Huge ice sheet breaks from Greenland glacier


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
More than two and a half square miles of a Greenland glacier broke up on July 6 and 7, moving the edge of the glacier a mile inland in one day, the furthest inland it has ever been observed. While such calving of glaciers isn't rare, seeing it happen at high resolution by satellite in almost real time is.

NASA-funded researchers have been monitoring Greenland's Jakobshavn Isbrae using satellite images from the Landsat, Terra, Aqua and DigitalGlobe's WorldView 2 satellites. The breakup was detected hours after it happened by Ian Howat of the Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State University and Paul Morin, director of the Antarctic Geospatial Information Center at the University of Minnesota.

"This event is unusual because it occurs on the heels of a warm winter that saw no sea ice form in the surrounding bay," Thomas Wagner, cryospheric program scientist at NASA Headquarters, said in a release. "While the exact relationship between these events is being determined, it lends credence to the theory that warming of the oceans is responsible for the ice loss observed throughout Greenland and Antarctica."

Jakobshavn Isbrae is located on the west coast of Greenland. It has retreated more than 27 miles since 1850, six of them in the last decade. Jakobshavn is also believed to be the single largest contributor to sea level rise in the northern hemisphere.

Big chunk of Greenland glacier breaks off - Science Fair: Science and Space News -
(CNN) -- A piece of ice four times the size of Manhattan island has broken away from an ice shelf in Greenland, according to scientists in the U.S.

The 260 square-kilometer (100 square miles) ice island separated from the Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland early on Thursday, researchers based at the University of Delaware said.

The ice island, which is about half the height of the Empire State Building, is the biggest piece of ice to break away from the Arctic icecap since 1962 and amounts to a quarter of the Petermann 70-kilometer floating ice shelf, according to research leader Andreas Muenchow.

Massive ice island breaks off Greenland -
(CNN) -- A piece of ice four times the size of Manhattan island has broken away from an ice shelf in Greenland, according to scientists in the U.S.

The 260 square-kilometer (100 square miles) ice island separated from the Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland early on Thursday, researchers based at the University of Delaware said.

The ice island, which is about half the height of the Empire State Building, is the biggest piece of ice to break away from the Arctic icecap since 1962 and amounts to a quarter of the Petermann 70-kilometer floating ice shelf, according to research leader Andreas Muenchow.

Massive ice island breaks off Greenland -

Holy crap! We've been polluting the ever loving crap out of the planet and it took us 48 YEARS to break off a bigger chunk! That does it! I'm going to pollute MORE!
Forgive them father. For they know not what they "mock".

Sound the alarms!!!!!!

The End is Near!!!!!

You fcukking k00k......................:lol:

This is what you get when you got people with nothing meaningful going on in their lives. Its quite that simple. Their life hinges on the next environmental change so that the k00k can blow it up into something hysterical!!! This nuts eye's lit up when he saw this story............100% certainty. Because then he can come on here and matter in life for a few hours!!! The kind of loser nobody wants at their party. A modern day hermit with a PC.

As they say though..........everybody finds their own niche in life:eusa_eh:
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An iceberg the size of Edinburgh has broken off one of Greenland’s two main glaciers.

It is the biggest “melt” the Arctic has seen in nearly 50 years.

The new ice island, with an area of 100 square miles, is floating about 620 miles south of the North Pole, between Greenland and Canada.

The giant iceberg is around 600ft thick, said Andreas Muenchow, professor of ocean science and engineering at the University of Delaware.

“The freshwater stored in this ice island could keep the Delaware or Hudson Rivers flowing for more than two years,” he added.

Edinburgh-sized iceberg floats free - Herald Scotland | News | Transport & Environment
An iceberg the size of Edinburgh has broken off one of Greenland’s two main glaciers.

It is the biggest “melt” the Arctic has seen in nearly 50 years.

The new ice island, with an area of 100 square miles, is floating about 620 miles south of the North Pole, between Greenland and Canada.

The giant iceberg is around 600ft thick, said Andreas Muenchow, professor of ocean science and engineering at the University of Delaware.

