Jewish testimonies (I absolutely love these)


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
I always love hearing people’s testimonies on how they came to Jesus. But I think there’s something special about Jewish testimonies. There’s a reason for that, but instead of sharing my thoughts on it, for now I’ll just share these videos.

I highly recommend you watch them, whether you’re a believer or not.

By the way, these are testimonies of Jewish professionals… Many of them are doctors, lawyers, highly educated people. Please take the time to watch these.

Your evengelism is wasted on anyone who understands the twisted theology of Christianity in all it’s sadistic perversity.
Your evengelism is wasted on anyone who understands the twisted theology of Christianity in all it’s sadistic perversity.

I didn’t post this thread to debate, but it’s obvious to me that you are conflating religion with God. Religion and God are not the same thing.

Did you watch any of the testimonies?
Your evengelism is wasted on anyone who understands the twisted theology of Christianity in all it’s sadistic perversity.

I didn’t post this thread to debate, but it’s obvious to me that you are conflating religion with God. Religion and God are not the same thing.

Did you watch any of the testimonies?
Yes, and no I don’t necessarily conflate religion with God even though many do.
My background is Jewish but I’m agnostic with a particular loathing for organised Christianity. However, my perspective I admit is biased having spent 11 years studying the pipe organ in a Catholic cathedral and expriencing from a youth to my ealry teens the hypocracy and downright evil daily taking place behind the scenes. An interest in biblical studies was therefore triggered as a reaction I could describe as ‘Know thine enemy’.
And no, I’m not looking for a debate just letting you know of my reaction to the videos.
Your evengelism is wasted on anyone who understands the twisted theology of Christianity in all it’s sadistic perversity.

I didn’t post this thread to debate, but it’s obvious to me that you are conflating religion with God. Religion and God are not the same thing.

Did you watch any of the testimonies?
Yes, and no I don’t necessarily conflate religion with God even though many do.
My background is Jewish but I’m agnostic with a particular loathing for organised Christianity. However, my perspective I admit is biased having spent 11 years studying the pipe organ in a Catholic cathedral and expriencing from a youth to my ealry teens the hypocracy and downright evil daily taking place behind the scenes. An interest in biblical studies was therefore triggered as a reaction I could describe as ‘Know thine enemy’.
And no, I’m not looking for a debate just letting you know of my reaction to the videos.

Thank you for sharing a little bit of your background. Believe it or not, I too have a loathing for religion, and when I say “religion” I am talking about empty or false religion. I grew up raised by a Catholic mom (my dad was an atheist) and I too experienced hypocrisy and the turn-off of religion apart from God. Unfortunately, I threw out the baby with the bathwater and was a nonbeliever for many years. I think many people do that, which is very sad.

But as some of these videos show, God can reach anyone, even people who were anti-Christian, or people who never in a million years thought they would ever come to belief (which pretty much describes me).

But that’s all I’ll say about that… I’m going to get back to sharing a few more testimonies. :)
There were always people going either up or down Jacob’s ladder....Lots of people can choose to go down that ladder and BELIEVE( bel the snakes lie to eve) and eat from another tree( by their fruit we shall know them) The Torah or Jewish Scriptures are a tree of life to those who cling to it those who don’t swallow the snake oil Christians teach about Jesus.. Now that being said there are plenty of people who have chosen to climb Jacobs ladder and not go down it being fair buttercup should post all the non Jews who have converted to Judiasm but we all know that the ones who cling to their lie would never be so even handed to make the playing field level... Funny all those hundreds of millions Christianity spends to convert Jews and missing the point that if Christians supposedly worship the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob then why are they convertingpeople( in this case Jews) awayfrom him...They ( Christians) obviously worship another god...Wink wink...
I believe I'm going to be sick.

