President Biden Speech On Elections, Joe Is Such A Political Hack!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The underlying problem with President Joe Biden's speech tonight on the broad subject of elections is that President Biden brings a partisan perspective to the whole subject. This time in America is not a lucky time for America with respect to its President, America needed a President guided by wisdom and virtue instead it got a run of mill politician in President Biden who sees everything through the lens of partisan politics and tries to turn everything to his political advantage. A President acting with wisdom would be thinking so what a plethora of Republicans think the 2020 elections were stolen from Trump so what an abundance of Republican candidates this year believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. It doesn't matter an abundance of Democrats believed Al Gore won the 2000 election even Democrat sitting members of Congress!

The problem that America has is that the country has a widespread mental health problem across the nation where people turn to violence because they are unable to evaluate situations with a good perspective they adopt this perspective where violence is called for when a mentally healthy person would conclude no way is it called for. President Biden speech would have been appropriate if he addressed these people across the nation wired for violence and sought to educate them proclaiming to them what America democracy means is that citizens don't resort to violence to express their grievances they do it through elections and public advocacy; violence to advance an individual's or a group of individual's will in the governance of America is totally and completely "antithetical" to America's democracy

President Biden would have provided valuable leadership if he recognized a major Republican grievance which deserves to be put in the category of "poll taxes" and "literacy test to vote" for its affront to fair elections which is the mail in ballot without cause; it is okay to provide mail in ballots to voters that will be absent from the voting district during the voting period or voters that for health reasons find it difficult or impossible to physically get to the polls but these universal mail in ballots and convenience mail-in-ballots are an assault on the integrity of our elections. The concept couldn't be simpler which is to have fair and honest elections voters must be free to vote their conscience without any pressure and the current system in America where we have ballot harvesting where people go to a voter's residences and collect that voter's ballot is a per se corrupt system it could result in the ballot harvester watching the voter as the voter fills out the ballot thereby exerting pressure on the voter and/ or we have the reality that the voter doesn't know that the harvester won't be able to examine that voters ballot before they drop it off at the ballot box, steam can loosen the seal on an envelope and the inside envelope which holds the actual ballot could easily be duplicated so the harvester could cut open the inside ballot envelope examine the ballot and put it back in to a brand knew ballot envelope and seal it. Voters especially low income voters who are dependent on a variety of government programs could harbor legitimate fear that I better vote the way the ballot harvester wants me too because when he or she examines my ballot if I voted the wrong way the harvester could contact one of their political allies and possibly cause a problem with one of the programs I am in and desperately need!

President Biden would have been better off throwing cold water on the heated and unfair rhetoric that people that watch drop boxes are engaging in voter intimidation these people are good and responsible citizens trying to catch and document these ballot mules that drop off multiple ballots, this multiple dropping off of ballots is either doing something that is against the law and for those jurisdiction where it is not against the law it should be! If Biden was interested in giving a good and valuable speech he would have been advocating for bipartisan election reform legislation not the integrity destroying power grabbing bills the Democrats tried to pass through Congress during the last two years. A wise and talented President could get bi-partisan super valuable election reform legislation through Congress. The bill would include mandatory "early voting" and a maximum limit on the number of people allowed to be assigned to a polling place which would increase more polling place in minority neighborhoods where the wait to vote is too long in exchange for a ban on mail in ballots without just cause and permission to have voter Identification but to do it in a way that does not disenfranchise people and the setting up of a national system which stops multiple voter registrations for a single voter!

