January 6 Was Not A Coup

Questioned primarily by committee vice chair and Wyoming Republican Liz Cheney, Hutchinson testified that Rudy Giuliani told her after a meeting at the White House that “we’re going to the Capitol” as part of the plan to keep Trump in power. “It’s going to be great. The president’s going to be there. He’s going to look powerful,” Giuliani said, according to Hutchinson.
When she asked Meadows about that comment, she said he appeared to know all about it. “There’s a lot going on,” Meadows replied, according to Hutchinson. “Things might get real, real bad on Jan. 6.”

But remember...Ray Epps was responsible for all of it

Do you need a tissue?

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"To wipe the ketchup off the wall?
No. I have a fixer to do that."
Bottom line, there was no insurrection, no coup, or attempted coup….Just a relatively small group of idiots that broke the law, like Colberts group…Difference is, Colberts group got to go home the next morning…
If it was, wouldn't Trump be president?
Do you need a lie detector?
If all the Republicans who testified under oath before the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol took lier detector tests, the weird worships would be shrieking that they all passed because the polygraphs had been manufactured by an Italian satellite company, and the chart paper had bamboo fibers.

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“We cannot just sweep this under the rug.
We need to know why it happened, who did it, and people need to be held accountable for it,” he said.

“And I’m committed to making sure that happens.”
]McCarthy in audio said days after Jan. 6: 'We cannot just sweep this under the rug'

'I asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened,'
McCarthy is heard saying on January 11, 2021. 'If he feels bad about what happened.
He told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. But he needs to acknowledge that.'
'Let me be clear to you and I have been very clear to the president,' he added.
He bears responsibility for his words and actions. No, if ands or buts.'

[McCarthy calls for a bipartisan investigation into Jan. 6 in audio]

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If all the Republicans who testified under oath before the U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol took lier detector tests, the weird worships would be shrieking that they all passed because the polygraphs had been manufactured by an Italian satellite company, and the chart paper had bamboo fibers.

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“We cannot just sweep this under the rug.
We need to know why it happened, who did it, and people need to be held accountable for it,” he said.

“And I’m committed to making sure that happens.”

'I asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened,'
McCarthy is heard saying on January 11, 2021. 'If he feels bad about what happened.
He told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. But he needs to acknowledge that.'
'Let me be clear to you and I have been very clear to the president,' he added.
He bears responsibility for his words and actions. No, if ands or buts.'

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"Hearings"? you really just cited that kangaroo court as valid?
The U.S. House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol is establishing the official record of the attempt to pervert democracy via dozens of Republican officeholders and Trump insiders testifying under oath. As a consequence of what has been exposed, most Americans agree that the Loser is culpable and should be charged.

It is entirely reasonable for all the Trump intimates concerning whom Cassidy Hutchinson testified under oath to also testify under oath regarding their recollections of all the events and their statements and behaviors that she recounted.

Let Meadows, Cipollone, Ornato, etc. also provide detailed, sworn accounts, rather than Ms Hutchinson being targeted for the usual vilification, petty vendettas, and threats.
Your characterization of Trumpy lickspittles is amiss.

Understandably, most with damning evidence refused to testify.
No ghoul that's a characterization of you, but you knew that didn't you?
Bottom line, there was no insurrection, no coup, or attempted coup….Just a relatively small group of idiots that broke the law, like Colberts group…Difference is, Colberts group got to go home the next morning…

I read the article but this man's reasoning is completely flawed, if not outright laughable. His claim that it couldn't possibly be a "coup attempt" because there is no way it could possibly have succeeded. The military would never have bought it. We don't actually know that only because it didn't succeed.

It's like wife claiming she's not guilty of attempting to murder her husband because the poison she was putting in his food wasn't strong enough to kill him.

Just because Trump was unlikely to succeed, doesn't mean it wasn't a real coup attempt.

And congratulations for using a REAL source.

Your characterization of Trumpy lickspittles is amiss.

Understandably, most with damning evidence refused to testify.

Who has refused to testify - other than Flynn, who should be reinstated into the army, court marshalled and stripped of his rank, and then dishonourably discharged. Before he goes to jail on seditious conspiracy charges. Even Ivanka and Jared have testified.

Everyone has testified except those who will be facing criminal prosecution for their actions. And those guys are getting buried alive by transcripts, memos, emails and text message chains from the cooperating witnesses. Stone, Flynn, Cipalone, Guiliani, Eastman, are all facing extensive criminal exposure for actions. Barr, and the others who resigned and otherwise refused to participate should have said more AT THE TIME.
Who has refused to testify - other than Flynn, who should be reinstated into the army, court marshalled and stripped of his rank, and then dishonourably discharged. Before he goes to jail on seditious conspiracy charges. Even Ivanka and Jared have testified.

Everyone has testified except those who will be facing criminal prosecution for their actions. And those guys are getting buried alive by transcripts, memos, emails and text message chains from the cooperating witnesses. Stone, Flynn, Cipalone, Guiliani, Eastman, are all facing extensive criminal exposure for actions. Barr, and the others who resigned and otherwise refused to participate should have said more AT THE TIME.
In the end of the day, there was no “conspiracy” between Trump and others. The FBI came out right after and said no conspiracy or Trump involvement.

Just like for four years they couldn’t prove any collusion. Democrats have developed a strategy of accusing the other side of things they themselves are far more guilty of.

So the next time they accuse the other side of something, assume that’s what they’re trying to hide.

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