Not really surprising, since the Gospel is foolishness to the spiritually blind.
Oh really maybe you should read about a recent invention one of Gds true sons in Israel just came up with that actually gives sight to those who were born blind or became blind.. One of the guys there has developed goggles that can cure blindness...It is quitehumorous as thefruit of Israel is filling the earth with its harvest andthese are not fake promises that are attributed to your nonsense associated with Jesus but actual fruits that Israel is bequeathing to everyone else...
There were always people going either up or down Jacob’s ladder....Lots of people can choose to go down that ladder and BELIEVE( bel the snakes lie to eve) and eat from another tree( by their fruit we shall know them) The Torah or Jewish Scriptures are a tree of life to those who cling to it those who don’t swallow the snake oil Christians teach about Jesus.. Now that being said there are plenty of people who have chosen to climb Jacobs ladder and not go down it being fair buttercup should post all the non Jews who have converted to Judiasm but we all know that the ones who cling to their lie would never be so even handed to make the playing field level... Funny all those hundreds of millions Christianity spends to convert Jews and missing the point that if Christians supposedly worship the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob then why are they convertingpeople( in this case Jews) awayfrom him...They ( Christians) obviously worship another god...Wink wink...

Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament Messianic prophecies, written more than 800 years before his birth. Many of them to a tee. The only ones He hasn’t yet fulfilled are the ones having to do with the second coming of Christ.

I know that to you that sounds like foolishness. But the Bible itself - including your Bible, (the Old Testament) - talks about a special spiritual blindness of God’s own people, Israel.

Many Jews missed their (the) Messiah, because they were looking for the wrong thing.

It also prophesied that one day that will change when God will mercifully pour His spirit upon them and they will finally see what they did. (Zechariah 12:10)

But as I said to someone else, I didn’t post this thread to get into a debate...just for people to watch these testimonies.

Feel free to start a new thread, if you really want to discuss who the Jewish messiah is. I’m sure it will be an interesting discussion.
There were always people going either up or down Jacob’s ladder....Lots of people can choose to go down that ladder and BELIEVE( bel the snakes lie to eve) and eat from another tree( by their fruit we shall know them) The Torah or Jewish Scriptures are a tree of life to those who cling to it those who don’t swallow the snake oil Christians teach about Jesus.. Now that being said there are plenty of people who have chosen to climb Jacobs ladder and not go down it being fair buttercup should post all the non Jews who have converted to Judiasm but we all know that the ones who cling to their lie would never be so even handed to make the playing field level... Funny all those hundreds of millions Christianity spends to convert Jews and missing the point that if Christians supposedly worship the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob then why are they convertingpeople( in this case Jews) awayfrom him...They ( Christians) obviously worship another god...Wink wink...

Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament Messianic prophecies, written more than 800 years before his birth. Many of them to a tee. The only ones He hasn’t yet fulfilled are the ones having to do with the second coming of Christ.

I know that to you that sounds like foolishness. But the Bible itself - including your Bible, (the Old Testament) - talks about a special spiritual blindness of God’s own people, Israel.

Many Jews missed their (the) Messiah, because they were looking for the wrong thing.

It also prophesied that one day that will change when God will mercifully pour His spirit upon them and they will finally see what they did. (Zechariah 12:10)

But as I said to someone else, I didn’t post this thread to get into a debate...just for people to watch these testimonies.

Feel free to start a new thread, if you really want to discuss who the Jewish messiah is. I’m sure it will be an interesting discussion.

I'm glad you believe what you believe.
Because as long as you don't believe what I believe, I'm happy.
Your evengelism is wasted on anyone who understands the twisted theology of Christianity in all it’s sadistic perversity.

I didn’t post this thread to debate, but it’s obvious to me that you are conflating religion with God. Religion and God are not the same thing.

Did you watch any of the testimonies?
Yes, and no I don’t necessarily conflate religion with God even though many do.
My background is Jewish but I’m agnostic with a particular loathing for organised Christianity. However, my perspective I admit is biased having spent 11 years studying the pipe organ in a Catholic cathedral and expriencing from a youth to my ealry teens the hypocracy and downright evil daily taking place behind the scenes. An interest in biblical studies was therefore triggered as a reaction I could describe as ‘Know thine enemy’.
And no, I’m not looking for a debate just letting you know of my reaction to the videos.

Did you witness sexual abuse or what?

I'm far from defending the Catholic church, I'll tell you that. But to conflate that organization and it's pedophilia with Christianity is a mistake.
Because as long as you don't believe what I believe, I'm happy.

