I've posted this frequently but NO ONE seems to refute it!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The attached two files I've posted very frequently because I wanted someone to refute them!
But no one has! This first file explains this fact:
Barack Obama, 41 percent negative, 59 percent positive;
George W. Bush, 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive; and
Bill Clinton, 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.
June to September of 2018 found that 92 percent of the coverage related to the president Trump during that period was negative in tone, as compared to a mere 8 percent that was positive.
Subsequent media studies have found continued overwhelmingly negative coverage of the president.
A previous Media Research Center (MRC) study in which researchers viewed more than 1,000 hours of network news coverage ” ABC, CBS and NBC”
A subsequent Harvard University study produced similar results. The Washington Examiner noted:
The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump’s initial time in office. They found, to no one’s surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.
So would those of you who think the MSM was NOT influential in the 2020 election of Biden... please refute this!
The attached two files I've posted very frequently because I wanted someone to refute them!
But no one has! This first file explains this fact:
Barack Obama, 41 percent negative, 59 percent positive;
George W. Bush, 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive; and
Bill Clinton, 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.
June to September of 2018 found that 92 percent of the coverage related to the president Trump during that period was negative in tone, as compared to a mere 8 percent that was positive.
Subsequent media studies have found continued overwhelmingly negative coverage of the president.
A previous Media Research Center (MRC) study in which researchers viewed more than 1,000 hours of network news coverage ” ABC, CBS and NBC”
A subsequent Harvard University study produced similar results. The Washington Examiner noted:
The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump’s initial time in office. They found, to no one’s surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.
So would those of you who think the MSM was NOT influential in the 2020 election of Biden... please refute this!View attachment 538247View attachment 538246
What exactly do you want refuted? Trump was a shit talking bully and a very negative guy that liked to pick fights with the media. Of course his coverage was going to be negative as a result. When a president lies then the lies get covered. All Trump did was lie. It’s not complicated.
Now the 2nd file that most of you people that suffer from TDS won't admit but remember these are Obama's statements and policies that almost ALL were the opposite of most Americans and DEFINITELY President Trump who overturned most of them. And now with Biden he has turned over Trump's and returned to the policies and statements of Obama. I mean really folks... are you in favor of bankrupting 1,400 companies, putting hundreds of thousands out of work, raising gas prices..(Note the attached today's gas prices versus
a year ago...) and damages to the environment that 30 oil tankers carrying 1 million barrels each will have per month potentially... and yet Biden is just as in favor as Obama was!
So those of you that disagree... I want to hear your refutations of what I've submitted.
44% higher per gallon gas prices...Biden is fulfilling Obama desire for higher gas prices.
Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 10.25.49 AM.png

What exactly do you want refuted? Trump was a shit talking bully and a very negative guy that liked to pick fights with the media. Of course his coverage was going to be negative as a result. When a president lies then the lies get covered. All Trump did was lie. It’s not complicated.
They believe that Trump never lies.

They believe that Trump never did anything that deserved bad press.

There's nothing you can do with that.
What exactly do you want refuted? Trump was a shit talking bully and a very negative guy that liked to pick fights with the media. Of course his coverage was going to be negative as a result. When a president lies then the lies get covered. All Trump did was lie. It’s not complicated.
First of all you haven't refuted anything I put up! Why not provide LINKS like I do that substantiate my statements? That's because you are LIKE the MSM... deal with emotion, subjectivity... personal stupidities!
But the simple fact the MSM donated 96% to Hillary... BEFORE Trump was President... and she lost so THEY spent the next 4 years suffering like you from TDS and then put 90% in Biden PLUS totally negative news...

Explain to me how anyone could accuse the MSM being objective, journalists? They are suppose to report the facts...not opinions regardless of the subject's attitude. Why was THAT acceptable for the MSM after donating to Hillary to then put THEIR opinions in their news... For example you and your other Trump haters use this statement repeated endless by the MSM..."There were very fine people on both sides,
But this is what Trump actually said but the biased MSM left off the last part!!!
The post the states that Trump really said,
"There were very fine people on both sides, (This is what the majority of MSM reported as Trump's comment) & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
The attached two files I've posted very frequently because I wanted someone to refute them!
But no one has! This first file explains this fact:
Barack Obama, 41 percent negative, 59 percent positive;
George W. Bush, 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive; and
Bill Clinton, 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.
June to September of 2018 found that 92 percent of the coverage related to the president Trump during that period was negative in tone, as compared to a mere 8 percent that was positive.
Subsequent media studies have found continued overwhelmingly negative coverage of the president.
A previous Media Research Center (MRC) study in which researchers viewed more than 1,000 hours of network news coverage ” ABC, CBS and NBC”
A subsequent Harvard University study produced similar results. The Washington Examiner noted:
The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump’s initial time in office. They found, to no one’s surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.
So would those of you who think the MSM was NOT influential in the 2020 election of Biden... please refute this!View attachment 538247View attachment 538246
Easy enough. tRump sucked. It was blatantly obvious to everyone but his brainwashing victims.
First of all you haven't refuted anything I put up! Why not provide LINKS like I do that substantiate my statements? That's because you are LIKE the MSM... deal with emotion, subjectivity... personal stupidities!
But the simple fact the MSM donated 96% to Hillary... BEFORE Trump was President... and she lost so THEY spent the next 4 years suffering like you from TDS and then put 90% in Biden PLUS totally negative news...

Explain to me how anyone could accuse the MSM being objective, journalists? They are suppose to report the facts...not opinions regardless of the subject's attitude. Why was THAT acceptable for the MSM after donating to Hillary to then put THEIR opinions in their news... For example you and your other Trump haters use this statement repeated endless by the MSM..."There were very fine people on both sides,
But this is what Trump actually said but the biased MSM left off the last part!!!
The post the states that Trump really said,
"There were very fine people on both sides, (This is what the majority of MSM reported as Trump's comment) & I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
You want links to substantiate that tRump sucked?

