Jennifer Rubin of the WP, reports on ditching the Donald.

The loserterian movement is swirling down the crapper with Trump. Maybe we'll have enough democrats elected to repair our highways, fund science enough to get to mars and to fund our schools right!
You dimacraps have had 7.5 years to do everything you've listed and failed to address any of them.

So what makes you think another 4 or possibly 8 years of you nitwits in control would be any different? ....... :dunno:
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Be that is it may, it would seem too that at least one paleoconservative, Pat Buchanan, isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency either. What might one loosely infer from that? Well, that intellectual neocons, intellectual paleocons, intellectual libertarians, and many Democrats of widely varying mental acuity all oppose Trump. Whom then does that leave in support of Trump? Idiots and grossly misguided non-idiots.
If he can't win, then the GOP should graciously retire, because he represents their base, not them.
The never trumpers are an interesting bunch. You have all sorts of former Cruz supporters like Erik from Red State who is beside himself ever since he and Amanda Carpenter went over the top claiming that if Cruz won they would blacklist Drudge/Hannity/Rush and others for backing Trump. Kristol is in a full metal jacket meltdown. Glenn Beck has lost it entirely because he was preaching that "Cruz was the annointed one" and now he and Romney and other Mormons who are never trump will never see the White Horse Prophecy come to pass.

It's really quite whacked out.
The loserterian movement is swirling down the crapper with Trump. Maybe we'll have enough democrats elected to repair our highways, fund science enough to get to mars and to fund our schools right!
You dimacraps have had 7.5 years to do everything you've listed and failed to address any of them.

So what makes you think another 4 or possibly 8 years will be any different? ....... :dunno:

Hildebeast will be another Obama when it comes to the economy.....

When asked what Hillary will do to get the economy going.....

The response is Infrastructure....

When asked to expand on that we get....

Hillary will work on the infrastructure...

That's all we hear from the lefties.
The loserterian movement is swirling down the crapper with Trump. Maybe we'll have enough democrats elected to repair our highways, fund science enough to get to mars and to fund our schools right!
You dimacraps have had 7.5 years to do everything you've listed and failed to address any of them.

So what makes you think another 4 or possibly 8 years will be any different? ....... :dunno:

The NaziCons in Congress have blocked almost everything Obama and Democrats tried to accomplish.
I just find it interesting that it's by Jennifer Rubin. She is NOT a reporter. She's an opinion columnist, and she's the WP most conservative, pro-Israel, pro-neocon columnist.

Trump's tirade yesterday on ORielly where he danced around his allegations that Obama is in league with the terrorist, and even not an American, but Trump's dancing was all about Obama favoring muslims in the ME over Israel. Likud may be warming to President Hillary Clinton. Either that or some may be thinking it's not too late for Kasich Rubio.

I suppose if they conclude Trump simply cannot be elected, it frees them to take any drastic measure that has some possibility of a gop win
The loserterian movement is swirling down the crapper with Trump. Maybe we'll have enough democrats elected to repair our highways, fund science enough to get to mars and to fund our schools right!
You dimacraps have had 7.5 years to do everything you've listed and failed to address any of them.

So what makes you think another 4 or possibly 8 years will be any different? ....... :dunno:

Hildebeast will be another Obama when it comes to the economy.....

When asked what Hillary will do to get the economy going.....

The response is Infrastructure....

When asked to expand on that we get....

Hillary will work on the infrastructure...

That's all we hear from the lefties.

Most rich already use loop holes to pay 10-15% in taxes like Romney and Trump. Hell, big corps pay nearly nothing. Tell me, how exactly would lowering taxes help them anymore then they're currently dong with the loop holes? Yet, they still have the nerve to out source and bring in cheap labor??? Yet, you still blindly support these blood suckers.

Spending money on our own nation is something we must do. It is simple common sense. HIllary isn't what we need but she is far better then the cut, slash and burn republicans. What we need is the economics of the mid 20th century....Reaganomics fucked us.
The loserterian movement is swirling down the crapper with Trump. Maybe we'll have enough democrats elected to repair our highways, fund science enough to get to mars and to fund our schools right!
You dimacraps have had 7.5 years to do everything you've listed and failed to address any of them.

So what makes you think another 4 or possibly 8 years will be any different? ....... :dunno:

Hildebeast will be another Obama when it comes to the economy.....

When asked what Hillary will do to get the economy going.....

The response is Infrastructure....

When asked to expand on that we get....

Hillary will work on the infrastructure...

That's all we hear from the lefties.
There are only two schools of thought, given the fact that governments, corporations and people ran up so much debt in the latter Slick years and W's.. 1. austerity: pay down the debt while interest rates are low, which is what most of us are trying to do individually. 2. Since there is little consumer demand, companies aren't going to expand even with 0% interest rates, so if you want growth, only the public sector spend to expand the gnp.

