July sea ice second lowest ever

Here's what 6.4% ice loss per decade looks like....

I wonder if anybody is ever convinced by those graphs Chris keeps posting again and again and again and again and. . . .?
dont you love how all encompassing they are of the 4.5 BILLION years the planet has been around
to have such complete data to make that call for all those years
I wonder if anybody is ever convinced by those graphs Chris keeps posting again and again and again and again and. . . .?
dont you love how all encompassing they are of the 4.5 BILLION years the planet has been around
to have such complete data to make that call for all those years

Yup. And the graph will definitely be drawn and explained in such a way as to reflect the ideology of whoever had the computer skills to draw it for us.

I have decided that if the have an "Armageddon" like scenario and are advised that an enormous asteroid is on a collision course with Earth, I will THEN believe we are going to have a problem with abnormal climate change. I will also hope that we have the technology to deal with it as was fictionalized in that movie.

If the Arctic ice cap melts in an interglacial period in progress, so be it. It will refreeze when it is its time to do so. There will certainly be major climate shifts in the future as well, and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it. I wish we were focusing on technology that would help us adapt to it rather than this ridiculous notion that we can stop the inevitable.
It would be nice if all the raw data was put out and accessable to everyone. And when that data was then used to make a study or produce a computer model, the authors would be transparent in their methods so that others could check or replicate that work. You know, like real science and scientists. Not like high school politics of popularity being practised in climate science today.
It would be nice if all the raw data was put out and accessable to everyone. And when that data was then used to make a study or produce a computer model, the authors would be transparent in their methods so that others could check or replicate that work. You know, like real science and scientists. Not like high school politics of popularity being practised in climate science today.
well, clearly you arent smart enough to actually understand the raw data

at least thats the the worshipers at the alter of AlGore think
It would be nice if all the raw data was put out and accessable to everyone. And when that data was then used to make a study or produce a computer model, the authors would be transparent in their methods so that others could check or replicate that work. You know, like real science and scientists. Not like high school politics of popularity being practised in climate science today.

The argument here is NOT about the method at all. It is about claiming 30 years of data is somehow relevant to making policy decisions on something concerning the Earth which is over 4 BILLION years old.
It would be nice if all the raw data was put out and accessable to everyone. And when that data was then used to make a study or produce a computer model, the authors would be transparent in their methods so that others could check or replicate that work. You know, like real science and scientists. Not like high school politics of popularity being practised in climate science today.

The argument here is NOT about the method at all. It is about claiming 30 years of data is somehow relevant to making policy decisions on something concerning the Earth which is over 4 BILLION years old.

I think if people knew how flimsy the data was, how poor the mathematics, and how twisted the adjustments and correction were, then no one would be stupid enough to make predictions of catastrophy and few who be taken in if there were.

Half the scientists on the AGW side think it is only their small area of expertise that is at odds with the theory. They are just going along with it for 'the team'.
It would be nice if all the raw data was put out and accessable to everyone. And when that data was then used to make a study or produce a computer model, the authors would be transparent in their methods so that others could check or replicate that work. You know, like real science and scientists. Not like high school politics of popularity being practised in climate science today.

The argument here is NOT about the method at all. It is about claiming 30 years of data is somehow relevant to making policy decisions on something concerning the Earth which is over 4 BILLION years old.

I think if people knew how flimsy the data was, how poor the mathematics, and how twisted the adjustments and correction were, then no one would be stupid enough to make predictions of catastrophy and few who be taken in if there were.

Half the scientists on the AGW side think it is only their small area of expertise that is at odds with the theory. They are just going along with it for 'the team'.

In my opinion, most scientists who are still 'going along with it' seem to be doing so mostly for the grant money. The team wouldn't be enough to get them to compromise their professional integrity that much.
Here's what 6.4% ice loss per decade looks like....



Im convinced..... I will be right back, I am going to go burn my cars and buy a bike!

Wait... that would pollute the earth.

Shit!!!! What do I do?????? OMG.... The bike shops are closed too.... DAMN IT!!!!

I have to fart too!!!!! They are toxic to the planet!!!!!
This past winter's negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation transported old ice (four, five, and more years old) from an area north of the Canadian Archipelago. The ice was flushed southwards and westward into the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, as noted in our April post. Ice age data show that back in the 1970s and 1980s, old ice drifting into the Beaufort Sea would generally survive the summer melt season. However, the old, thick ice that moved into this region is now beginning to melt out, which could further deplete the Arctic’s remaining store of old, thick ice. The loss of thick ice has been implicated as a major cause of the very low September sea ice minima observed in recent years.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
It would be nice if all the raw data was put out and accessable to everyone. And when that data was then used to make a study or produce a computer model, the authors would be transparent in their methods so that others could check or replicate that work. You know, like real science and scientists. Not like high school politics of popularity being practised in climate science today.

I think if people knew how flimsy the data was, how poor the mathematics, and how twisted the adjustments and correction were, then no one would be stupid enough to make predictions of catastrophy and few who be taken in if there were.

Half the scientists on the AGW side think it is only their small area of expertise that is at odds with the theory. They are just going along with it for 'the team'.
Now hold on just a minute there Slick!

