Joe Biden: “I Think I’m Either Low IQ or Slow — I Don’t Know

I mean of Biden winning. The OP is pretty baseless.

Everyone should be afraid of Trump, he's a moron and a dangerous one because he doesn't know what he doesn't know and he directs his domestic and foreign policies based solely on how it will make him look in the immediate moment. Not much of a planner that guy.
Since Trump is outperforming Obama in virtually every measure, you must have cried your eyes out the 8 years before Trump.
Sometimes I do want to vote for Biden, you guys post a lot of stupid shit about him, you must be scared.

Mr. Biden is very old and goofy, sometimes the elderly get like that. After the campaign, if he loses, he should really look into checking in at a personal care facility.
Sometimes I do want to vote for Biden, you guys post a lot of stupid shit about him, you must be scared.

They are scared shitless of him... He is polling ahead of Trump in Texas.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Texas: Trump vs. Biden

And 10 points ahead in Michigan
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Michigan: Trump vs. Biden

They are anybody but Biden at this moment....

Trump lost to Hillary by 3m votes just in the wrong places... Biden is blue collar in those areas... Yes, he is not a Democratic Socialist but he will win and win big on todays numbers...
Sometimes I do want to vote for Biden, you guys post a lot of stupid shit about him, you must be scared.

Mr. Biden is very old and goofy, sometimes the elderly get like that. After the campaign, if he loses, he should really look into checking in at a personal care facility.
Biden has been a buffoon fondler of children for decades.

Certainly true enough, but the Vice President just seems to be deteriorating rapidly, and really looks mentally challenged, like he can't even dress himself without help in 2019.
“The first rule of politics is to not reinforce your opponent’s attacks by repeating them,”


I thought the 1st Rule Of politics is Don't Let PHOTOS BE TAKEN of You Getting Caught In A room Full Oh Hookers With Crack All Over The Coffee Table' because you can deny everything except photographs - otherwise your political career is over.

Oh, not - wait. My bad! Marion Berry proved that old rule to be false.

View attachment 265068

Berry made life for parents HELL! If they tried
to convince their kids not to do drugs by telling
them if they smoke crack they could not become
President some day, they kids would just reply,
"Yeah, but I can still be MAYOR!"


Politicians ought to be MORAL...or they are not the moral leaders!

Marion Berry is a politician whose MORAL...and he is a moral leader who is standing on the moral compass of God!

Hang on the best example you have is a guy would is dead for 5 years about a crime done over 25 years ago...

While the present President has major questions over number of crimes...
“The first rule of politics is to not reinforce your opponent’s attacks by repeating them,”


I thought the 1st Rule Of politics is Don't Let PHOTOS BE TAKEN of You Getting Caught In A room Full Oh Hookers With Crack All Over The Coffee Table' because you can deny everything except photographs - otherwise your political career is over.

Oh, not - wait. My bad! Marion Berry proved that old rule to be false.

View attachment 265068

Berry made life for parents HELL! If they tried
to convince their kids not to do drugs by telling
them if they smoke crack they could not become
President some day, they kids would just reply,
"Yeah, but I can still be MAYOR!"


Politicians ought to be MORAL...or they are not the moral leaders!

Marion Berry is a politician whose MORAL...and he is a moral leader who is standing on the moral compass of God!

Hang on the best example you have is a guy would is dead for 5 years about a crime done over 25 years ago...

While the present President has major questions over number of crimes...
Mind being specific about his curent crimes....did he erase 33,000 emails that were under subpoena or do any of these Comey stated felonies, only to be NOT PROSECUTED by a corrupt FBI and DOJ?

Marion Berry is a politician whose MORAL...and he is a moral leader who is standing on the moral compass of God!

Are we talking about the same Marion Berry who went to jail for getting caught illegally smoking crack...and whose constituents re-elected him as soon as ge got out of the joint?

he was targeted because he's black
No I think it was because he had a bad crack habit and hired prostitutes both of which are illegal.

I have no doubt that Slick Willie Clinton pretty much showed everyone that you don't have to be moral to hold office, though there have been extramarital affairs with almost every politician since the word originated.
You make sound like Clinton invented affairs...

15 other presidents who were caught up in salacious sex scandals before Trump's Stormy Daniels saga

Look at the list...

So they are the ones caught... So we probably say half the Presidents had affairs...

But some how Clinton invented it... Trump make be a prick but he didn't invent affairs...

George Washington has a Sex Slave and not the kinky kind...
Hang on the best example you have is a guy would is dead for 5 years about a crime done over 25 years ago...

While the present President has major questions over number of crimes...
LOL "major questions". You've sucked that popsicle down to the stick.

Biden's big problem is that evertime he talks he reminds people how stupid he is.

Floppy Joe has 30+ years eating at the public trough with no serious accomplishments. Joe's biggest bill was a crime bill that he now says was a mistake.
Marion Berry is a politician whose MORAL...and he is a moral leader who is standing on the moral compass of God!

