Jeb smoked pot, drank, was a rich bully in HS. That AGAIN? I know those out of touch cretins...


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
They just don't get the real America. I went boarding school with these rich twits, few do. I liked Edsel...back with gd link from Huff Post. But it's everywhere but Fox lol...They're asking Jeb and Pubs how to spin it...
They just don't get the real America. I went boarding school with these rich twits, few do. I liked Edsel...back with gd link from Huff Post. But it's everywhere but Fox lol...They're asking Jeb and Pubs how to spin it...

You are an elitist with a guilt complex
My problem is the out of touch spolied a-hole bully part. And my country doctor pro socialized medicine father was the poorest parent there. NOT elitist, no guilt, liked some, hated the place lol...Shove your hater dupe bs...
They just don't get the real America. I went boarding school with these rich twits, few do. I liked Edsel...back with gd link from Huff Post. But it's everywhere but Fox lol...They're asking Jeb and Pubs how to spin it...

He smoked pot? He drank? He partied? He had premarital sex? He's qualified!! (Clinton, Obama, et al.)

Say no to Jeb - Red Dirt Report

Remember Terri Schiavo! Remember Al Gore in 2000!
hey OP and other libbies- MOST Cons do NOT like Jeb, ok? or Krispie cream Cristie.
Wait, really? Jeb is pretty much the only candidate who gets substantial mention, and you don't even like him?

He's your guys' Hillary!
I heard Jeb Bush pulled a girl's ponytail in kindergarten. That sexist BASTARD!!!

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