Justin Amash forms exploratory team for 3rd party run

This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
I don't expect a Libertarian to ever become president. Or, rather, I don't expect a libertarian to ever become president.
Only because most American voters are too stupid. They are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
Maybe. Maybe it's primarily because election laws written by Republicans and Democrats purposefully and unfairly exclude other parties and independent candidates. Maybe it's primarily because the American system can really only fit two broad-spectrum political parties. Maybe we're just bad at promoting ourselves electorally. Whatever the case may be, a genuine libertarian will never be President of the United States.
Can you describe a Libertarian town?
No. But don't get excited. It's because I don't understand what you're asking me to begin with, and because you've already demonstrated that you're only interested in trashing libertarians rather than discussing the subject.
I trash everybody because everybody loves any political ideology that suits their perceived needs.

I have had many discussions with libertarians who state, to my face, that only those who can pay for it should have access to a police department and fire department.
They don't want to pay taxes for sidewalks, paved roads, hydrants, stops signs, highway, tunnel or bridges.
They want wells rather a water department.
They say if they need something they will save up for whatever they need and only get it once they can afford it.

In other words, they are insane.
Please inform me that there are Libertarians who don't fit this description.
Perhaps some on One America News?
Keep in mind that I watched FoxNews and listened to Rush & Hannity everyday during GW's 8 years of selling out the US.
Am I being detained?
No...you are not answering a very straight forward question; and you don't have to answer because we have the last 10 years to analyze why any extreme is bad.
Libertarians allow the market to control society.
Which means the wealthy control the society...and only the wealthy.
Some wealthy people are very fine humans...most aren't.
The fact is that there is no perfect solution, whether driven by legislation or driven by assets.
No, I am not answering you.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
I don't expect a Libertarian to ever become president. Or, rather, I don't expect a libertarian to ever become president.
Only because most American voters are too stupid. They are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
Maybe. Maybe it's primarily because election laws written by Republicans and Democrats purposefully and unfairly exclude other parties and independent candidates. Maybe it's primarily because the American system can really only fit two broad-spectrum political parties. Maybe we're just bad at promoting ourselves electorally. Whatever the case may be, a genuine libertarian will never be President of the United States.
Can you describe a Libertarian town?
No. But don't get excited. It's because I don't understand what you're asking me to begin with, and because you've already demonstrated that you're only interested in trashing libertarians rather than discussing the subject.
I trash everybody because everybody loves any political ideology that suits their perceived needs.

I have had many discussions with libertarians who state, to my face, that only those who can pay for it should have access to a police department and fire department.
They don't want to pay taxes for sidewalks, paved roads, hydrants, stops signs, highway, tunnel or bridges.
They want wells rather a water department.
They say if they need something they will save up for whatever they need and only get it once they can afford it.

In other words, they are insane.
Please inform me that there are Libertarians who don't fit this description.
Perhaps some on One America News?
Keep in mind that I watched FoxNews and listened to Rush & Hannity everyday during GW's 8 years of selling out the US.
Am I being detained?
No...you are not answering a very straight forward question; and you don't have to answer because we have the last 10 years to analyze why any extreme is bad.
Libertarians allow the market to control society.
Which means the wealthy control the society...and only the wealthy.
Some wealthy people are very fine humans...most aren't.
The fact is that there is no perfect solution, whether driven by legislation or driven by assets.
No, I am not answering you.
No problem; I already knew the answer.
I never met a Libertarian who didn't fit the mold.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
I don't expect a Libertarian to ever become president. Or, rather, I don't expect a libertarian to ever become president.
Only because most American voters are too stupid. They are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
Maybe. Maybe it's primarily because election laws written by Republicans and Democrats purposefully and unfairly exclude other parties and independent candidates. Maybe it's primarily because the American system can really only fit two broad-spectrum political parties. Maybe we're just bad at promoting ourselves electorally. Whatever the case may be, a genuine libertarian will never be President of the United States.
Can you describe a Libertarian town?
No. But don't get excited. It's because I don't understand what you're asking me to begin with, and because you've already demonstrated that you're only interested in trashing libertarians rather than discussing the subject.
I trash everybody because everybody loves any political ideology that suits their perceived needs.

I have had many discussions with libertarians who state, to my face, that only those who can pay for it should have access to a police department and fire department.
They don't want to pay taxes for sidewalks, paved roads, hydrants, stops signs, highway, tunnel or bridges.
They want wells rather a water department.
They say if they need something they will save up for whatever they need and only get it once they can afford it.