President Biden needs to stop with the painting of a significant number of Republicans as supporting people breaking into the Capitol and disrupting or obstructing the electoral college vote, his rants and his fellow Democrats rants on this topic is annoying and a turn off beyond words. January 6th break into the Capitol was a law enforcement failure that is the simple historic lesson from this incident, the Capitol police should have had fences keeping the mob away from the Capitol and it should have had the capacity to arrest massive numbers of protesters if the Capitol police did their job this whole trespass and riot matter would never had happened; there was a protest to the electoral college count at the Ellipse hours before Congress doing the count you would have to have been a complete imbecile, totally incompetent not to have been prepared for an angry mob of possible tens of thousands in number trying to breach the Capitol and block the vote. Republican leaders should tell Democrats from now on we are going to call and treat this issue exactly for what it is this issue you Democrats are continually trying to make hay over which was a colossal law enforcement blunder that is it and so we will make it part of the Republican Party platform that we expect any candidate for the Republican nomination for President if elected to within days pardon all Jan 6th protestors convicted of a crime or charged with a crime unless the protestor either caused serious bodily injury to a security officer at the Capitol or removed an important document or a computer from the Capitol building this should not be an issue the nation is focusing on anymore with the terrible things going on in the nation and we are talking about this Capitol Police screw-up, please cut it out!

Biden multiple times during his speech said things like America is on the line and he blamed it on the election denial issue. President Biden that is baloney but you want to know the truth Joseph R. Biden America is in serious danger because our government is dysfunctional it doesn't work it doesn't solve the nation's problems and it is because the structure of our government system is super flawed so it produces a super flawed government. America needs to change its constitution to have term limits for Senators and House members, draw voting districts by algorithm with compactness being the overriding criteria and dramatically curb the amount of money that flows into political campaigns. You want to save America Joe come out and advocate for this!
Tonight, was Biden 's "deplorable" moment. No one believes the lies he told tonight. Biden accused over half of America of being traitors because they do not trust the Biden crime family or the democrat fraud machine that installed Biden like a toilet. 48,000 votes in 3 states is what installed Biden and they do not want anyone to look at the ballot box stuffing.

The flash poll after showed that 69% thought Biden was lieing and was being divisive.
Biden needs to go away as no one with a functioning brain cell believes this idiot.
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The underlying problem with President Joe Biden's speech tonight on the broad subject of elections is that President Biden brings a partisan perspective to the whole subject. This time in America is not a lucky time for America with respect to its President, America needed a President guided by wisdom and virtue instead it got a run of mill politician in President Biden who sees everything through the lens of partisan politics and tries to turn everything to his political advantage. A President acting with wisdom would be thinking so what a plethora of Republicans think the 2020 elections were stolen from Trump so what an abundance of Republican candidates this year believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. It doesn't matter an abundance of Democrats believed Al Gore won the 2000 election even Democrat sitting members of Congress!

The problem that America has is that the country has a widespread mental health problem across the nation where people turn to violence because they are unable to evaluate situations with a good perspective they adopt this perspective where violence is called for when a mentally healthy person would conclude no way is it called for. President Biden speech would have been appropriate if he addressed these people across the nation wired for violence and sought to educate them proclaiming to them what America democracy means is that citizens don't resort to violence to express their grievances they do it through elections and public advocacy; violence to advance an individual's or a group of individual's will in the governance of America is totally and completely "antithetical" to America's democracy

President Biden would have provided valuable leadership if he recognized a major Republican grievance which deserves to be put in the category of "poll taxes" and "literacy test to vote" for its affront to fair elections which is the mail in ballot without cause; it is okay to provide mail in ballots to voters that will be absent from the voting district during the voting period or voters that for health reasons find it difficult or impossible to physically get to the polls but these universal mail in ballots and convenience mail-in-ballots are an assault on the integrity of our elections. The concept couldn't be simpler which is to have fair and honest elections voters must be free to vote their conscience without any pressure and the current system in America where we have ballot harvesting where people go to a voter's residences and collect that voter's ballot is a per se corrupt system it could result in the ballot harvester watching the voter as the voter fills out the ballot thereby exerting pressure on the voter and/ or we have the reality that the voter doesn't know that the harvester won't be able to examine that voters ballot before they drop it off at the ballot box, steam can loosen the seal on an envelope and the inside envelope which holds the actual ballot could easily be duplicated so the harvester could cut open the inside ballot envelope examine the ballot and put it back in to a brand knew ballot envelope and seal it. Voters especially low income voters who are dependent on a variety of government programs could harbor legitimate fear that I better vote the way the ballot harvester wants me too because when he or she examines my ballot if I voted the wrong way the harvester could contact one of their political allies and possibly cause a problem with one of the programs I am in and desperately need!