If you have no access to the data and methods, as you claim in the earlier post, then how can you know the data was flimsy, the math was poor, and the adjustments were twisted, as you claim in your next post????????

Both posts cannot be true!
Are the Maldives underwater as a direct result of the "loss of ice"?

Are you going to ever ask a relevant question? :cool:

That is a relevant question konrad. The claim has been made that the Maldives are going to disappear under the ocean. That claim was made years ago. The last time I looked the Maldives were still above water. The one thing that has been proven was that the Australian Broadcasting Company was lying about the rate of ocean rise. I highlighted the relevant sentence.

Global warming scare mongering: the Maldives is sinking fast - along with 60 Minutes credibility
Elizabeth Krantz - 18 May 2009

Viewers of Channel Nine's 60 Minutes on Sunday night 17th May 2009 were treated to one of the most deceptive and misleading stories imaginable as the producers let their global warming evangelism overcome journalistic integrity in a beat up of the Maldives supposed journey to the bottom of the ocean.

Against a back-drop of the Maldives, reporter Liz Hayes exclaims "If ever you needed proof that global warming exists, it's right here. The Maldives is drowning". Very dramatic. So what proof did Hayes offer?

The camera shifts to Hayes standing waist-deep in water lamenting "For me, this is quite a sight. I visited eight years ago, and I walked right here, on what was then dry, hot sand". From her previous comments the implication is clear - sea levels at the Maldives have risen by over one metre in eight years.

This is deceptive scare-mongering in the extreme. The most likely reason for the change is normal sand erosion due to tides and storms.

Hayes introduces Australian scientist and fervent advocate of the global warming hypothesis, Charles Veron who continues the scare-mongering.

"We're in for a change in climate like we've never imagined before," alarmist Charlie says. "We're going to be witnessing whole cities being destroyed through the sea level rise".

That's right - whole cities destroyed. Alarmist Charlie did not say which cities.

Unfortunately for producer Stephen Rice and reporter Hayes their deception was exposed by alarmist Charlie in the chat session after the show.

A number of participants were eager to know why such dramatic sea level rises were not evident in the rest of the world. Alarmist Charlie ducked around the questions until finally when asked what scientific measuring device was used to determine the sea level is rising in the Maldives, Veron made this amazing admission, "There is no specific measurable sea level rise in the Maldives".

That's right, no measurable sea level rise.

But hang on, wasn't that what the whole program was about? Maldives is about to be the new Atlantis.

After this shattering blow to their credibility, 60 Minutes should stick to their stock-in-trade of providing light entertainment in the form of fluffy interviews with Hollywood movie stars.

Global warming - the Maldives is sinking
July sea ice second lowest: oldest ice begins to melt

Arctic sea ice extent averaged for July was the second lowest in the satellite record, after 2007. After a slowdown in the rate of ice loss, the old, thick ice that moved into the southern Beaufort Sea last winter is beginning to melt out.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

How old is your record? If you are using satellites then the record is 30 years old, meaning useless. If your using some other record it is probably no more then 50 or 60 years old, again useless.

You realize that in middle time period there was a green Greenland? Right? That it was warmer then then now? That we have only had about 20 years of minimal warming. something like 1/3 of a degree?

Further the poles were warmer for longer from 1920's to late 1940's. And no I am not going to link it, it was extensively linked too in several threads YOU participated in and you ignored it then.

Have you ever been to Greenland?
Greenland's ice cap is hundreds of thousands of years old and unchanged. The area you are speaking of is a few acres.
Greenland was never green all over the country. That is a made up myth.
The North Polar Ice Cap is at least a million years old.

40% of its volume has melted in the last 40 years.
Most of the areas in the 1200 chain of islands of Maldives the sea is risning at .9 cm a year.
Do the math.
The North Polar Ice Cap is at least a million years old.

40% of its volume has melted in the last 40 years.

I have pictures of Glacier Park when my mother went there in 1938.
They are all almost gone now because the world is cooling.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
You have to give it up man. Cigarettes are good for you, Adolph Hitler led the Argenitinian government in the Falklands War, Elvis is working at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga. and pro wrasslin is real. If you do not believe so get in the ring with them and find out.
July sea ice second lowest: oldest ice begins to melt

Arctic sea ice extent averaged for July was the second lowest in the satellite record, after 2007. After a slowdown in the rate of ice loss, the old, thick ice that moved into the southern Beaufort Sea last winter is beginning to melt out.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

How old is your record? If you are using satellites then the record is 30 years old, meaning useless. If your using some other record it is probably no more then 50 or 60 years old, again useless.

You realize that in middle time period there was a green Greenland? Right? That it was warmer then then now? That we have only had about 20 years of minimal warming. something like 1/3 of a degree?

Further the poles were warmer for longer from 1920's to late 1940's. And no I am not going to link it, it was extensively linked too in several threads YOU participated in and you ignored it then.

Have you ever been to Greenland?
Greenland's ice cap is hundreds of thousands of years old and unchanged. The area you are speaking of is a few acres.
Greenland was never green all over the country. That is a made up myth.

Actually Greenlands ice sheet is several million years old. And the area that was habitable was not a few acres. There were three settlements scattered along a 650 kilometer stretch of coastline....just like in Norway and Iceland. And yes I have been to Greenland, how about you?

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