. Below I am listing the problem we have both in Eastern Washington/Oregon, which is LACK OF HUMAN POPULATION;

Washington state;

Oregon state;

There are other counties within both eastern Washington/Oregon that have higher populations but when compared to the social liberals(statist left) packed into the coastal area the combined population of the eastern counties in Washington state is a drop in the bucket, & just or even more pathetic if @ all possible it's the same for eastern Oregon counties.

It's as bad in Idaho itself regarding low population per square mile. In Idaho county the PHYSICALLY LARGEST county in Idaho, Idaho County, has a whopping population of just over 16,000 folks.

In Clark county Idaho the entire population of the county is under 1,000 folks

When I said we are holding a front line with holes in it, zero reserves & no reinforcements coming I was not kidding like we could use some help from our fellow classical liberals(Libertarians), Conservatives/Republicans & allied Independents further east from us. I mean over here in eastern Oregon/Washington & Idaho in general, a pathetic handful of farmers when compared to the amount of the U.S. population we feed, are doing everything we can to keep these fields producing bumper crops of wheat, oats, barley, lentils & a host of other crops to include timothy/grass hay & alfalfa for our dairies despite the enviro whacko/marxinazis trying to curb our access to gypsum(nitrogen) fertilizer. When one loses their farming community they lose everything including their lives. Support our farmers so we can escape from tyrannical government.

Yeah, none of that is happening.

The States in question would have to consent to their own loss of territory. And there's 0% chance that they will. The potions of each state trying to 'detach' to form another state are sparsely populated in comparison. They just don't have the numbers to gain that consent. Not even close.

Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1 lays it out super clear.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

These fantasies are all well and good for shooting the shit over a beer down at your local bar. But practically, they're meaningless horseshit, amounting to little more than rhetorical masturbation.

Its political fan fiction. The right wing dogma equivalent of the Twilight trilogy.
Doesn't matter if you have the presidency, the senate, or the house.

You'd need to amend the constitution to do that. So 3/4 of the States. And you'd already be 4 in the hole.

No chance you'd get the support of say, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, Colorado, New Mexico, Illinois, Delaware, or Massachusetts

So that's 18 you can't get. With not 1 state on board such a silly little proposal. Instantly killing your entire fantasy.

Math. Ain't it a bitch?
Who says we couldnt get those states ? YOU ? Maybe they want to leave the red states, just as much as we want them to leave.

And if if we couldnt get them to leave, we could just do Bidenpolitics - ie, ignore the constitution, and just do whatever you see fit.
First we need to split California into north and south sections. South California will be San Diego to Palo Verde. North California will contain the blue cities of LA, SF, and Oakland. Oregon, Washington, and North California would be kicked out. We would build a huge port in San Diego so we can still get products we need from China.
Northern California would be included in the Phase 2 part of the Greater Idaho project(see below link).

Apparently our northern Californian allies prefer to have a quality life in the the "Greater Idaho" state as it's obvious they have had it with the commiefornian marxinazis that infest much of the rest of commiefornia.
I am Republican. Trump supporter. 100%
Good then you know there are more Republican Trump Supporters in California than there are Republican Trump Supporters in Montana / Wyoming / South Dakota and Idaho Combined
Northern California would be included in the Phase 2 part of the Greater Idaho project(see below link).

Apparently our northern Californian allies prefer to have a quality life in the the "Greater Idaho" state as it's obvious they have had it with the commiefornian marxinazis that infest much of the rest of commiefornia.
Shasta County ( State of Jefferson ) is 72% GOP and 89% Non Minority
Who says we couldnt get those states ? YOU ? Maybe they want to leave the red states, just as much as we want them to leave.

And if if we couldnt get them to leave, we could just do Bidenpolitics - ie, ignore the constitution, and just do whatever you see fit.

The complete lack of any support for your silly idea by any state, including 'those states'. And their support of left leaning candidates and policies like those in California.

And of course, you're not going to get California, Hawaii, Oregon nor Washington to kick themselves out of the United States.

Math kills your entire fantasy. You don't have a single state supporting your absurd little nonsense. And you need 38

This is just more of your pointless political fan fiction.
Good then you know there are more Republican Trump Supporters in California than there are Republican Trump Supporters in Montana / Wyoming / South Dakota and Idaho Combined

Shasta County ( State of Jefferson ) is 72% GOP and 89% Non Minority
But there are way, way more Biden supporters in the state. Pretty much double the Trump supporters.

With the legislature even more lopsided toward democrats.

62 Democrats and 18 Republicans in the Assembly and 32 Democrats and 8 Republicans in the Senate. You'd need the State Legislature to consent to the loss of territory to make up your imaginary 'Jefferson' or any other new state....just to start.

Its not happening.

You just don't have the numbers. Its not even close.

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