*John's Revelation*

One like a son of man= a created being = Jesus. Same at Daniel 7:13-15--One like a son of man= a created being was appointed king of Gods kingdom.

Don't change scripture.

Written to encourage Jews undergoing persecution at the hands of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Seleucid king of Syria, the visions of chapters 7–12 predict the end of the earthly Seleucid kingdom, its replacement by the eternal kingdom of God, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgement.
Don't change scripture.

Written to encourage Jews undergoing persecution at the hands of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Seleucid king of Syria, the visions of chapters 7–12 predict the end of the earthly Seleucid kingdom, its replacement by the eternal kingdom of God, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgement.
Show us the resurrection. And if Gods kingdom rule is occurring-Where? Where is there no more mourning, outcry, or pain or death?(Rev 21:4)
You live in darkness, you best get out of her as God warned you to do.
Don't change scripture.

Written to encourage Jews undergoing persecution at the hands of Antiochus Epiphanes, the Seleucid king of Syria, the visions of chapters 7–12 predict the end of the earthly Seleucid kingdom, its replacement by the eternal kingdom of God, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgement.
Sorry bout that,

1. Time started clicking, when the Jews, returned to Israel, that was 1948.
2. A human life span, (is what the Bible says), then these Revelations will take place, (now) if you add 70 years onto 1948, you come up with 2018, which we are beyond 2018, by five years.
3. Its a guess then, how long a human can live, lets say 120 years, (for arguments sake), which is 2068 on the out reach, its a guess when it all starts, but it will start, and, Heaven Have Mercy, it will be bad, real bad, unlike anything on earth ever. How old is the oldest person, G-d knows, and will start, Revelations after that time.
3. (a) Likely one second after that time, Revelation, starts.
4. Just read my OP, and look at each level of condemnation, and how this judgement will be carried out.
5. Some one here, will try to, defend against, this Revelation, saying it already happened over the years, no, do not believe it, it hasn't, when ever Revelations, takes place, as of now it hasn't, it will be total annihilation of mankind, only brought to you by G-Ds hand, and total destruction of humankind attempt to self govern, G-D will step in and have to do it save mankind, by doing away with all our structures put in place to self govern.
6. And it will be good, we can't do it ourselves, likely will self destruct, if this keeps going on.
7. Thanks be to G-D, forever and ever.

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Sorry bout that,

1. Time started clicking, when the Jews, returned to Israel, that was 1948.
2. A human life span, (is what the Bible says), then these Revelations will take place, (now) if you add 70 years onto 1948, you come up with 2018, which we are beyond 2018, by five years.
3. Its a guess then, how long a human can live, lets say 120 years, (for arguments sake), which is 2068 on the out reach, its a guess when it all starts, but it will start, and, Heaven Have Mercy, it will be bad, real bad, unlike anything on earth ever. How old is the oldest person, G-d knows, and will start, Revelations after that time.
3. (a) Likely one second after that time, Revelation, starts.
4. Just read my OP, and look at each level of condemnation, and how this judgement will be carried out.
5. Some one here, will try to, defend against, this Revelation, saying it already happened over the years, no, do not believe it, it hasn't, when ever Revelations, takes place, as of now it hasn't, it will be total annihilation of mankind, only brought to you by G-Ds hand, and total destruction of humankind attempt to self govern, G-D will step in and have to do it save mankind, by doing away with all our structures put in place to self govern.
6. And it will be good, we can't do it ourselves, likely will self destruct, if this keeps going on.
7. Thanks be to G-D, forever and ever.

The tribulation was bad. Christians fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided it.

John of Patmos identifies himself as your brother in tribulation.
The tribulation was bad. Christians fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided it.

John of Patmos identifies himself as your brother in tribulation.
Sorry bout that,

1. Still trying to put this in the past.
2. You are hopeless.

The tribulation was bad. Christians fled Jerusalem for Pella and avoided it.