President Biden would have been better off throwing cold water on the heated and unfair rhetoric that people that watch drop boxes are engaging in voter intimidation these people are good and responsible citizens trying to catch and document these ballot mules that drop off multiple ballots, this multiple dropping off of ballots is either doing something that is against the law and for those jurisdiction where it is not against the law it should be! If Biden was interested in giving a good and valuable speech he would have been advocating for bipartisan election reform legislation not the integrity destroying power grabbing bills the Democrats tried to pass through Congress during the last two years. A wise and talented President could get bi-partisan super valuable election reform legislation through Congress. The bill would include mandatory "early voting" and a maximum limit on the number of people allowed to be assigned to a polling place which would increase more polling place in minority neighborhoods where the wait to vote is too long in exchange for a ban on mail in ballots without just cause and permission to have voter Identification but to do it in a way that does not disenfranchise people and the setting up of a national system which stops multiple voter registrations for a single voter!

President Biden needs to stop with the painting of a significant number of Republicans as supporting people breaking into the Capitol and disrupting or obstructing the electoral college vote, his rants and his fellow Democrats rants on this topic is annoying and a turn off beyond words. January 6th break into the Capitol was a law enforcement failure that is the simple historic lesson from this incident, the Capitol police should have had fences keeping the mob away from the Capitol and it should have had the capacity to arrest massive numbers of protesters if the Capitol police did their job this whole trespass and riot matter would never had happened; there was a protest to the electoral college count at the Ellipse hours before Congress doing the count you would have to have been a complete imbecile, totally incompetent not to have been prepared for an angry mob of possible tens of thousands in number trying to breach the Capitol and block the vote. Republican leaders should tell Democrats from now on we are going to call and treat this issue exactly for what it is this issue you Democrats are continually trying to make hay over which was a colossal law enforcement blunder that is it and so we will make it part of the Republican Party platform that we expect any candidate for the Republican nomination for President if elected to within days pardon all Jan 6th protestors convicted of a crime or charged with a crime unless the protestor either caused serious bodily injury to a security officer at the Capitol or removed an important document or a computer from the Capitol building this should not be an issue the nation is focusing on anymore with the terrible things going on in the nation and we are talking about this Capitol Police screw-up, please cut it out!

Biden multiple times during his speech said things like America is on the line and he blamed it on the election denial issue. President Biden that is baloney but you want to know the truth Joseph R. Biden America is in serious danger because our government is dysfunctional it doesn't work it doesn't solve the nation's problems and it is because the structure of our government system is super flawed so it produces a super flawed government. America needs to change its constitution to have term limits for Senators and House members, draw voting districts by algorithm with compactness being the overriding criteria and dramatically curb the amount of money that flows into political campaigns. You want to save America Joe come out and advocate for this!
Your expectations from a career politician with dementia are ridiculously high.
The underlying problem with President Joe Biden's speech tonight on the broad subject of elections is that President Biden brings a partisan perspective to the whole subject. This time in America is not a lucky time for America with respect to its President, America needed a President guided by wisdom and virtue instead it got a run of mill politician in President Biden who sees everything through the lens of partisan politics and tries to turn everything to his political advantage. A President acting with wisdom would be thinking so what a plethora of Republicans think the 2020 elections were stolen from Trump so what an abundance of Republican candidates this year believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. It doesn't matter an abundance of Democrats believed Al Gore won the 2000 election even Democrat sitting members of Congress!

