Jewish racial supremacy and the "strange fatality" that always seems to follow

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
In Henry Ford's remarkable The International Jew, he addresses the tendency of Jews to never quite establish, with the exception of Bolshevik Russia, the absolute racial supremacy they have been pursuing since they were driven out of Egypt. He writes in 1920:

But a strange fatality seems to follow all forms of Jewish supremacy. Just as the capstone is ready to be placed upon the edifice of Jewish triumphs, something occurs and the structure shrinks. It occurs so often in Jewish history that the Jews themselves have been exercised to find an explanation. In many cases “anti-Semitism” offers the readiest excuse, but not always. Just at the present time, when the light which was shed by the fires of war has revealed so many matters formerly hidden in shadow, the awakening of world attention is called “anti-Semitism,” and the explanation is given that “after every war the Jew becomes the scapegoat”—a curious admission which would lead a less self-centered people to inquire, Why?

The International Jew
I would argue that this inability to look critically at the behavior of their own race in the way they do at Gentile races results in the lack of a Jewish off-switch. This deficiency precludes stasis in race relations and absolute racial dominance would have to be a static condition, it seems to me.
In Henry Ford's remarkable The International Jew, he addresses the tendency of Jews to never quite establish, with the exception of Bolshevik Russia, the absolute racial supremacy they have been pursuing since they were driven out of Egypt. He writes in 1920:

But a strange fatality seems to follow all forms of Jewish supremacy. Just as the capstone is ready to be placed upon the edifice of Jewish triumphs, something occurs and the structure shrinks. It occurs so often in Jewish history that the Jews themselves have been exercised to find an explanation. In many cases “anti-Semitism” offers the readiest excuse, but not always. Just at the present time, when the light which was shed by the fires of war has revealed so many matters formerly hidden in shadow, the awakening of world attention is called “anti-Semitism,” and the explanation is given that “after every war the Jew becomes the scapegoat”—a curious admission which would lead a less self-centered people to inquire, Why?

The International Jew
I would argue that this inability to look critically at the behavior of their own race in the way they do at Gentile races results in the lack of a Jewish off-switch. This deficiency precludes stasis in race relations and absolute racial dominance would have to be a static condition, it seems to me.

I cannot imagine why anyone would want to copy and paste the garble
that appears above. Most of the sentences do not make sense and
the last one is a case of inferior double talk
Jewish people were around 3500 years ago, and today number just 13 million. Islam is less than half that age and numbers 1.8 billion.

If it were Jews intent on supremacy, don't you think those numbers would be reversed, dumbass?
I cannot imagine why anyone would want to copy and paste the garble
that appears above.

It always boils down to some combination of stupidity, paranoia and a lack of self esteem.

USMB has always gone out of its way to attract the Jew haters.
I cannot imagine why anyone would want to copy and paste the garble that appears above. Most of the sentences do not make sense and the last one is a case of inferior double talk

irosie91, I am not an expert but I will guess you did not graduate high school. Am I incorrect?

Henry Ford was a genius. Get over it. :p

As far as a Jewish Identity "off switch" good luck with that. :p They approach the Western World like a non-White, except since their IQ is similar to Whites they are clever enough to use Blacks and Browns to shield them.
I cannot imagine why anyone would want to copy and paste the garble that appears above. Most of the sentences do not make sense and the last one is a case of inferior double talk

irosie91, I am not an expert but I will guess you did not graduate high school. Am I incorrect?

Henry Ford was a genius. Get over it. :p

As far as a Jewish Identity "off switch" good luck with that. :p They approach the Western World like a non-White, except since their IQ is similar to Whites they are clever enough to use Blacks and Browns to shield them.

you are, certainly, not an expert. What does the "genius" of Henry Ford have to do with your idiot theory. Stalin was a genius too.
USMB has always gone out of its way to attract the Jew haters.

USMB permits the expression of ideas, even unpopular ideas. That's becoming a rare thing and they deserve to be commended.

The alt-right is a cancer, this thread is just one example.

I've got news for you. About half of the white supremacists and white nationalists share leftist ideology on governance and economics, but perhaps not this one.
What does the "genius" of Henry Ford have to do with your idiot theory. Stalin was a genius too.

