Jewish testimonies (I absolutely love these)

and it is equally wonderful when people of the Jewish faith contribute something about their own faith.

I have no reason to try to convert anyone to my faith. In fact, I feel better when you don't believe what I believe. It's comforting.
Because as I said, it can be shown that Jesus fulfilled hundreds of prophecies about the Jewish Messiah, written many centuries before he came into the picture.
And Nostradamus predicted the Battle of Britain.

Only one person ever created a legitimate set of prophecies...


And she was burnt as a witch.
Now ... here is a testimony I can get behind.

"What I Learned by Converting from Christianity to Islam"
and it is equally wonderful when people of the Jewish faith contribute something about their own faith.

I have no reason to try to convert anyone to my faith. In fact, I feel better when you don't believe what I believe. It's comforting.

I'm sure that many of the Messianic Jews in those vidoes (or in general) had that exact same mindset as you at one time.

Absolutely not. Jesus is the Messiah. Obviously you don't believe that now (to put it mildly) but it is true. You will see.

Btw, it's a shame that you refuse to watch any of the videos. It reminds me of meat-eaters who refuse to watch videos of what goes on in factory farms. It's like an ostrich with his head in the sand. Not a very wise approach to life.
I believe what I believe and would never ask you to change what you believe. Extend me the same courtesy.
Being Catholic, of course I have had to "put up" with Christians of other denominations who proselytize. Yet no one has ever asked me to change what I believe. I don't ask that of them, either. Some denominations feel called to go out and share their beliefs. I am upfront from the beginning of who I am and what I believe so as not to waste their time. They usually only stay a very few minutes. We all believe in God, and that is reason enough to welcome them.
Your evengelism is wasted on anyone who understands the twisted theology of Christianity in all it’s sadistic perversity.

I didn’t post this thread to debate, but it’s obvious to me that you are conflating religion with God. Religion and God are not the same thing.

Did you watch any of the testimonies?
I think you should worry about your own soul
You won't find many. It's not encouraged. The conversion process to Judaism requires years of study, not just eating a cracker and jumping into the hot tub.
Yes, I know it is not encouraged, and I know it takes years of study. Yet some Christians do convert to Judaism (have personal experiences with this). Perhaps studying for a day or two would bring the understanding that there are no crackers or hot tubs in Christianity as well.

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