The problem that America has is that the country has a widespread mental health problem across the nation where people turn to violence because they are unable to evaluate situations with a good perspective they adopt this perspective where violence is called for when a mentally healthy person would conclude no way is it called for. President Biden speech would have been appropriate if he addressed these people across the nation wired for violence and sought to educate them proclaiming to them what America democracy means is that citizens don't resort to violence to express their grievances they do it through elections and public advocacy; violence to advance an individual's or a group of individual's will in the governance of America is totally and completely "antithetical" to America's democracy

President Biden would have provided valuable leadership if he recognized a major Republican grievance which deserves to be put in the category of "poll taxes" and "literacy test to vote" for its affront to fair elections which is the mail in ballot without cause; it is okay to provide mail in ballots to voters that will be absent from the voting district during the voting period or voters that for health reasons find it difficult or impossible to physically get to the polls but these universal mail in ballots and convenience mail-in-ballots are an assault on the integrity of our elections. The concept couldn't be simpler which is to have fair and honest elections voters must be free to vote their conscience without any pressure and the current system in America where we have ballot harvesting where people go to a voter's residences and collect that voter's ballot is a per se corrupt system it could result in the ballot harvester watching the voter as the voter fills out the ballot thereby exerting pressure on the voter and/ or we have the reality that the voter doesn't know that the harvester won't be able to examine that voters ballot before they drop it off at the ballot box, steam can loosen the seal on an envelope and the inside envelope which holds the actual ballot could easily be duplicated so the harvester could cut open the inside ballot envelope examine the ballot and put it back in to a brand knew ballot envelope and seal it. Voters especially low income voters who are dependent on a variety of government programs could harbor legitimate fear that I better vote the way the ballot harvester wants me too because when he or she examines my ballot if I voted the wrong way the harvester could contact one of their political allies and possibly cause a problem with one of the programs I am in and desperately need!

President Biden would have been better off throwing cold water on the heated and unfair rhetoric that people that watch drop boxes are engaging in voter intimidation these people are good and responsible citizens trying to catch and document these ballot mules that drop off multiple ballots, this multiple dropping off of ballots is either doing something that is against the law and for those jurisdiction where it is not against the law it should be! If Biden was interested in giving a good and valuable speech he would have been advocating for bipartisan election reform legislation not the integrity destroying power grabbing bills the Democrats tried to pass through Congress during the last two years. A wise and talented President could get bi-partisan super valuable election reform legislation through Congress. The bill would include mandatory "early voting" and a maximum limit on the number of people allowed to be assigned to a polling place which would increase more polling place in minority neighborhoods where the wait to vote is too long in exchange for a ban on mail in ballots without just cause and permission to have voter Identification but to do it in a way that does not disenfranchise people and the setting up of a national system which stops multiple voter registrations for a single voter!

President Biden needs to stop with the painting of a significant number of Republicans as supporting people breaking into the Capitol and disrupting or obstructing the electoral college vote, his rants and his fellow Democrats rants on this topic is annoying and a turn off beyond words. January 6th break into the Capitol was a law enforcement failure that is the simple historic lesson from this incident, the Capitol police should have had fences keeping the mob away from the Capitol and it should have had the capacity to arrest massive numbers of protesters if the Capitol police did their job this whole trespass and riot matter would never had happened; there was a protest to the electoral college count at the Ellipse hours before Congress doing the count you would have to have been a complete imbecile, totally incompetent not to have been prepared for an angry mob of possible tens of thousands in number trying to breach the Capitol and block the vote. Republican leaders should tell Democrats from now on we are going to call and treat this issue exactly for what it is this issue you Democrats are continually trying to make hay over which was a colossal law enforcement blunder that is it and so we will make it part of the Republican Party platform that we expect any candidate for the Republican nomination for President if elected to within days pardon all Jan 6th protestors convicted of a crime or charged with a crime unless the protestor either caused serious bodily injury to a security officer at the Capitol or removed an important document or a computer from the Capitol building this should not be an issue the nation is focusing on anymore with the terrible things going on in the nation and we are talking about this Capitol Police screw-up, please cut it out!

