John Morgon, leaving the Dim party


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
John Morgan: I'm leaving Democratic party, Nelson should run for governor

Not surprised in the least.

Morgan said, while he would support some Democratic candidates he likes, he would not raise a dime for national groups like the Democratic National Committee.

“F--- no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile's] book”

Morgan was referring to a book by the former interim DNC chair, previewed this month in POLITICO Magazine, where she says the party essentially rigged the DNC to support Hillary Clinton before the Democratic primary was over.

“Bunch of dumb ass political hacks,” Morgan added.
Good. Maybe people will start doing some thinking about this shit.
John Morgan: I'm leaving Democratic party, Nelson should run for governor

Not surprised in the least.

Morgan said, while he would support some Democratic candidates he likes, he would not raise a dime for national groups like the Democratic National Committee.

“F--- no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile's] book”

Morgan was referring to a book by the former interim DNC chair, previewed this month in POLITICO Magazine, where she says the party essentially rigged the DNC to support Hillary Clinton before the Democratic primary was over.

“Bunch of dumb ass political hacks,” Morgan added.

well, troll boy.... your insane trumptards aren't anything normal people want to associate with, freak boy
John Morgan: I'm leaving Democratic party, Nelson should run for governor

Not surprised in the least.

Morgan said, while he would support some Democratic candidates he likes, he would not raise a dime for national groups like the Democratic National Committee.

“F--- no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile's] book”

Morgan was referring to a book by the former interim DNC chair, previewed this month in POLITICO Magazine, where she says the party essentially rigged the DNC to support Hillary Clinton before the Democratic primary was over.

“Bunch of dumb ass political hacks,” Morgan added.

well, troll boy.... your insane trumptards aren't anything normal people want to associate with, freak boy

Trump won the White House he gave Hillary, Dem's, and the liberal media a proper beating so obviously Trump resonates with American citizens.
John Morgan: I'm leaving Democratic party, Nelson should run for governor

Not surprised in the least.

Morgan said, while he would support some Democratic candidates he likes, he would not raise a dime for national groups like the Democratic National Committee.

“F--- no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile's] book”

Morgan was referring to a book by the former interim DNC chair, previewed this month in POLITICO Magazine, where she says the party essentially rigged the DNC to support Hillary Clinton before the Democratic primary was over.

“Bunch of dumb ass political hacks,” Morgan added.

well, troll boy.... your insane trumptards aren't anything normal people want to associate with, freak boy

Trump won the White House he gave Hillary, Dem's, and the liberal media a proper beating so obviously Trump resonates with American citizens.

John Morgan: I'm leaving Democratic party, Nelson should run for governor

Not surprised in the least.

Morgan said, while he would support some Democratic candidates he likes, he would not raise a dime for national groups like the Democratic National Committee.

“F--- no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile's] book”

Morgan was referring to a book by the former interim DNC chair, previewed this month in POLITICO Magazine, where she says the party essentially rigged the DNC to support Hillary Clinton before the Democratic primary was over.

“Bunch of dumb ass political hacks,” Morgan added.

well, troll boy.... your insane trumptards aren't anything normal people want to associate with, freak boy

This article has to do with Trump how?
John Morgan: I'm leaving Democratic party, Nelson should run for governor

Not surprised in the least.

Morgan said, while he would support some Democratic candidates he likes, he would not raise a dime for national groups like the Democratic National Committee.

“F--- no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read Donna [Brazile's] book”

Morgan was referring to a book by the former interim DNC chair, previewed this month in POLITICO Magazine, where she says the party essentially rigged the DNC to support Hillary Clinton before the Democratic primary was over.

“Bunch of dumb ass political hacks,” Morgan added.

So where's the part that says just about the same shit about Republicans and that he will become an independent?
Well, I guess this idiot hates human rights and wants to hand the rich everything.

Fuck him

Who is talking about handing anything to the rich?

The only question that there is is how much the rich should hand to you. Currently they pay almost all the taxes. Of course you have to lie to cover up the fact.

Given that you lefties have no problem with Islam, the talk about human rights is completely moot. Endless free shit paid by other people is just about the only right you seem to believe in anyway (also known as right to steal).
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he was too embarrassed by Frankenstein & Creepy Conyers!

Prominent Dem fundraiser says he is leaving the party

You think its bad now just wait......Trump is tearing their party to shreds. Nobody likes losing all the time.

The hell of it is, fundraising for the GOP is going through the roof and they have $0 debt. Meanwhile the money coming into the DNC is slowing down to a trickle and they're in debt from their disastrous 2016 campaign.

Political campaigns cost money. And without financial support, the Democrats are being set up for another monumental loss.

To add to their woes, the Democrat Party is in a shambles. They have no leadership to speak of, no platform, no accomplishments, and a plethora of scandals facing them, some which will eventually result in criminal charges.

And we haven't seen the end of it yet. I would hazard a guess that as election time grows closer, we will see more division withing the Democrat Party. There will be factions splitting off, warring with each other, and trying to steer the party in different directions.