“The freshwater stored in this ice island could keep the Delaware or Hudson Rivers flowing for more than two years,” he added.

Edinburgh-sized iceberg floats free - Herald Scotland | News | Transport & Environment

Release the Kracken!!!!!!!!!!!

An iceberg the size of Edinburgh has broken off one of Greenland’s two main glaciers.

It is the biggest “melt” the Arctic has seen in nearly 50 years.

The new ice island, with an area of 100 square miles, is floating about 620 miles south of the North Pole, between Greenland and Canada.

The giant iceberg is around 600ft thick, said Andreas Muenchow, professor of ocean science and engineering at the University of Delaware.

“The freshwater stored in this ice island could keep the Delaware or Hudson Rivers flowing for more than two years,” he added.

Edinburgh-sized iceberg floats free - Herald Scotland | News | Transport & Environment

And WAAAAAYYYYY back in 1962 a chunk of ice broke off of Greenland that was.....wait for it....230 squre miles, this one is only 100 square miles......and you know what is really intersting???????? You get icebergs from calving glaciers that are GROWING!
Sensitive Global Positioning System and other satellite-borne sensors have detected the accelerating northwestern migration of ice loss the length of coastal Greenland since 2005.

Scientists have known for some time that the great ice sheet was losing mass over southeastern portions of Greenland, but a new analysis describes "an on-going northward migration of increasing mass loss" along the western coast from the southern tip to the far north.

The Greenland ice sheet is a vast reservoir, two miles deep in places, containing enough water to fill the Gulf of Mexico -- and to raise sea level 21 feet if it were all to melt.

More Greenland Ice Melting Faster : Discovery News
The researchers compared two sets of data -- measurements of "crustal uplift" along the coast detected at three long-term GPS sites on coastal bedrock, and direct measurements from the orbiting twin Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites that detect subtle changes in Earth's gravity field caused by regional changes in the planet's mass.

"When we look at the monthly values from GRACE, the ice mass loss has been very dramatic along the northwest coast of Greenland," said co-author John Wahr, a physicist at University of Colorado-Boulder. "This is a phenomenon that was undocumented before this study. Our speculation is that some of the big glaciers in this region are sliding downhill faster and dumping more ice in the ocean."

Another co-author, geophysicist Isabella Velicogna of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said the combination of the GPS and GRACE data "gives us a very powerful tool that improves our resolution and allows us to better understand the changes that are occurring."

More Greenland Ice Melting Faster : Discovery News
While such calving of glaciers isn't rare....

Move along, you environmentalist wackaloon looky-loos.

I would not dismiss this too fast.

The flap of a butterfly’s wings in China might set off a tornado in Texas. Just think of all the chaos being caused by the worlds wind farms. Really. Wind turbines, clean power or death machines? Who knows?

While such calving of glaciers isn't rare....

Move along, you environmentalist wackaloon looky-loos.

I would not dismiss this too fast.

The flap of a butterfly’s wings in China might set off a tornado in Texas. Just think of all the chaos being caused by the worlds wind farms. Really. Wind turbines, clean power or death machines? Who knows?


You seem to think you know. Why should we pay attention to someone who admits to lack of knowledge?!?!
Recent studies have found that warming ocean temperatures may be responsible for much of the increased melting of Greenland's outlet glaciers, and this may be accelerating the melting of the larger Greenland ice sheet. For example, one study published in Nature Geoscience in February concluded that glaciers in west Greenland are melting 100 times faster at their undersea end points than on the surface.

This event would support the ocean-driven melt theory, according to a NASA ice specialist.

"While there have been ice breakouts of this magnitude from Jakonbshavn and other glaciers in the past, this event is unusual because it occurs on the heels of a warm winter that saw no sea ice form in the surrounding bay," said Thomas Wagner, cryospheric program scientist at NASA Headquarters, in a press release. "While the exact relationship between these events is being determined, it lends credence to the theory that warming of the oceans is responsible for the ice loss observed throughout Greenland and Antarctica."

NASA eyeballs glacial melt in Greenland - Capital Weather Gang

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