A strong reaction, but not unsurprising coming from you. And I do not say that because you're Jewish. I say that because it's obvious you have made yourself an enemy of Christ. And again, not because you're Jewish.
This OP is an admission that Christianity worships a different God then the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Even Pastors themselves admit this:
Pastors admit Jesus is Lucifer:

List of 40 Christian clergy who re/converted to Judaism
1) Asher Wade, former Methodist pastor; he converted in 1978 to Orthodox Judaism.
2) Ole Brunell, former Lutheran minister from Finland and Australia. Along with him, his wife Ruth (formerly Runa), two adult daughters, two teenage daughters, and a former son-in-law also converted to Orthodox Judaism.
3) Geza Vermes, expert on the Dead Sea Scrolls and the one Jeremiah ckaims to know more then, was a former Catholic priest, he reverted to Judaism.
4) JoAnn Fay, a nun converted to Orthodox Judaism in 1980.
5) John David Scalamonti, a former Roman Catholic priest, he converted in 1972 to Orthodox Judaism
6) John Hove, a former Lutheran pastor, he converted to Orthodox Judaism in 1988.
7) Sheldon Christopher Smith, a former Pentecostal Pastor converted to Judaism in 1987
8 ) Thomas Roper, a former Baptist minister, he converted to Orthodox Judaism.
9) Gavriel Sanders, former Pentecostal minister and missionary in Israel, he converted to Orthodox Judaism.
10) Tonica Marlow, a former female evangelical minister and daughter of a Pentecostal preacher. She converted to Orthodox Judaism.

What is a Former Christian Minister To Do? Convert? | Outreach Judaism

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Your evengelism is wasted on anyone who understands the twisted theology of Christianity in all it’s sadistic perversity.

I didn’t post this thread to debate, but it’s obvious to me that you are conflating religion with God. Religion and God are not the same thing.

Did you watch any of the testimonies?
Yes, and no I don’t necessarily conflate religion with God even though many do.
My background is Jewish but I’m agnostic with a particular loathing for organised Christianity. However, my perspective I admit is biased having spent 11 years studying the pipe organ in a Catholic cathedral and expriencing from a youth to my ealry teens the hypocracy and downright evil daily taking place behind the scenes. An interest in biblical studies was therefore triggered as a reaction I could describe as ‘Know thine enemy’.
And no, I’m not looking for a debate just letting you know of my reaction to the videos.

That sounds like a bitter existence to me.
There were always people going either up or down Jacob’s ladder....Lots of people can choose to go down that ladder and BELIEVE( bel the snakes lie to eve) and eat from another tree( by their fruit we shall know them) The Torah or Jewish Scriptures are a tree of life to those who cling to it those who don’t swallow the snake oil Christians teach about Jesus.. Now that being said there are plenty of people who have chosen to climb Jacobs ladder and not go down it being fair buttercup should post all the non Jews who have converted to Judiasm but we all know that the ones who cling to their lie would never be so even handed to make the playing field level... Funny all those hundreds of millions Christianity spends to convert Jews and missing the point that if Christians supposedly worship the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob then why are they convertingpeople( in this case Jews) awayfrom him...They ( Christians) obviously worship another god...Wink wink...

Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament Messianic prophecies, written more than 800 years before his birth. Many of them to a tee. The only ones He hasn’t yet fulfilled are the ones having to doI know that to you that sounds like foolishness. But the Bible itself - including your Bible, (the Old Testament) - talks about a special spiritual blindness of God’s own people, Israel.

Many Jews missed their (the) Messiah, because they were looking for the wrong thing.

Your premise is absolutely untrue your gospels are clever forgeries and untruths and outright lies and deceptions to Fool(that is why you are called fools for Christ) the guliable and uneducated.. You are even told in your own book to place your created saviour in as many places in the Jewish Scriptures as you can which the writers of the New Testament did to the best of their ability to deceive any and all that they could.... We have over the many years shown people the outright lies and deceptions as have others when it comes to his placement in our Scriptures .. If any wish to they can research this and come to their own conclusions.... Before the advent of the internet none could do this freely and catch you and yours in your lies but now people have had their chains removed not only from their thoughts but from their minds and are able to freely figure things out for themselves hence the long list of previous ministers and pastors and lay people that have freely come to Judiasm of their own choice as Michael has pointed out....Once again because you tried to cover it up without addressing it... If you worship the gd of Abraham Isaac and Jacob then why are you converting or attempting to convert his people away from him . The obvious answer that you avoided is that you do not worship him but you worship another gd.

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