After two years of Donald Trump bringing prosperity back to this country, the Democrat Party will be damned lucky if they can pull any kind of a win out of their collective asses.
he was too embarrassed by Frankenstein & Creepy Conyers!

Prominent Dem fundraiser says he is leaving the party

You think its bad now just wait......Trump is tearing their party to shreds. Nobody likes losing all the time.

The hell of it is, fundraising for the GOP is going through the roof and they have $0 debt. Meanwhile the money coming into the DNC is slowing down to a trickle and they're in debt from their disastrous 2016 campaign.

Political campaigns cost money. And without financial support, the Democrats are being set up for another monumental loss.

To add to their woes, the Democrat Party is in a shambles. They have no leadership to speak of, no platform, no accomplishments, and a plethora of scandals facing them, some which will eventually result in criminal charges.

And we haven't seen the end of it yet. I would hazard a guess that as election time grows closer, we will see more division withing the Democrat Party. There will be factions splitting off, warring with each other, and trying to steer the party in different directions.

After two years of Donald Trump bringing prosperity back to this country, the Democrat Party will be damned lucky if they can pull any kind of a win out of their collective asses.

It's no problem they can just ask the super generous lefties to fund them.
he was too embarrassed by Frankenstein & Creepy Conyers!

Prominent Dem fundraiser says he is leaving the party

You think its bad now just wait......Trump is tearing their party to shreds. Nobody likes losing all the time.

The hell of it is, fundraising for the GOP is going through the roof and they have $0 debt. Meanwhile the money coming into the DNC is slowing down to a trickle and they're in debt from their disastrous 2016 campaign.

Political campaigns cost money. And without financial support, the Democrats are being set up for another monumental loss.

To add to their woes, the Democrat Party is in a shambles. They have no leadership to speak of, no platform, no accomplishments, and a plethora of scandals facing them, some which will eventually result in criminal charges.

And we haven't seen the end of it yet. I would hazard a guess that as election time grows closer, we will see more division withing the Democrat Party. There will be factions splitting off, warring with each other, and trying to steer the party in different directions.

After two years of Donald Trump bringing prosperity back to this country, the Democrat Party will be damned lucky if they can pull any kind of a win out of their collective asses.

Your 100% correct......what real issues do they have? They are against freedom, liberty, life, marriage, and country.
he was too embarrassed by Frankenstein & Creepy Conyers!

Prominent Dem fundraiser says he is leaving the party

You think its bad now just wait......Trump is tearing their party to shreds. Nobody likes losing all the time.

The hell of it is, fundraising for the GOP is going through the roof and they have $0 debt. Meanwhile the money coming into the DNC is slowing down to a trickle and they're in debt from their disastrous 2016 campaign.

Political campaigns cost money. And without financial support, the Democrats are being set up for another monumental loss.

To add to their woes, the Democrat Party is in a shambles. They have no leadership to speak of, no platform, no accomplishments, and a plethora of scandals facing them, some which will eventually result in criminal charges.

And we haven't seen the end of it yet. I would hazard a guess that as election time grows closer, we will see more division withing the Democrat Party. There will be factions splitting off, warring with each other, and trying to steer the party in different directions.

After two years of Donald Trump bringing prosperity back to this country, the Democrat Party will be damned lucky if they can pull any kind of a win out of their collective asses.

It's no problem they can just ask the super generous lefties to fund them.

Yet one more problem: The super generous hardcore lefties are also fed up with the establishment Democrat Party. Remember Bernie Sanders? Had Hillary not paid him or or threatened him, he could conceivably have splintered off and ran as an Independent, further fracturing the party. There's still a monumental amount of butthurtedness over the way he was tread during the campaign.
he was too embarrassed by Frankenstein & Creepy Conyers!

Prominent Dem fundraiser says he is leaving the party

You think its bad now just wait......Trump is tearing their party to shreds. Nobody likes losing all the time.

The hell of it is, fundraising for the GOP is going through the roof and they have $0 debt. Meanwhile the money coming into the DNC is slowing down to a trickle and they're in debt from their disastrous 2016 campaign.

Political campaigns cost money. And without financial support, the Democrats are being set up for another monumental loss.

To add to their woes, the Democrat Party is in a shambles. They have no leadership to speak of, no platform, no accomplishments, and a plethora of scandals facing them, some which will eventually result in criminal charges.

And we haven't seen the end of it yet. I would hazard a guess that as election time grows closer, we will see more division withing the Democrat Party. There will be factions splitting off, warring with each other, and trying to steer the party in different directions.

After two years of Donald Trump bringing prosperity back to this country, the Democrat Party will be damned lucky if they can pull any kind of a win out of their collective asses.

Your 100% correct......what real issues do they have? They are against freedom, liberty, life, marriage, and country.

They have issues. But "Republicans are are racists/bigots/misogynists/nazis/etc" is not a winning strategy. "Republicans want to make granny eat cat food and push her wheelchair off a cliff" is not a winning strategy. The American people are not that stupid, and underestimating the American people is what caused Hillary to lose.

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