Henry Ford was a genius when it came to cars and in building a massively successful business, but that's where his expertise ended.
I've never believed in the concept of Jewish Supremacy ... but then folks like the OP come along and prove me wrong.

I'm man enough to say I stand corrected.
As far as a Jewish Identity "off switch" good luck with that. :p They approach the Western World like a non-White, except since their IQ is similar to Whites they are clever enough to use Blacks and Browns to shield them.

I've never believed in the concept of Jewish Supremacy ... but then folks like the OP come along and prove me wrong.

I'm man enough to say I stand corrected.

You and me need to stop meeting like this.
I've never believed in the concept of Jewish Supremacy ... but then folks like the OP come along and prove me wrong.

I'm man enough to say I stand corrected.

You and me need to stop meeting like this.

I'll see you at the next meeting of the International Jewish Conspiracy ... bring a dessert.
In Henry Ford's remarkable The International Jew, he addresses the tendency of Jews to never quite establish, with the exception of Bolshevik Russia, the absolute racial supremacy they have been pursuing since they were driven out of Egypt. He writes in 1920:

But a strange fatality seems to follow all forms of Jewish supremacy. Just as the capstone is ready to be placed upon the edifice of Jewish triumphs, something occurs and the structure shrinks. It occurs so often in Jewish history that the Jews themselves have been exercised to find an explanation. In many cases “anti-Semitism” offers the readiest excuse, but not always. Just at the present time, when the light which was shed by the fires of war has revealed so many matters formerly hidden in shadow, the awakening of world attention is called “anti-Semitism,” and the explanation is given that “after every war the Jew becomes the scapegoat”—a curious admission which would lead a less self-centered people to inquire, Why?

The International Jew
I would argue that this inability to look critically at the behavior of their own race in the way they do at Gentile races results in the lack of a Jewish off-switch. This deficiency precludes stasis in race relations and absolute racial dominance would have to be a static condition, it seems to me.

I'm going to clue you in on something. There is no conspiracy among Jewish people to take over the world or anything else. Although I will concede that they have conspired to remain among the living, protected from guys like you and the Islamic Jihadists that share your hatred of Jews.

I believe that you are being influenced by dark, supernatural forces.
In Henry Ford's remarkable The International Jew, he addresses the tendency of Jews to never quite establish, with the exception of Bolshevik Russia, the absolute racial supremacy they have been pursuing since they were driven out of Egypt. He writes in 1920:

But a strange fatality seems to follow all forms of Jewish supremacy. Just as the capstone is ready to be placed upon the edifice of Jewish triumphs, something occurs and the structure shrinks. It occurs so often in Jewish history that the Jews themselves have been exercised to find an explanation. In many cases “anti-Semitism” offers the readiest excuse, but not always. Just at the present time, when the light which was shed by the fires of war has revealed so many matters formerly hidden in shadow, the awakening of world attention is called “anti-Semitism,” and the explanation is given that “after every war the Jew becomes the scapegoat”—a curious admission which would lead a less self-centered people to inquire, Why?

The International Jew
I would argue that this inability to look critically at the behavior of their own race in the way they do at Gentile races results in the lack of a Jewish off-switch. This deficiency precludes stasis in race relations and absolute racial dominance would have to be a static condition, it seems to me.

I'm going to clue you in on something. There is no conspiracy among Jewish people to take over the world or anything else. Although I will concede that they have conspired to remain among the living, protected from guys like you and the Islamic Jihadists that share your hatred of Jews.

I believe that you are being influenced by dark, supernatural forces.

DAMN!!!!! I have been returning to these threads for DAYS-----I was HOPING to finally get to know just WHAT THE JEWISH
DAMN!!!!! I have been returning to these threads for DAYS-----I was HOPING to finally get to know just WHAT THE JEWISH

Rumor has it that a group of Jews DID conspire to win a crew race.

A yeshiva decides to start a crew team. But no matter how much they practice, they lose every single race. Eventually they decide to send one boy down to the nearby prep school as a spy, to watch their winning crew team and find out what their secret is. After a day of reconnaissance, the boy comes back. “Listen!” he tells his teammates. “I learned how they do it — they have eight guys rowing, and only one guy screaming!”

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