Jesse Jackson Demands Meeting With Cracker Barrel Execs Over Reversal Decision


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
You knew it was coming. He and his ilk are going to apply pressure on Cracker Barrel execs to reverse their reversal decision about Phil Robertson. He will be joined by the gay group GLAAD and the National Organization for Women. GLAAD is the one who urged A&E to drop Phil. Jackson will press A&E to drop the show completely. He and the other group members stated in a release:

“It is unacceptable that a personality who has been given such a large platform would benefit from racist and anti-gay comments,”

Now we are going to see if Cracker Barrel execs truly have some balls since Jesse is getting in the mix. He will probably threaten that he will smear them as racists and get all the negroes worked up in a frenzy.

Duck Dynasty: Jesse Jackson Sr. responds to Phil Robertson comments -
Duck Dynasty: Jesse Jackson Sr. responds to Phil Robertson comments -

Jesse Jackson Sr. has jumped into the controversy surrounding comments by Phil Robertson, star of A&E’s backwoods reality TV show, “Duck Dynasty.”

In an announcement sent out Tuesday, Jackson Sr. compared Robertson’s recent comments about African-Americans, gay people and women to comments made by the driver of Rosa Parks’ bus.

"At least the bus driver, who ordered Rosa Parks to surrender her seat to a white person, was following state law,” he said in the release. “Robertson's statements were uttered freely and openly without cover of the law, within a context of what he seemed to believe was ‘white privilege.’”
I think he's making a mistake... but everybody and their uncle seems to be vying for publicity in this Duck matter.. including Cracker Barrel, Sarah Palin, the governor of Louisiana......
Somebody wave to Jesse, his itto feelers are hurt. :(

He might just want to remind them of their past racial discrimination issues. Cracker Barrel should have just let things lie. I don't know why anyone is taking a stand over Duck Dynasty.

It has to be as simple as them looking for camera time.
Jesse Jackson standing up for people again? I would have thought that he learned his lesson about that.

Jesse Jackson Gives Duke Party Stripper-Accuser Free Ride
Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, April 16, 2006, 10:49 AM

Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Push Coalition have donated full tuition to the woman who accused the Duke Lacrasse team of rape… even if her story proves false!

The Rev. Jesse Jackson said Saturday his Rainbow/PUSH Coalition would pay the college tuition of a black woman who alleges white members of the Duke University lacrosse team raped her.

The 27-year-old woman, a student at North Carolina Central University, told police she and another woman were hired to strip dance at a team party. The woman told police that three men at the party dragged her into a bathroom and raped her March 13.

No one has been charged in the case, but the allegations have rocked the community. Jackson he has yet to speak with the woman, but said his group pledged to pay for her tuition even if her story proves false.

The woman should be able to support her two children and pay her tuition without having “to sacrifice her body to make money.”

If your little girl is having trouble making ends meet Jesse may be able to help.

DNA tests on all 46 of the lacrosse team’s white members failed to match any evidence taken from their accuser. Experts believe because of this, there would be very little chance that any of these Duke players had raped the woman.

Wow! Look at this!

Crystal Mangum, Duke lacrosse accuser, convicted, sentenced in boyfriend’s stabbing death

The notorious North Carolina stripper who falsely accused a group of Duke lacrosse players of raping her is headed to prison after being convicted in the 2011 stabbing death of her boyfriend.

Crystal Gail Mangum, 34, was sentenced to a minimum of 14 years in prison on the second-degree murder charge, crying as the jury came back Friday with a unanimous verdict after six hours of deliberations.

Black Duke rape hoaxer Crystal Mangum sentenced 14-years for murder | Unity of Nobility

Seems like Jessie has his head up his ass when it comes to his vehement defense of the color black.
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Jessie Jackson should worry about his own family, like all the ones in jail for ripping off people..And he's got so many skeletons in his closest he has some nerve

He's so not important anymore he should go away
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he's see an opportunity for a shake down...That's all he's interested in

The man is no Reverend who I would follow...His and his families sins are no better than Cracker Barrels or the family he is attacking
I may disagree with what someone says but I'll fight for their right to say it.

Going a bit overboard with platitudes, eh?

Nope. He nailed it.

Phil can say what he wants. GQ is free to publish or not. A&E is free to hire or not. Sponsors are free to continue their support or not. Phil is free to peddle the fruits of his labor to another distributor and other sponsors (if necessary) should A&E drop his contract.

If Phil and the boys can still generate a paying audience after all is said and done, Duck, Inc. is free to continue to produce whatever it produces for sale in the Entertainment and Hunting Industries.

FREE enterprise and FREE speech is not rocket science, it's tolerance and marketing.

Chick-Fil-A taught this old dog that trick. :thup:
I may disagree with what someone says but I'll fight for their right to say it.

Going a bit overboard with platitudes, eh?

Nope. He nailed it.

Phil can say what he wants. GQ is free to publish or not. A&E is free to hire or not. Sponsors are free to continue their support or not. Phil is free to peddle the fruits of his labor to another distributor and other sponsors (if necessary) should A&E drop his contract.

If Phil and the boys can still generate a paying audience after all is said and done, Duck, Inc. is free to continue to produce whatever it produces for sale in the Entertainment and Hunting Industries.

FREE enterprise and FREE speech is not rocket science, it's tolerance and marketing.

Chick-Fil-A taught this old dog that trick. :thup:
Do you have any idea what a platitude is?
Jessie Jackson should worry about his own family, like all the ones in jail for ripping off people..And he's got so many skeletons in his closest he has some nerve

He's so not important anymore he should go away

He is so irrelevant now.

But still free to try and live on what he gets marketing his opinions...
:thup: Ass-U-Me-ing a FREE speech and FREE enterprise!​

I know.... BIG assumption. Huge.
Going a bit overboard with platitudes, eh?

Nope. He nailed it.

Phil can say what he wants. GQ is free to publish or not. A&E is free to hire or not. Sponsors are free to continue their support or not. Phil is free to peddle the fruits of his labor to another distributor and other sponsors (if necessary) should A&E drop his contract.

If Phil and the boys can still generate a paying audience after all is said and done, Duck, Inc. is free to continue to produce whatever it produces for sale in the Entertainment and Hunting Industries.

FREE enterprise and FREE speech is not rocket science, it's tolerance and marketing.

Chick-Fil-A taught this old dog that trick. :thup:
Do you have any idea what a platitude is?

ANY idea? :eusa_eh:

That's pretty all encompassing... I'm sure that even the average idiot has SOME idea. :wink_2:

Jessie Jackson should worry about his own family, like all the ones in jail for ripping off people..And he's got so many skeletons in his closest he has some nerve

He's so not important anymore he should go away

He is so irrelevant now.

But still free to try and live on what he gets marketing his opinions...
:thup: Ass-U-Me-ing a FREE speech and FREE enterprise!​

I know.... BIG assumption. Huge.

Jackson lives large on the millions he gets from threatening businesses with boycotts and negative publicity from the black community if they don't donate to his rainbow coalition. A white person would be jailed for extortion.

Yes, it is about race!

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