Jon Stewart Mocks DNC's Bigotry


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Even Jon Stewart can spot bigotry when he sees it. In this little documentary video the folks at The Daily Show produced they expose Democrats for what they are.


Even Jon Stewart is shocked by the people at the DNC – Glenn Beck

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The Republican Party is 90% white. Who are they accepting?
The Republican Party is 90% white. Who are they accepting?

That number is an invention of you libs.

It's as much a lie as the Democrats saying they accept everyone.......when it's obvious they don't.

Democrats don't accept people who hate them. And they don't have to. There is already a place for people who hate minorities, science, education and poor people. It's called the Republican Party which is 90% white. So where is there a "big deal"?
The Republican Party is 90% white. Who are they accepting?
The question is this, do they accept all who are of color in this nation, and for who are American citizens in this nation to join them ? Yes they do, and this is what they do always for those who are willing and do choose to join them freely, or do volunteer to do so freely. No one is holding anyone back in America as far as joining a political party goes, and this is right as long as the values are the same between the ones who want to join a specific party or group, and of the ones who have and/or control the party in which they run, so it matters not about ones skin color ever, even though that is what the DNC wants to portray it all as, and they do this unfairly and without merit for the most part, yet what matters most is the values held and the character observed and known of the individual when wanting to join any group or the government of this nation.

They (the DNC) feel that they have to devide the nation in order to conquer the nation now, and this is for those in which they do represent, yet mainly it is all for political power sought after these days in which the DNC wants badly now, yet opposes any power grabing greatly by the otherside, where as they (the DNC) are not for equality as it were in the old days, and are seeking more and more power instead of equality these days. Their are Americans, and their are citizens in this nation whom deserve to be recognized as well by both parties equally, and this is as Americans should always be treated in America having the right character involved, and it matters not what color they are either, and never should it matter as based upon ones color to be recognized when joining any government or politcial group within this nation, especially as an American citizen whom would want to join a recognized group/party or the government in this nation.

Their are those in this nation that apply pressure against those for whom they feel are maybe not completely in their circle, but are still yet black like they are in the struggle in which they will always see as relevent, and so they refuse these people for whom they feel are like them in color, and are also against what they are also against, to even try and think for themselves or to make a stand against immorality and/or immoral acts by joining another, in which they feel would damage them as a group. So they demand them to remain loyal against the man as they call it, for just as long as they can, and this no matter what. It may be understandable why the conventions looked as they did racially, because people are being told within their groups, that they had better not cross those lines, and they had better stay loyal no matter what in these situations.
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The Republican Party is 90% white. Who are they accepting?

That number is an invention of you libs.

It's as much a lie as the Democrats saying they accept everyone.......when it's obvious they don't.

Democrats don't accept people who hate them. And they don't have to. There is already a place for people who hate minorities, science, education and poor people. It's called the Republican Party which is 90% white. So where is there a "big deal"?

People who hate them?

You mean the folks your party has been badmouthing for going on 9 years?

All of this hatred and all of these imaginary wars are a figment of the Obama White House's vivid imaginations.

I'm sure you can find some schmuck in Timbucktoo that said the "N" word, but for the most part I'm seeing hatred from OWS and now this video....along with that fiasco yesterday, hatred for the most part from folks like YOU.

When somebody spits on you enough you're eventually going to say something and that's what years of being spit on does to people like me and the rest of the conservatives you hate.
The Republican Party is 90% white. Who are they accepting?

That number is an invention of you libs.

It's as much a lie as the Democrats saying they accept everyone.......when it's obvious they don't.
Who don't they accept liar?

White males, straight White males. Guys that like beer and guns. Guys that don't cry or don't kiss everyone they meet on the cheek. They shake hands instead. They don't wear bags. They have wallets.

Red-necks is what the call them. Evil NASCAR fans who know what the latest point total the tour leader has. Guys that play fantasy football. Guys that listen to music about trucks and stuff.

Guys that will help people in need and not give a flying-fuck what political party they belong to. Guys that think wearing a new ball-cap is dressing up for a special occasion.

And worst of all guys that believe that there is a God.

These are the guys you folks love to hate. Not because they hate you but because you've been taught to hate them from birth.
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That number is an invention of you libs.

It's as much a lie as the Democrats saying they accept everyone.......when it's obvious they don't.
Who don't they accept liar?