Are we talking about the same Marion Berry who went to jail for getting caught illegally smoking crack...and whose constituents re-elected him as soon as ge got out of the joint?

he was targeted because he's black
No I think it was because he had a bad crack habit and hired prostitutes both of which are illegal.

I have no doubt that Slick Willie Clinton pretty much showed everyone that you don't have to be moral to hold office, though there have been extramarital affairs with almost every politician since the word originated.
You make sound like Clinton invented affairs...

15 other presidents who were caught up in salacious sex scandals before Trump's Stormy Daniels saga

Look at the list...

So they are the ones caught... So we probably say half the Presidents had affairs...

But some how Clinton invented it... Trump make be a prick but he didn't invent affairs...

George Washington has a Sex Slave and not the kinky kind...

Clinton also stood accused of both Sexual Harassment as well as Rape, both charges that he has never denied. But I think the thing that make Clintons really despicable was how they used the Access Hollywood tapes against Trump when they stood accused of much worse. The AH tapes were just the Trumpster shooting the breeze trying to entertain the Bush scion.
Hang on the best example you have is a guy would is dead for 5 years about a crime done over 25 years ago...

While the present President has major questions over number of crimes...
LOL "major questions". You've sucked that popsicle down to the stick.

Biden's big problem is that evertime he talks he reminds people how stupid he is.

Floppy Joe has 30+ years eating at the public trough with no serious accomplishments. Joe's biggest bill was a crime bill that he now says was a mistake.

Sleepy Joe was pulled off the scrap heap by Obama because of his incredible Foreign Relations knowledge.
Marion Berry is a politician whose MORAL...and he is a moral leader who is standing on the moral compass of God!

Are we talking about the same Marion Berry who went to jail for getting caught illegally smoking crack...and whose constituents re-elected him as soon as ge got out of the joint?

he was targeted because he's black
No I think it was because he had a bad crack habit and hired prostitutes both of which are illegal.

I have no doubt that Slick Willie Clinton pretty much showed everyone that you don't have to be moral to hold office, though there have been extramarital affairs with almost every politician since the word originated.
You make sound like Clinton invented affairs...

15 other presidents who were caught up in salacious sex scandals before Trump's Stormy Daniels saga

Look at the list...

So they are the ones caught... So we probably say half the Presidents had affairs...

But some how Clinton invented it... Trump make be a prick but he didn't invent affairs...

George Washington has a Sex Slave and not the kinky kind...
Man you either have a problem reading or you really liked Clinton and think that by not reading the full post you should jump in to defend him. Both of which just make you look crazy. In case you did not notice or were I cable of reading comprehension. The last sentence states that there has been extramarital affairs by all politicians.
The only thing I was saying about Clinton was that he was having them IN the Oval Office. Which pretty much set a low bar for any president. The only thing that could be lower would be to televise them.
But hey thanks for playing our new game " I can't read".
Sometimes I do want to vote for Biden, you guys post a lot of stupid shit about him, you must be scared.
I don't think anyone is as scarred as most crazy Dems are with Trump considering there are hundreds of posts each day about him. A lot of them stupid shit about how the sky is falling.

I mean of Biden winning. The OP is pretty baseless.

Everyone should be afraid of Trump, he's a moron and a dangerous one because he doesn't know what he doesn't know and he directs his domestic and foreign policies based solely on how it will make him look in the immediate moment. Not much of a planner that guy.
You're confused.
That was the Obama Administration.
He acted like killing Bin Laden was a major foreign policy accomplishment right up there with the Arab/Israeli peace accords.
His followers felt a speech was an accomplishment. Obama spent hours talking about issues with advisers in the Oval Office and never accomplishing anything....and felt that was progress.
Marion Berry is a politician whose MORAL...and he is a moral leader who is standing on the moral compass of God!

Are we talking about the same Marion Berry who went to jail for getting caught illegally smoking crack...and whose constituents re-elected him as soon as ge got out of the joint?

he was targeted because he's black
The moron painted his own target and stuck it on his back.
How many negro 'politicians' have gone to prison in the last twenty years?
'Rev' Al ought to have been sent to prison. Instead he ratted out his drug dealing buddies.
Sometimes I do want to vote for Biden, you guys post a lot of stupid shit about him, you must be scared.
I don't think anyone is as scarred as most crazy Dems are with Trump considering there are hundreds of posts each day about him. A lot of them stupid shit about how the sky is falling.

I mean of Biden winning. The OP is pretty baseless.

Everyone should be afraid of Trump, he's a moron and a dangerous one because he doesn't know what he doesn't know and he directs his domestic and foreign policies based solely on how it will make him look in the immediate moment. Not much of a planner that guy.
You're confused.
That was the Obama Administration.
He acted like killing Bin Laden was a major foreign policy accomplishment right up there with the Arab/Israeli peace accords.
His followers felt a speech was an accomplishment. Obama spent hours talking about issues with advisers in the Oval Office and never accomplishing anything....and felt that was progress.

It was a major accomplishment and Trump would have been staring at himself in the mirror for if he was involved in anything half as successful. You'd never hear the end of it.

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