In other words, they are insane.
Please inform me that there are Libertarians who don't fit this description.
Perhaps some on One America News?
Keep in mind that I watched FoxNews and listened to Rush & Hannity everyday during GW's 8 years of selling out the US.
Am I being detained?
No...you are not answering a very straight forward question; and you don't have to answer because we have the last 10 years to analyze why any extreme is bad.
Libertarians allow the market to control society.
Which means the wealthy control the society...and only the wealthy.
Some wealthy people are very fine humans...most aren't.
The fact is that there is no perfect solution, whether driven by legislation or driven by assets.
No, I am not answering you.
No problem; I already knew the answer.
I never met a Libertarian who didn't fit the mold.
He's about as significant as a fly on a thoroughbred's ass.
No wonder there isn’t an effective third party. Too many Americans are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
I agree. However, Trump isn't a party guy. He used the Republican party.
Yes we who voted for him hoped he wouldn’t govern as a party guy. Sadly he has.
He sure hasn't responded to the Democrat party and their sycophants in the media like a typical Republican has in the past. He's emboldened the Republicans to step up and fight back.
He's about as significant as a fly on a thoroughbred's ass.
No wonder there isn’t an effective third party. Too many Americans are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
I agree. However, Trump isn't a party guy. He used the Republican party.
Yes we who voted for him hoped he wouldn’t govern as a party guy. Sadly he has.
He sure hasn't responded to the Democrat party and their sycophants in the media like a typical Republican has in the past. He's emboldened the Republicans to step up and fight back.
I don’t think he’s emboldened anyone.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

You'd be throwing your vote away.

Figure the odds on him getting on the stage.
He's about as significant as a fly on a thoroughbred's ass.
No wonder there isn’t an effective third party. Too many Americans are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
I agree. However, Trump isn't a party guy. He used the Republican party.
Yes we who voted for him hoped he wouldn’t govern as a party guy. Sadly he has.
He sure hasn't responded to the Democrat party and their sycophants in the media like a typical Republican has in the past. He's emboldened the Republicans to step up and fight back.
I don’t think he’s emboldened anyone.
He sure drives democrats and their propaganda parrots crazy.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
I don't expect a Libertarian to ever become president. Or, rather, I don't expect a libertarian to ever become president.
Only because most American voters are too stupid. They are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
Maybe. Maybe it's primarily because election laws written by Republicans and Democrats purposefully and unfairly exclude other parties and independent candidates. Maybe it's primarily because the American system can really only fit two broad-spectrum political parties. Maybe we're just bad at promoting ourselves electorally. Whatever the case may be, a genuine libertarian will never be President of the United States.
I’d like to think a good candidate whether libertarian or not, could do very well in this election. Many Americans are feed up with Trump, including republicans. All D voters hate Donnie, but most know Sniffy is terribly flawed. That opens up an lane for a third candidate, but the deck is purposely stacked against a non duopoly candidate.

Had Bernie not sold out to the elites and D party, he might have had a chance.
Sounds good to me. He's an independent who is often more aligned with conservatives. Throw him in there and take away the Never Trumper republicans.

The Never Trumper Republicans will vote for Biden if Justin isn't running. And hence the problem. Hey I like the guy. I like him better than Biden. But the reality is he can't win, he'll split the vote and Trump will get a catastrophic second term.

How do you see the split hurting Democrats?

Remember when Republicans were hoping Bernie would run as an independent? It's because he's left-leaning and he would take the votes away from Clinton.

This guy is right-leaning. He'll take away votes from the right.
This would be a dream come true. He would most definitely have my vote.

(CNN)Justin Amash, a former Republican-turned independent congressman from Michigan, said Wednesday that he stopped actively campaigning for his House seat in mid-February as he has been considering running for president as a libertarian.

"He has been discussing the potential campaign with his family, his friends, his team, and others, and a decision can be expected soon," Amash's campaign said in a statement.

I won't. The choice is between Trump and Biden. A vote for anyone else is a vote for Trump. Trump must go.
Good luck with that. The rest of us can happily laugh at either of those clowns.
I will presume you're a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist,
If not, please explain why you're different than any other Libertarian.
You need to work on your openers.
Every Libertarian I know and see on Fox is a Cheap Labor Slave Wage Globalist.
I asked a simple question and you provided an ad hominem.
Very not Libertarian of you.
I'm sure what you know of libertarianism could fit into a thimble. Regardless, when you open with a variation of, "Are you a piece of human trash like every other libertarian I've heard of..." you can't really expect anyone to care what you think.
I have more than enough Libertarians in my suburban town.
They say the US should not intervene in other nations business but that a business can do whatever it wants unfettered by any level of governmental law.
They are also complete scumbags when it comes to how they treat their employees and the chain of labor.

