Job Market Starts to Favor Workers


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Now from the real world:

The balance of power in the job market is shifting slowly toward employees from employers.

Bob Funk sees it firsthand from his position as chief executive officer of staffing agency Express Employment Professionals.

"We're back in the recruiting market again," Funk said.

The 74-year-old industry veteran isn't the only one to notice the change. Americans who have been hunting for employment for more than six months are finding they're having better luck landing a job, while people who had given up looking are returning to the labor force to resume their search.


:eusa_clap: Go USA!
Also seems that a profession near and dear to my heart has a labor shortage!

America is experiencing a shortage of truck drivers.

The American Trucking Associations (ATA) estimates that the U.S. is short 30,000 truck drivers. Factors driving the shortfall include regulations, relatively low pay, and the fact that fewer young people are interested in getting into the profession.

Ninety percent of carriers said they couldn't find enough drivers who met department of transportation (DOT) criteria, according to a study cited by the ATA.

Read more: America's Truck Driver Shortage - Business Insider

I drove a truck for 11 years.

It was fun, but crap pay.
According to the BLS, there are consistently over 4 million job openings from month-to-month in the U.S. What people in this country lack is an incentive to work. It pays better to sit home and do nothing.
According to the BLS, there are consistently over 4 million job openings from month-to-month in the U.S. What people in this country lack is an incentive to work. It pays better to sit home and do nothing.

What kind of low paying job do you have to justify that statement?
All this good economic news is enough to make a conservative's head explode!

Only in your hate filled pin head mind.

Do y0ou enjoy making shit up,or just can't help yourself?

Making what shit up?

You guys are claiming the economy is in the shitter despite real live metrics that show otherwise.

And you guys use some pretty ridiculous and never used numbers to "prove" your point.

The real world is different than your made up one.
The job outlook is improving.

Job openings have been rising faster than employee turnover, and wages relative to revenues are beginning to rise, all predictable at this point in the cycle.
Wonderful. On a 12 month scale, this only took six years.....

Good job, I say. Good job.
Wonderful. On a 12 month scale, this only took six years.....

Good job, I say. Good job.

In terms of job creation?

He beats Bush, Bush, Reagan and Clinton.

Here's a helpful video to help you see what Bush did to the economy:

After that? Took some hard work to get it above water again.
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In terms of job creation?

He beats Bush, Bush, Reagan and Clinton.

yes lots of fast food jobs!! U6 is still 12%!! 50% higher than before recession. This is worst recover since Great Depression and seems to mark the decline of America, something about which most American agree.
The recession lasted much more due to POTUS's use of the flawed Keynesian economic theory that has never worked. They tried it in the UK and they abandoned it. It created nothing but inflation. Inflation is creeping toward us now.

Indeed it was James Callaghan, then prime minister, who warned the Labour Party Conference of 1976 that it was no longer possible to spend one’s way out of a slump as far as he was concerned, pronouncing the death sentence on traditional Keynesianism:

The once virtual unanimity amongst economists and politicians about the benign results to be obtained from the employment of Keynesian-type policies has now been shattered, many would hold irrevocably so. Near-rampant inflation in the early 1970s combined with a collapse of industrial production and employment in many ways surpassing the decline seen in the period after 1929 defy the central logic of Keynesianism here such things are not supposed to happen simultaneously.
The recession lasted much more due to POTUS's use of the flawed Keynesian economic theory that has never worked. They tried it in the UK and they abandoned it. It created nothing but inflation. Inflation is creeping toward us now.

Indeed it was James Callaghan, then prime minister, who warned the Labour Party Conference of 1976 that it was no longer possible to spend one’s way out of a slump as far as he was concerned, pronouncing the death sentence on traditional Keynesianism:

The once virtual unanimity amongst economists and politicians about the benign results to be obtained from the employment of Keynesian-type policies has now been shattered, many would hold irrevocably so. Near-rampant inflation in the early 1970s combined with a collapse of industrial production and employment in many ways surpassing the decline seen in the period after 1929 defy the central logic of Keynesianism here such things are not supposed to happen simultaneously.

As Communist Party General Secretary William Z. Foster commented, "The Nazi fascists were especially enthusiastic supporters of Keynes."[65] Former Trotskyite[66] Dobbs recounted that Harvard economist Joseph Schumpeter observed that in Nazi Germany, "A work like Keynes’ General Theory could have appeared unmolested—and did." In the introduction to the 1936 German edition of his treatise, Keynes himself suggested that the total state that the National Socialists were then building was perfectly suited for the implementation of his investment schemes:
In terms of job creation?

He beats Bush, Bush, Reagan and Clinton.

yes lots of fast food jobs!! U6 is still 12%!! 50% higher than before recession. This is worst recover since Great Depression and seems to mark the decline of America, something about which most American agree.

U6 is a crap statistic. It is like a criminal who pleads not guilty and then expresses regret at their sentencing. There are people who are voluntarily unemployed or are working under the table and drawing government benefits who claim to want to work but wouldn't unless you gave them a driver, a corner office, and a six figure income to work whenever the mood struck them to show up.
In terms of job creation?

He beats Bush, Bush, Reagan and Clinton.

yes lots of fast food jobs!! U6 is still 12%!! 50% higher than before recession. This is worst recover since Great Depression and seems to mark the decline of America, something about which most American agree.

U6 is a crap statistic. It is like a criminal who pleads not guilty and then expresses regret at their sentencing. There are people who are voluntarily unemployed or are working under the table and drawing government benefits who claim to want to work but wouldn't unless you gave them a driver, a corner office, and a six figure income to work whenever the mood struck them to show up.

dear, the issue is why is U6 50% higher now than before recession thanks to Barry!!!

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