Biden multiple times during his speech said things like America is on the line and he blamed it on the election denial issue. President Biden that is baloney but you want to know the truth Joseph R. Biden America is in serious danger because our government is dysfunctional it doesn't work it doesn't solve the nation's problems and it is because the structure of our government system is super flawed so it produces a super flawed government. America needs to change its constitution to have term limits for Senators and House members, draw voting districts by algorithm with compactness being the overriding criteria and dramatically curb the amount of money that flows into political campaigns. You want to save America Joe come out and advocate for this!
Sorry but; TL ; DR
Tonight, was Biden 's "deplorable" moment. No one believes the lies he told tonight. Biden accused over half of America of being traitors because they do not trust the Biden crime family or the democrat fraud machine that installed Biden like a toilet. 48,000 votes in 3 states is what installed Biden and they do not want anyone to look at the ballot box stuffing.

The flash poll after showed that 69% thought Biden was lieing and was being divisive.
Biden needs to go away as no one with a functioning brain cell believes this idiot.

Must not have been much of a speech, Bill, as around 7:40 I clicked around the channels looking for it and there was nothing. No sign there was going to be a speech or ever was.

What happen to Joe the Uniter, who ran on and in his inauguration promised he would unite the country, bring people together and end the hate?

Do Democrats really think that offending and condemning half the nation is a strategy for winning anything but the admiration of his 20% hardcore base already committed to the scheme? All the Bozo is REALLY saying is that the greatest threat to THEM is the ongoing and continued examination of the 2020 election and scrutiny of elections in general.

That speaks volumes.

Funny how many parallels there are between the Biden Administration and some dictator who stole power in some 3rd world country trying hard to hang onto it by trying to criminalize and crush any uprising rebellion.

PS: Which row was Lez Cheney seated in?
I'm amused that you can pretend to take that stuttering shit clown seriously. Presumably he just shit his pants, got wiped up and was trotted out to read a teleprompter that was dumbed down to a 3rd grade level. And he fucked that up by the numbers.

biden 5yr old.jpg
Tonight, was Biden 's "deplorable" moment. No one believes the lies he told tonight. Biden accused over half of America of being traitors because they do not trust the Biden crime family or the democrat fraud machine that installed Biden like a toilet. 48,000 votes in 3 states is what installed Biden and they do not want anyone to look at the ballot box stuffing.

The flash poll after showed that 69% thought Biden was lieing and was being divisive.
Biden needs to go away as no one with a functioning brain cell believes this idiot.
Move to North Korea
The underlying problem with President Joe Biden's speech tonight on the broad subject of elections is that President Biden brings a partisan perspective to the whole subject. This time in America is not a lucky time for America with respect to its President, America needed a President guided by wisdom and virtue instead it got a run of mill politician in President Biden who sees everything through the lens of partisan politics and tries to turn everything to his political advantage. A President acting with wisdom would be thinking so what a plethora of Republicans think the 2020 elections were stolen from Trump so what an abundance of Republican candidates this year believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. It doesn't matter an abundance of Democrats believed Al Gore won the 2000 election even Democrat sitting members of Congress!

The problem that America has is that the country has a widespread mental health problem across the nation where people turn to violence because they are unable to evaluate situations with a good perspective they adopt this perspective where violence is called for when a mentally healthy person would conclude no way is it called for. President Biden speech would have been appropriate if he addressed these people across the nation wired for violence and sought to educate them proclaiming to them what America democracy means is that citizens don't resort to violence to express their grievances they do it through elections and public advocacy; violence to advance an individual's or a group of individual's will in the governance of America is totally and completely "antithetical" to America's democracy