White males, straight White males. Guys that like beer and guns. Guys that don't cry or don't kiss everyone they meet on the cheek. They shake hands instead. They don't wear bags. They have wallets.

Red-necks is what the call them. Evil NASCAR fans who know what the latest point total the tour leader has. Guys that play fantasy football. Guys that listen to music about trucks and stuff.

Guys that will help people in need and not give a flying-fuck what political party they belong to. Guys that think wearing a new ball-cap is dressing up for a special occasion.

And worst of all guys that believe that there is a God.

These are the guys you folks love to hate. Not because they hate you but because you've been taught to hate them from birth.

You've really lost yourself mudwhistle...if you truly believe that swill.

That number is an invention of you libs.

It's as much a lie as the Democrats saying they accept everyone.......when it's obvious they don't.
Who don't they accept liar?

White males, straight White males. Guys that like beer and guns. Guys that don't cry or don't kiss everyone they meet on the cheek. They shake hands instead. They don't wear bags. They have wallets.

Red-necks is what the call them. Evil NASCAR fans who know what the latest point total the tour leader has. Guys that play fantasy football. Guys that listen to music about trucks and stuff.

Guys that will help people in need and not give a flying-fuck what political party they belong to. Guys that think wearing a new ball-cap is dressing up for a special occasion.

And worst of all guys that believe that there is a God.

These are the guys you folks love to hate. Not because they hate you but because you've been taught to hate them from birth.


What a bunch of horse shit.
Jon Stewart (born Jon Stewart Liebowitz) is a comedian. He is in the mocking business. Usually his target is the republican party but a guy has to make a buck when business is slow and democrats are so damned bigoted that it must be hard for a Jew to keep ignoring it.
No one as far as I know is locked out of the Republican party....
Well I have a locked out a few here.They will never get
But anyone who wants in come on over.
Jon Stewart (born Jon Stewart Liebowitz) is a comedian. He is in the mocking business. Usually his target is the republican party but a guy has to make a buck when business is slow and democrats are so damned bigoted that it must be hard for a Jew to keep ignoring it.
The bigger question is how did John ignore it all to begin with ? I mean you would think that a comedian wouldn't become loyal to anyone or anyside, and this in order to keep the works alive no matter what party is being ignorant at any given time, especially if a political comedian most of the time. It reminds of these ignorant hollywood producers, who will allow one word to seperate them from the majority in said profits because of (drawing an R rating instead of a PG or even a G rating because of), just to be a complete out of touch idiot for a few that he may be hanging with in life, and is influnced by in life. GO Figure that one out would jah. wow! I have seen many a film that could have made gazillians, but instead of and/or even went broke sometimes, because the producer put his signature egotistical attitude in life, before what was going to be good for all involved instead. This cut the actors and actresses short on their money, the crew short on theirs, the people short on their wanting a decent film for them and their children to watch as a family, and all for an idiots ego being placed before the good of the nation and all in such a situation.
Jon Stewart (born Jon Stewart Liebowitz) is a comedian. He is in the mocking business. Usually his target is the republican party but a guy has to make a buck when business is slow and democrats are so damned bigoted that it must be hard for a Jew to keep ignoring it.
The bigger question is how did John ignore it all to begin with ? I mean you would think that a comedian wouldn't become loyal to anyone or anyside, and this in order to keep the works alive no matter what party is being ignorant at any given time, especially if a political comedian most of the time. It reminds of these ignorant hollywood producers, who will allow one word to seperate them from the majority in said profits because of (drawing an R rating instead of a PG or even a G rating because of), just to be a complete out of touch idiot for a few that he may be hanging with in life, and is influnced by in life. GO Figure that one out would jah. wow! I have seen many a film that could have made gazillians, but instead of and/or even went broke sometimes, because the producer put his signature egotistical attitude in life, before what was going to be good for all involved instead. This cut the actors and actresses short on their money, the crew short on theirs, the people short on their wanting a decent film for them and their children to watch as a family, and all for an idiots ego being placed before the good of the nation and all in such a situation.

It's a good point but evidence indicates that Mr. Stewart is more interested in a sho-biz career than fixing the ills in society hence his new anglo-persona after shedding his Jewish heritage. There still has to be some morality left in an empty sho-biz lifestyle so once in a while the radical empty liberal makes fun of his own politics. I wouldn't make a big deal of it. It won't last

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