I've posted this frequently but NO ONE seems to refute it!

No one but a fucking moron was talking about 1/6. And I didn't call it a Nazi rally. I called it a racist rally. Though it did include some neo-nazis.
You can’t really attack somebody for lacking substance when your going off topic and dodging the substance. Sea the catch22 urine?
I've posted this with the topic why haven't MSM supporters refuted the attached.
You say I've attack somebody for lacking substance which was in response to the somebody attacking my facts.
Plain and simple.

The attached two files I've posted very frequently because I wanted someone to refute them!
But no one has! This first file explains this fact:
Barack Obama, 41 percent negative, 59 percent positive;
George W. Bush, 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive; and
Bill Clinton, 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.
June to September of 2018 found that 92 percent of the coverage related to the president Trump during that period was negative in tone, as compared to a mere 8 percent that was positive.
Subsequent media studies have found continued overwhelmingly negative coverage of the president.
A previous Media Research Center (MRC) study in which researchers viewed more than 1,000 hours of network news coverage ” ABC, CBS and NBC”
A subsequent Harvard University study produced similar results. The Washington Examiner noted:
The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump’s initial time in office. They found, to no one’s surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.
So would those of you who think the MSM was NOT influential in the 2020 election of Biden... please refute this!View attachment 538247View attachment 538246
Well are you saying that the media determines public opinion and that there are more left leaning sites than right leaning sites? That money given in campaign financial data determines who wins? It does not always determine who wins.

Campaign finance data is just one source of campaign financial data. There are numerous sources. One getting more money does not always equate to winning the election. Otherwise Trump would have lost the first time as well as other republicans. So there is no truth that more money means a win as history has shown that.

Well just by the number of vote in each presidential election its clear that there are more democrats than republicans. So it would seem plausible that there are more media sites that are left leaning. Some may even try to remain neutral as that really should be the goal of any news source. Still all news people have opinions and they are allow to express those opinions. There is not a lack of right leaning sources.

Still the fact remains Trump won and other republicans have won. And yes they have lost also. Yet if the media was the main factor in determining who is elected as president then by all accounts a republican can never be elected as president.

Your last graph shows Hillary getting more donations but she lost because it is an electoral college vote that counts.

So media darlings do not always win. The right wing has its media base which is overwhelming positive to republicans. There are numerous right wing fly by night sites that are pro republican. More money does not mean a win as both sides get enough money. It was even said that Trump used campaign funds for his inauguration. So I guess he had enough money to win and some left over.

The fact remains incumbents generally do win reelection but there have been some who didn't. Trump was not the first one who lost reelection.

Jimmy Carter lost re election probably due to the hostage situation and the failed attempt at rescue paid a role in the 2nd election. Then again maybe electing a movie star was long overdue. The 1st bush lost due to the Regan economy he inherited and to "read my lips no new taxes" but in the end had to increase taxes.

Trump made his bed by using negative stories. His history was one based on negativity.

Everything Obama did was critized by Trump. Every thing Hillary did was critized by trump and the republican spin machine where the news outlets (right leaning) hammered home the spin.

We all know these stores that have not panned out.

So he poured oil on a toxic environment of negative politics and lit the fire. He used negativity by making claims that the right wanted to hear.

He made his own bed and now had to sleep in it. If you live by negativity you will die by the same negativity.

A fitting end by a guy who claims a fraudulent election after winning an election under the same rules.

Well I guess chapter 2 is being written will he or won't he? I can see him taking a shower and he learns that it was all a bad dream.
Last edited:
I've posted this with the topic why haven't MSM supporters refuted the attached.
You say I've attack somebody for lacking substance which was in response to the somebody attacking my facts.
Plain and simple.View attachment 539263
View attachment 539264
Why would any of that need to be refuted? I would be shocked if Trump had even close to the media support as other politicians. He was a dick to the press... Why would they support him. What do you think you are proving?
Why would the strong economy he inherited contribute to his loss?
If it was such a strong economy why would Bush a republican have to raise taxes.
still the economy was strong in his first year. Yet the 2nd year it went into a recession
When did that happen? In case you haven't noticed, I always insult leftwing idiots like you.

That's because the facts never support your position and all you're left with are lies and insults. But you cling to the lies, the fallacies, and the party which has been screwing over working people since Reagan lied to you about "welfare queens" and his tax cuts and deficit spending lead to the worst stock market crash since the Great Depression.

Republicans are still telling you the same lies, resulting in the same economic crashes, and the middle class is shrinking.

How's flinging insults at leftists working out for you FingerBoi?
That's because the facts never support your position and all you're left with are lies and insults. But you cling to the lies, the fallacies, and the party which has been screwing over working people since Reagan lied to you about "welfare queens" and his tax cuts and deficit spending lead to the worst stock market crash since the Great Depression.

Republicans are still telling you the same lies, resulting in the same economic crashes, and the middle class is shrinking.

How's flinging insults at leftists working out for you FingerBoi?
I didn't even bother to read pat the first sentence.
That's because the facts never support your position and all you're left with are lies and insults. But you cling to the lies, the fallacies, and the party which has been screwing over working people since Reagan lied to you about "welfare queens" and his tax cuts and deficit spending lead to the worst stock market crash since the Great Depression.

Republicans are still telling you the same lies, resulting in the same economic crashes, and the middle class is shrinking.

How's flinging insults at leftists working out for you FingerBoi?

Reagan lied to you about "welfare queens" and his tax cuts and deficit spending lead to the worst stock market crash since the Great Depression.

That was awful!

The Dow closed up 2.25% for the year.
If it was such a strong economy why would Bush a republican have to raise taxes.
still the economy was strong in his first year. Yet the 2nd year it went into a recession
Taxes should be raised during runs of a strong economy... The money that floats to the top needs to recirculate... Taxation is a vehicle to do that.
Why would any of that need to be refuted? I would be shocked if Trump had even close to the media support as other politicians. He was a dick to the press... Why would they support him. What do you think you are proving?
The "press" doesn't have to support him. But they don't have to present FALSE NEWS!
Again a major example of why people like ME and millions like me are smart enough to know this gross malfeasance on the part of the "press"!
Trump said "there were good people on both sides... but the MSM never finished what he continued to say..
,& I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
How many MSM people reported this condemnation BY TRUMP of Neo-nazis and white supremacists!

The MSM doesn't have to write good things or bad things but honest unbiased reporting!
They couldn't do that when they did this!
You can't be objective if you spend your money supporting a candidate and expect intelligent people NOT to
note the difference!
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study....“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.


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