President Biden would have provided valuable leadership if he recognized a major Republican grievance which deserves to be put in the category of "poll taxes" and "literacy test to vote" for its affront to fair elections which is the mail in ballot without cause; it is okay to provide mail in ballots to voters that will be absent from the voting district during the voting period or voters that for health reasons find it difficult or impossible to physically get to the polls but these universal mail in ballots and convenience mail-in-ballots are an assault on the integrity of our elections. The concept couldn't be simpler which is to have fair and honest elections voters must be free to vote their conscience without any pressure and the current system in America where we have ballot harvesting where people go to a voter's residences and collect that voter's ballot is a per se corrupt system it could result in the ballot harvester watching the voter as the voter fills out the ballot thereby exerting pressure on the voter and/ or we have the reality that the voter doesn't know that the harvester won't be able to examine that voters ballot before they drop it off at the ballot box, steam can loosen the seal on an envelope and the inside envelope which holds the actual ballot could easily be duplicated so the harvester could cut open the inside ballot envelope examine the ballot and put it back in to a brand knew ballot envelope and seal it. Voters especially low income voters who are dependent on a variety of government programs could harbor legitimate fear that I better vote the way the ballot harvester wants me too because when he or she examines my ballot if I voted the wrong way the harvester could contact one of their political allies and possibly cause a problem with one of the programs I am in and desperately need!

President Biden would have been better off throwing cold water on the heated and unfair rhetoric that people that watch drop boxes are engaging in voter intimidation these people are good and responsible citizens trying to catch and document these ballot mules that drop off multiple ballots, this multiple dropping off of ballots is either doing something that is against the law and for those jurisdiction where it is not against the law it should be! If Biden was interested in giving a good and valuable speech he would have been advocating for bipartisan election reform legislation not the integrity destroying power grabbing bills the Democrats tried to pass through Congress during the last two years. A wise and talented President could get bi-partisan super valuable election reform legislation through Congress. The bill would include mandatory "early voting" and a maximum limit on the number of people allowed to be assigned to a polling place which would increase more polling place in minority neighborhoods where the wait to vote is too long in exchange for a ban on mail in ballots without just cause and permission to have voter Identification but to do it in a way that does not disenfranchise people and the setting up of a national system which stops multiple voter registrations for a single voter!

President Biden needs to stop with the painting of a significant number of Republicans as supporting people breaking into the Capitol and disrupting or obstructing the electoral college vote, his rants and his fellow Democrats rants on this topic is annoying and a turn off beyond words. January 6th break into the Capitol was a law enforcement failure that is the simple historic lesson from this incident, the Capitol police should have had fences keeping the mob away from the Capitol and it should have had the capacity to arrest massive numbers of protesters if the Capitol police did their job this whole trespass and riot matter would never had happened; there was a protest to the electoral college count at the Ellipse hours before Congress doing the count you would have to have been a complete imbecile, totally incompetent not to have been prepared for an angry mob of possible tens of thousands in number trying to breach the Capitol and block the vote. Republican leaders should tell Democrats from now on we are going to call and treat this issue exactly for what it is this issue you Democrats are continually trying to make hay over which was a colossal law enforcement blunder that is it and so we will make it part of the Republican Party platform that we expect any candidate for the Republican nomination for President if elected to within days pardon all Jan 6th protestors convicted of a crime or charged with a crime unless the protestor either caused serious bodily injury to a security officer at the Capitol or removed an important document or a computer from the Capitol building this should not be an issue the nation is focusing on anymore with the terrible things going on in the nation and we are talking about this Capitol Police screw-up, please cut it out!

Biden multiple times during his speech said things like America is on the line and he blamed it on the election denial issue. President Biden that is baloney but you want to know the truth Joseph R. Biden America is in serious danger because our government is dysfunctional it doesn't work it doesn't solve the nation's problems and it is because the structure of our government system is super flawed so it produces a super flawed government. America needs to change its constitution to have term limits for Senators and House members, draw voting districts by algorithm with compactness being the overriding criteria and dramatically curb the amount of money that flows into political campaigns. You want to save America Joe come out and advocate for this!
I'll take Dark Brandon over whatever the fuck he was for the first months of his Presidency any day

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