The third way would be #1 on steroids: Bernie taxes the 1% at 90% and provides free shit to kids with degrees that didn't teach them an employable skill.
The loserterian movement is swirling down the crapper with Trump. Maybe we'll have enough democrats elected to repair our highways, fund science enough to get to mars and to fund our schools right!
You dimacraps have had 7.5 years to do everything you've listed and failed to address any of them.

So what makes you think another 4 or possibly 8 years will be any different? ....... :dunno:

The NaziCons in Congress have blocked almost everything Obama and Democrats tried to accomplish.
Which is the only reason we aren't in a complete meltdown.

Be that is it may, it would seem too that at least one paleoconservative, Pat Buchanan, isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency either. What might one loosely infer from that? Well, that intellectual neocons, intellectual paleocons, intellectual libertarians, and many Democrats of widely varying mental acuity all oppose Trump. Whom then does that leave in support of Trump? Idiots and grossly misguided non-idiots.

You didn't read the article. I did because I've heard Pat on Trump before and he backs Trump. Here you go sparky! From your very own link.

"These three stances that Trump hits on to Buchanan’s contentment are border security, economic nationalism, and being “skeptical of these endless wars and interventions.”

“I think many folks who agree with me have welcomed Trump into the race,” Buchanan said. He added while laughing, “the very fact that the neocons seem so disconsolate is the icing on the cake.”

Buchanan is not only opposed to immigration and trade, he is also a staunch social conservative. Trump has had two divorces and has previously held pro-choice views, making it tough for some to support him. Buchanan though said, “I think Trump respects the position of the social conservatives.”

“I do think he would appoint the type of justices that would unite the Republican Party,” he said. The conservative commentator continued on to say, “I think the great emperor Constantine converted to Christianity but he may have killed one of his sons as well.”

Buchanan told TheDC, “we don’t have any perfect candidates,” but the other options besides Trump are more frightening"

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed
You loserterians are fucking criminally insane! The problem isn't common sense investment into our country but your wars, insane medical system draining our economy and god knows what else.

Austerity will only hurt this country while china laughs all the way to number one as we no longer wish to lead. Criminally insane backwards idiots.

Did you read the article? This revolt is based on.............................drum roll.................................

More than a dozen people interviewed. OMG! And the Free the Delegate movement is so bogus. Have you checked out the woman leading the charge? She's a real piece of work.
When the whip comes down

Unconventional Special Report: ‘Hundreds’ of GOP convention delegates are now plotting to dump Trump in Cleveland

Be that is it may, it would seem too that at least one paleoconservative, Pat Buchanan, isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency either. What might one loosely infer from that? Well, that intellectual neocons, intellectual paleocons, intellectual libertarians, and many Democrats of widely varying mental acuity all oppose Trump. Whom then does that leave in support of Trump? Idiots and grossly misguided non-idiots.

You didn't read the article. I did because I've heard Pat on Trump before and he backs Trump. Here you go sparky! From your very own link.

"These three stances that Trump hits on to Buchanan’s contentment are border security, economic nationalism, and being “skeptical of these endless wars and interventions.”

“I think many folks who agree with me have welcomed Trump into the race,” Buchanan said. He added while laughing, “the very fact that the neocons seem so disconsolate is the icing on the cake.”

Buchanan is not only opposed to immigration and trade, he is also a staunch social conservative. Trump has had two divorces and has previously held pro-choice views, making it tough for some to support him. Buchanan though said, “I think Trump respects the position of the social conservatives.”

“I do think he would appoint the type of justices that would unite the Republican Party,” he said. The conservative commentator continued on to say, “I think the great emperor Constantine converted to Christianity but he may have killed one of his sons as well.”

Buchanan told TheDC, “we don’t have any perfect candidates,” but the other options besides Trump are more frightening"

Read more: Pat Buchanan: Even If Trump Wins, The West Is Doomed

And all of that to which you refer refutes my assertion that Mr. Buchanan isn't optimistic about a Trump Presidency how, Sparky?
The loserterian movement is swirling down the crapper with Trump. Maybe we'll have enough democrats elected to repair our highways, fund science enough to get to mars and to fund our schools right!
You dimacraps have had 7.5 years to do everything you've listed and failed to address any of them.

So what makes you think another 4 or possibly 8 years will be any different? ....... :dunno:

The NaziCons in Congress have blocked almost everything Obama and Democrats tried to accomplish.

The dems did enough damage from 2008-2010 with dire repercussions showing up everywhere. We need gridlock for two hundred years before the country can become healthy again.

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