John of Patmos identifies himself as your brother in tribulation.
If this occurred in defense of Gods chosen( Rev 19:11) it surely would be recorded history. And Israel would have won but they didn't win. Plus Rev was written in 96 ce over 20 years after Jerusalem was destroyed by the romans. Putting your beliefs as 100% error because you are being mislead.
If this occurred in defense of Gods chosen( Rev 19:11) it surely would be recorded history. And Israel would have won but they didn't win. Plus Rev was written in 96 ce over 20 years after Jerusalem was destroyed by the romans. Putting your beliefs as 100% error because you are being mislead.

The Jews didn't escape to Pella. Just the new Christians. It is recorded history.
If this occurred in defense of Gods chosen( Rev 19:11) it surely would be recorded history. And Israel would have won but they didn't win. Plus Rev was written in 96 ce over 20 years after Jerusalem was destroyed by the romans. Putting your beliefs as 100% error because you are being mislead.

Jehovah's Witnesses teach about the escape to Pella.

It has been suggested that on the basis of Mark 13: 14 Christians made a mass exodus in 66 ce, leaving Jerusalem to escape the devastation of the imminent siege, and that it was to Pella that they went.

Oxford Reference - Answers with Authority › ...
Pella - Oxford Reference
Preterists intentionally employ allegorical interpretations for many of the symbols of Revelation 4—19. For them, the Beasts in chapter 13 are symbols for the Roman Emperor Nero in AD 54–68, and the “tribulation” described in the text is a symbol for Christian persecution.
For Preterists, the beasts are not allegory; they literally are Rome and Judea.
Jehovah's Witnesses teach about the escape to Pella.

It has been suggested that on the basis of Mark 13: 14 Christians made a mass exodus in 66 ce, leaving Jerusalem to escape the devastation of the imminent siege, and that it was to Pella that they went.

Oxford Reference - Answers with Authority › ...
Pella - Oxford Reference
Theromans surrounded Jerusalem and fought a long time and could not break through. They left for some unknown reason, The ones who listened to Jesus thus fled to the mountains, the rest stayed, the Romans returned and killed almost 1 million once they broke through.
Show us history Jesus lead Gods armies from heaven? It surely would be recorded seeing that event.

You're caught up in the Scofield heresy. John Nelson Darby invented all that futuristic stuff in 1830.
Theromans surrounded Jerusalem and fought a long time and could not break through. They left for some unknown reason, The ones who listened to Jesus thus fled to the mountains, the rest stayed, the Romans returned and killed almost 1 million once they broke through.

The population of Palestine...all of it ...was never a million people.

The Romans didn't have any problems taking Jerusalem and they didn't leave and come back. The new Christians left in 66 AD.

Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
If this occurred in defense of Gods chosen( Rev 19:11) it surely would be recorded history. And Israel would have won but they didn't win. Plus Rev was written in 96 ce over 20 years after Jerusalem was destroyed by the romans. Putting your beliefs as 100% error because you are being mislead.

Why do you think Israel would have won?
The population of Palestine...all of it ...was never a million people.

The Romans didn't have any problems taking Jerusalem and they didn't leave and come back. The new Christians left in 66 AD.

Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
You better look up history, 100% for sure they left and then returned.
Yes the religion Jesus is the head of=Jehovah witnesses.
Revelation was written in 96 ce--Rev 19:11--Jesus leads Gods armies( angels) to earth at Armageddon.
That's where foreign troops gathered with Roman troops under Vaspasian and Titus to fight in Palestine. There's no battle of Armageddon.
There's no place in Israel called Armageddon. It's the plain of Megiddo.

Megiddo is the place in history where wars and the blood-shed of kings took place. (2 Kings 9:27; 2 Kings 23:29, and historically)

So Armageddon in Revelation is not about a great end time battle in our future. It was a sign to describe in apocalyptic language the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. In other words, just as there were slaughters in the valley in the past (sign pointing-Revelation 1:1), now in John's day, Jerusalem, which sits on a mountain (Mt Zion-2500 ft elevation), will experience slaughter.

Zechariah prophesied it as well using the same idea about Jerusalem: "On that day the weeping in JERUSALEM will be as great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of MEGIDDO." (12:11) It was used by John as a figure of speech to say Jerusalem would experience death and war just as in Megiddo in the past.

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