Kavanaugh Swearing in NOW Live

Better watch kids, it's a historic moment.

The first and hopefully only sex offender supreme Court Justice.
I am glad Trump attacked the despicable Democrat hate mob and apologized on behalf of the American people to Kavanaugh.
Better watch kids, it's a historic moment.

The first and hopefully only sex offender supreme Court Justice.

Feel so sorry for his two daughters. Everywhere they go, they will hear about their dad being a sexual predator. And they will know it's true. So sad.
I don't know about you, I had rather see Amy Coney Barrett on the SCOTUS. She is one "Babe" I wouldn't mind seeing on the bench wearing a black robe.

(Oh wait, now I am a sexist and a racist. For using a woman on the SCOTUS and that she is wearing a "black" robe.... *sighs*)
Better watch kids, it's a historic moment.

The first and hopefully only sex offender supreme Court Justice.

Too bad he is not a liberal dem appointment, you, most of the media would have overlooked like you did Keith Ellison and others. The demrats only interest was stopping a 5th conservative USSC appointment, they could care less if Ford was assaulted or not.
and Ginsburg is sitting there like a vegetable with some kind of mittens on

Does she have a pulse?


I watched the whole thing and I'll have to be honest here: I didn't hear him use a single cuss word.

I though this as supposed to be a "swearing in"?
i just hope that KAV works out . He is a 'bush' boy and he seems to be really intent on elevating special groups rather than just hiring the best .
Feel so sorry for his two daughters. Everywhere they go, they will hear about their dad being a sexual predator. And they will know it's true. So sad.
Nope. In a few days it will all go away and Democrats will have to find a new shiny bauble. But the girls may well remember what democrats did and want revenge.
Feel so sorry for his two daughters. Everywhere they go, they will hear about their dad being a sexual predator. And they will know it's true. So sad.
Trolls gotta lie.
Democrats gotta lie.
RBG looks like death warmed over. Soon.......
The Ds will keep her on life support until Trump leaves office.
Feel so sorry for his two daughters. Everywhere they go, they will hear about their dad being a sexual predator. And they will know it's true. So sad.

Daughters have learned.....women fucking lie for politics. Good lesson to learn. Not sad at all. NOW they will grow up to be fighters. Push aback against liberal lying fucking *****.

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