Fanni Willis might go to prison

The video didn't have any.

And you wouldn't know that, given you didn't watch it. Yes, it is that obvious. You just paste what you're told to paste.

If you understand your "proof", explain it to us in your own words, with a reasonable amount of detail.

If you're not just a brainless parrot, unaware of what he's pasting, that shouldn't be a problem.

If you are such a brainwashed cult imbecile, you'll now start tapdancing and deflecting, and run away using the "BUT MAH VIDEO!" big lie.

Please let everyone know what option you're choosing. I think everyone knows it will be the latter.
lol ! what an angry emotional leftwing shrill you are ... sadly you will never be happy even if your party achieves its ultimate goal of total rule ...
......says the boy who supports trannies swinging their dicks at the real women in bathrooms and locker rooms.
The sad thing is that this one actually believes his thought processes are normal, that everyone thinks about trannies and dick swinging all day long, just like "he" does.

I imagine most Trump cultists didn't start out as pervs. But they joined a perv cult, and they were gradually indoctrinated into believing that being a perv was normal.
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It's already been played out fucknuts.

Racist bitch-tears.

They nourish the souls of good humans.

The funny part is how the racist shit humans think that if they cry hard enough, we'll stop humiliating them for being such shit humans.

Not the case. When they whimper, they're telling us that what we're doing hurts them, and that they're begging us to stop.

Not going to happen.

When you condemn your dear leader for raping his 11-year old daughter in the shower

These kind of pervy fantasies are what the Trump cultists stroke themselves over, all day long

If a Trump cultist isn't already on a watchlist, it's probably just a matter of time.
says the commie that supports the party trying to imprison the nominee off the opposing party ..
Trump announced he was running for president in November of 2022. But the Georgia investigation into Trump started in February 2021 and the grand jury for that was seated in may of 2022.

This investigation & grand jury occurred when nobody knew Trump was going to run for president. If they attempted to do this in reaction to Trump running for president, there would have been no way to investigate & indict quickly enough.
Democrats get to break all laws then?


And it's not democrats fault. it's the fault of conservatives who for over 100 years have felt so entitled to their position and comfort that they laughed at the very thought of worrying about not being privileged and empowered.

Now that that has ALL changed, they feel entitled to bitch, whine, embrace victim-hood and cry about it...but have committed to doing nothing. So they will be crushed, abused and deprived..... Brutally and completely. And no election will stop this process.
Conservatives and whites in general are in for centuries of receiving very harsh and cruel futures. Payback?

Deny it, but deep inside you KNOW these words ring absolutely true.
The only out is if you're very old and your time is about up. Count your lucky stars in that case.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
How would you like to pay YOUR reparations share?

Did you know........
The CEO of Lowes is a BLACK MAN who makes over 18 MILLION per year?
Remember when those positions and those kinds of salaries were exclusive to white conservatives?

As black men and women take over all of corporate America, do you think it should be required for any of those corporations to have to hire any white people at all? What kinds of jobs should be available to whites? Would picking crops be suitable?
Perhaps house cleaners and servants to wealthy CEO's ?
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Racist bitch-tears.

They nourish the souls of good humans.

The funny part is how the racist shit humans think that if they cry hard enough, we'll stop humiliating them for being such shit humans.

Not the case. When they whimper, they're telling us that what we're doing hurts them, and that they're begging us to stop.

Not going to happen.

These kind of pervy fantasies are what the Trump cultists stroke themselves over, all day long

If a Trump cultist isn't already on a watchlist, it's probably just a matter of time.

Bidophiles are enablers... and subhuman shit.

They still think pretend the laptop-from-hell is "Russian disinformation". :laughing0301:

Pro Tip: Normal people know better.

decency 99w.jpg

Why yes.... yes it is, Jill.
Says the guy with an album full of pervy photos, one of which he just shared with us.

You're not normal.

That's why children and small animals instinctively run from you. They can tell.

Nobody forces Trump cultists to be pervs. They choose that lifestyle because they like it.
Says something that will eventually hang itself on the chain link fence behind the trailer park. :abgg2q.jpg:

Put it on TikTok, bidophile.... don't be selfish.

Some p*rn for you... cuz I'm a nice guy....

biden party in the front.jpg
This is more republicans attacking her because she dared to go after Trump.
This is more republicans attacking her because she dared to go after Trump.

Problem is...the attack was purely motivated by politics.
While we expect this of dictatorships and 3rd world shit holes (like the USA is now), there was a time it was not acceptable.

Good thing the right is so weak it could never happen to the Left in return.

And it's not democrats fault. it's the fault of conservatives who for over 100 years have felt so entitled to their position and comfort that they laughed at the very thought of worrying about not being privileged and empowered.

Now that that has ALL changed, they feel entitled to bitch, whine, embrace victim-hood and cry about it...but have committed to doing nothing. So they will be crushed, abused and deprived..... Brutally and completely. And no election will stop this process.
Conservatives and whites in general are in for centuries of receiving very harsh and cruel futures. Payback?

Deny it, but deep inside you KNOW these words ring absolutely true.
The only out is if you're very old and your time is about up. Count your lucky stars in that case.
How long did you suffer as a Democrat?

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