Do you fit into the scumbag category?
If you don't, simply say so.
If you provide yet another ad hominem, it means I touched a raw nerve and Libertarians are supposedly pure Logic.
Did you know that libertarians, along with the rest of the logical population, do not believe that you get to define what anyone else's response means?
You are admitting no two libertarians define themselves the same way.
Thus, the label "Libertarian" is meaningless.
Unfortunately, the Libertarians I know all think in concert because all they truly want is money!
By the way, Libertarians love police.
Libertarians are individualists? No two people think exactly the same way? Big if true.
So don't expect what you expect if a Libertarian ever becomes President.
I don't expect a Libertarian to ever become president. Or, rather, I don't expect a libertarian to ever become president.
Only because most American voters are too stupid. They are stuck in the duopoly and can’t get out.
Maybe. Maybe it's primarily because election laws written by Republicans and Democrats purposefully and unfairly exclude other parties and independent candidates. Maybe it's primarily because the American system can really only fit two broad-spectrum political parties. Maybe we're just bad at promoting ourselves electorally. Whatever the case may be, a genuine libertarian will never be President of the United States.
I’d like to think a good candidate whether libertarian or not, could do very well in this election. Many Americans are feed up with Trump, including republicans. All D voters hate Donnie, but most know Sniffy is terribly flawed. That opens up an lane for a third candidate, but the deck is purposely stacked against a non duopoly candidate.

Had Bernie not sold out to the elites and D party, he might have had a chance.
I'm sure you meet a lot of people at the park who agree with you while you're feeding the pigeons.
I live in Nassau County and the Trump bumper stickers are everywhere.
Sounds good to me. He's an independent who is often more aligned with conservatives. Throw him in there and take away the Never Trumper republicans.

The Never Trumper Republicans will vote for Biden if Justin isn't running. And hence the problem. Hey I like the guy. I like him better than Biden. But the reality is he can't win, he'll split the vote and Trump will get a catastrophic second term.

How do you see the split hurting Democrats?

Remember when Republicans were hoping Bernie would run as an independent? It's because he's left-leaning and he would take the votes away from Clinton.

This guy is right-leaning. He'll take away votes from the right.

We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. IMHO, there would be no such thing as a Never Trumper like Amash taking votes away from Trump.
Sounds good to me. He's an independent who is often more aligned with conservatives. Throw him in there and take away the Never Trumper republicans.

The Never Trumper Republicans will vote for Biden if Justin isn't running. And hence the problem. Hey I like the guy. I like him better than Biden. But the reality is he can't win, he'll split the vote and Trump will get a catastrophic second term.

How do you see the split hurting Democrats?

Remember when Republicans were hoping Bernie would run as an independent? It's because he's left-leaning and he would take the votes away from Clinton.

This guy is right-leaning. He'll take away votes from the right.

We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. IMHO, there would be no such thing as a Never Trumper like Amash taking votes away from Trump.

You're saying you don't know of any Republicans who don't like Trump, but voted for him anyway because they absolutely despised Clinton?

Because that describes a few people I know. Not that it matters being in California, but you know what I mean.

Ok, agree to disagree then.
Sounds good to me. He's an independent who is often more aligned with conservatives. Throw him in there and take away the Never Trumper republicans.

The Never Trumper Republicans will vote for Biden if Justin isn't running. And hence the problem. Hey I like the guy. I like him better than Biden. But the reality is he can't win, he'll split the vote and Trump will get a catastrophic second term.

How do you see the split hurting Democrats?

Remember when Republicans were hoping Bernie would run as an independent? It's because he's left-leaning and he would take the votes away from Clinton.

This guy is right-leaning. He'll take away votes from the right.

We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. IMHO, there would be no such thing as a Never Trumper like Amash taking votes away from Trump.

You're saying you don't know of any Republicans who don't like Trump, but voted for him anyway because they absolutely despised Clinton?

Because that describes a few people I know. Not that it matters being in California, but you know what I mean.

Ok, agree to disagree then.
Take USMB for example...
95% of The Rs here are neo-Cons...they did not want Trump to get the nomination because MAGA ain't good for their Portfolios!
Once Trump won, the neo-Cons who didn't want MAGA immediately contracted amnesia and loved Trump.
Sounds good to me. He's an independent who is often more aligned with conservatives. Throw him in there and take away the Never Trumper republicans.

The Never Trumper Republicans will vote for Biden if Justin isn't running. And hence the problem. Hey I like the guy. I like him better than Biden. But the reality is he can't win, he'll split the vote and Trump will get a catastrophic second term.

How do you see the split hurting Democrats?

Remember when Republicans were hoping Bernie would run as an independent? It's because he's left-leaning and he would take the votes away from Clinton.

This guy is right-leaning. He'll take away votes from the right.

We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. IMHO, there would be no such thing as a Never Trumper like Amash taking votes away from Trump.

You're saying you don't know of any Republicans who don't like Trump, but voted for him anyway because they absolutely despised Clinton?

Because that describes a few people I know. Not that it matters being in California, but you know what I mean.

Ok, agree to disagree then.
Take USMB for example...
95% of The Rs here are neo-Cons...they did not want Trump to get the nomination because MAGA ain't good for their Portfolios!
Once Trump won, the neo-Cons who didn't want MAGA immediately contracted amnesia and loved Trump.

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