You posted them. Look at how much negative news there was about him.
They believe that Trump never lies.

They believe that Trump never did anything that deserved bad press.

There's nothing you can do with that.
How stupid are you Mac1958!
Again personal subjective with NO facts or links.
The fact is that MOST Trump supporters find Trump like I do to be a braggart. A loudmouth. A person who is NOT a politician. Never was. And that's what we like though. He doesn't take any side except what will be best for HIM, best for his family... best for America in that order. And he did those things!
Unlike the politicians that idiots like you believe, Trump got more things done as a Queens NY businessman would in 4 years than previous 5 presidents did in 62 years!

FACT dummies like you seem to ignore! Deal with FACTS not your personal opinion!

Trump was the first president in 62 years to make the USA Energy Independent!

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957​

MAY 11, 2020​

Now again for the FACTS as to the # 1 way a president can affect your gas prices which have gone up
44% since Trump was president! Again you can't argue the facts!
Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 10.25.49 AM.png
Now the 2nd file that most of you people that suffer from TDS won't admit but remember these are Obama's statements and policies that almost ALL were the opposite of most Americans and DEFINITELY President Trump who overturned most of them. And now with Biden he has turned over Trump's and returned to the policies and statements of Obama. I mean really folks... are you in favor of bankrupting 1,400 companies, putting hundreds of thousands out of work, raising gas prices..(Note the attached today's gas prices versus
a year ago...) and damages to the environment that 30 oil tankers carrying 1 million barrels each will have per month potentially... and yet Biden is just as in favor as Obama was!
So those of you that disagree... I want to hear your refutations of what I've submitted.
44% higher per gallon gas prices...Biden is fulfilling Obama desire for higher gas prices.
View attachment 538251
View attachment 538249


Can you get a talking point that doesn't have a mathematical impossibility in it?

Use some wite-out if you have to.
What exactly do you want refuted? Trump was a shit talking bully and a very negative guy that liked to pick fights with the media. Of course his coverage was going to be negative as a result. When a president lies then the lies get covered. All Trump did was lie. It’s not complicated.
Actually, all Trump did was the right shit for the right Americans…which never mattered or got reported on.
You and the media HATED him for being so committed to the right Americans, you knew he was restoring America and the American Way through policy and that’s why you and the globalist pieces of filthy dogshit couldn’t support his efforts.
Slade3200 The Media coverage of Donald Trump ignored all of his pro-America policies and actions and chose instead to cover every single little private conversation or tweet. That is not news coverage, that is smearing.
The answer is the same as it has always been. If trump doesn't like getting bad press, then he should quit being an idiot.
How stupid are you Mac1958!
Again personal subjective with NO facts or links.
The fact is that MOST Trump supporters find Trump like I do to be a braggart. A loudmouth. A person who is NOT a politician. Never was. And that's what we like though. He doesn't take any side except what will be best for HIM, best for his family... best for America in that order. And he did those things!
Unlike the politicians that idiots like you believe, Trump got more things done as a Queens NY businessman would in 4 years than previous 5 presidents did in 62 years!

FACT dummies like you seem to ignore! Deal with FACTS not your personal opinion!

Trump was the first president in 62 years to make the USA Energy Independent!

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957​

MAY 11, 2020​

Now again for the FACTS as to the # 1 way a president can affect your gas prices which have gone up
44% since Trump was president! Again you can't argue the facts!
View attachment 538254View attachment 538255
You are wanting somebody to refute, they put their money where their mouth is? What did you do, donate to the guy you didn't want to win? Do you watch auto industry commercials and then go to the dealership to buy the car you like the least?
You want links to substantiate that tRump sucked?

You posted them. Look at how much negative news there was about him.
Right after they had donated 96% to Hillary in 2016! Then they pulled out all the negative news and naturally as any normal person would do Trump (NOT being politically correct ass kissing person but a Queens NYC native responded...as would normal not politically correct people do...which is what millions of us liked even though like me we think Trump is an ass, bully, etc... kind of like Theodore Roosevelt was, but he got things done! Trump was like several bosses I had. I thought they were dumb. Loudmouth bastards. But they got things done! So yea... make all your personal subjective attacks on Trump but to me that's like the below doing this:
Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 10.53.39 AM.png
Screen Shot 2021-09-12 at 10.53.17 AM.png
Slade3200 The Media coverage of Donald Trump ignored all of his pro-America policies and actions and chose instead to cover every single little private conversation or tweet. That is not news coverage, that is smearing.
Yup, the news business is a for profit industry and they follow the buzz and the money, right wing media is just as guilty as the left. Its not a new game. Trump knew exactly what he was doing with the media. Provoke them, call them fake news, attack the institution so his supports turn them out and don't believe anything they hear. Saddly it worked and now we have a ton of braindead trumptard drones running around this country. pathetic.
Actually, all Trump did was the right shit for the right Americans…which never mattered or got reported on.
You and the media HATED him for being so committed to the right Americans, you knew he was restoring America and the American Way through policy and that’s why you and the globalist pieces of filthy dogshit couldn’t support his efforts.
I don't hate trump... Don't put words in my mouth. I think he was a shitty president because he lied all the time and was more interested in trolling and fighting than leading and producing. He didn't do any of what you just gave him credit for. You're living in fantasyland
Well I guess when you don't have the intellect to formulate a counter argument you can always just post memes. Don't expect to be respected for that though.
It has nothing to do with the candidate on either side.

The Marxist Fake News MSM has ALWAYS contributed to the Left over any Republican candidate.

But, obviously your TDS prevents you from seeing that reality.

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