It's Time For Women to Embrace Their Rage


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
A New Way to Think About Women's Anger

Soraya Chemaly, author of “Rage Becomes Her” joined THINK to explain why we need to rethink the way we think about women’s anger, and how we can use it for social good.

An interesting note from this short video is that it rightly states that when men express their anger it's seen as valid while women are viewed negatively when we become angry. Terms like "too emotional", "loss of control", etc are used and we are often sanctioned for having expressed even our displeasure let alone anger at certain things. There is indeed a double standard.
"Its Time For Women To Embrace Their Rage"

I might be way ahead of you...only my rage is for other females who have done nothing but hurt other people.

God bless you always!!!

A New Way to Think About Women's Anger

Soraya Chemaly, author of “Rage Becomes Her” joined THINK to explain why we need to rethink the way we think about women’s anger, and how we can use it for social good.
It's time for women to embrace their rage
An interesting note from this short video is that it rightly states that when men express their anger it's seen as valid while women are viewed negatively when we become angry. Terms like "too emotional", "loss of control", etc are used and we are often sanctioned for having expressed even our displeasure let alone anger at certain things. There is indeed a double standard.
Blah blah blah
"Its Time For Women To Embrace Their Rage"

I might be way ahead of you...only my rage is for other females who have done nothing but hurt other people.

God bless you always!!!

Seriously? Women only?
Well the only male that I have any rage towards is my dad, but I did the washing my hands of him a long time ago.

God bless you always!!!

A New Way to Think About Women's Anger

Soraya Chemaly, author of “Rage Becomes Her” joined THINK to explain why we need to rethink the way we think about women’s anger, and how we can use it for social good.
It's time for women to embrace their rage
An interesting note from this short video is that it rightly states that when men express their anger it's seen as valid while women are viewed negatively when we become angry. Terms like "too emotional", "loss of control", etc are used and we are often sanctioned for having expressed even our displeasure let alone anger at certain things. There is indeed a double standard.

feminists always demand to be treated differently. But it just ends up being funny.
Who validated men’s anger by the way? Who is in charge of that?
A New Way to Think About Women's Anger

Soraya Chemaly, author of “Rage Becomes Her” joined THINK to explain why we need to rethink the way we think about women’s anger, and how we can use it for social good.
It's time for women to embrace their rage
An interesting note from this short video is that it rightly states that when men express their anger it's seen as valid while women are viewed negatively when we become angry. Terms like "too emotional", "loss of control", etc are used and we are often sanctioned for having expressed even our displeasure let alone anger at certain things. There is indeed a double standard.

feminists always demand to be treated differently. But it just ends up being funny.
Who validated men’s anger by the way? Who is in charge of that?
Where are feminists mentioned in the article? Did you even watch it?
A New Way to Think About Women's Anger

Soraya Chemaly, author of “Rage Becomes Her” joined THINK to explain why we need to rethink the way we think about women’s anger, and how we can use it for social good.
It's time for women to embrace their rage
An interesting note from this short video is that it rightly states that when men express their anger it's seen as valid while women are viewed negatively when we become angry. Terms like "too emotional", "loss of control", etc are used and we are often sanctioned for having expressed even our displeasure let alone anger at certain things. There is indeed a double standard.

feminists always demand to be treated differently. But it just ends up being funny.
Who validated men’s anger by the way? Who is in charge of that?
Where are feminists mentioned in the article? Did you even watch it?

No I didn’t. Don’t need to. Angry women seethingvwith rage...equals feminist. It’s practically a defining characteristic.
Regardless, I did read your post and had a question about it. Who is validating men’s anger? Who is in charge of such validations? Can you give me an example of validated vs invalidated anger?
A New Way to Think About Women's Anger

Soraya Chemaly, author of “Rage Becomes Her” joined THINK to explain why we need to rethink the way we think about women’s anger, and how we can use it for social good.
It's time for women to embrace their rage
An interesting note from this short video is that it rightly states that when men express their anger it's seen as valid while women are viewed negatively when we become angry. Terms like "too emotional", "loss of control", etc are used and we are often sanctioned for having expressed even our displeasure let alone anger at certain things. There is indeed a double standard.

feminists always demand to be treated differently. But it just ends up being funny.
Who validated men’s anger by the way? Who is in charge of that?
Where are feminists mentioned in the article? Did you even watch it?

No I didn’t. Don’t need to. Angry women seethingvwith rage...equals feminist. It’s practically a defining characteristic.
Regardless, I did read your post and had a question about it. Who is validating men’s anger? Who is in charge of such validations? Can you give me an example of validated vs invalidated anger?

Here is a breakdown of the video
Jane Anger her Protection for Women. To defend them against the scandalous reportes of a late Surfeiting Lover, and all other like Venerians that complaine so to bee overcloyed with womens kindnesse.

Note it was written in 1589 but Chemaly wants to talk like it's a brand new day and all you lesser uneducated people can do something about it............and do whatever the current social good she has decided all you lesser uneducated people should be doing. She is going to help you understand it..
There is indeed a double standard.

really? so you figure women go unheard and ignored.

well you see, you've simply got to make more noise

cuz, you're all behind the howlings of multiple minorites, idiot extreemists (both right & left) , crazed jingoists , obnoxious gays and LG BVD's (whatever) delusional religmo's #metoo freaks ,and let's not forget the pathetic partisans.

the mjority of whom have had generations of icons ,who have been acknowlegded , vindicated, had their cause become socially relevant and accepted

but you see, those icons have done their job(s) , and now we're down to the dregs of copy cat icons who parrot them, and use social media to scream


A New Way to Think About Women's Anger

Soraya Chemaly, author of “Rage Becomes Her” joined THINK to explain why we need to rethink the way we think about women’s anger, and how we can use it for social good.
It's time for women to embrace their rage
An interesting note from this short video is that it rightly states that when men express their anger it's seen as valid while women are viewed negatively when we become angry. Terms like "too emotional", "loss of control", etc are used and we are often sanctioned for having expressed even our displeasure let alone anger at certain things. There is indeed a double standard.
It is not a double standard.

What is ignored is that men are not as likely to USE anger as a tool to trump reason and evidence.

In other words a guy gets pissed off he's just pissed off. A woman gets pissed off she has won the argument through emotion.
It isn't exactly new but def I think if I was a man I with my temperament would be respected for it - while as a woman I am merely "obstinate".
A New Way to Think About Women's Anger

Soraya Chemaly, author of “Rage Becomes Her” joined THINK to explain why we need to rethink the way we think about women’s anger, and how we can use it for social good.
It's time for women to embrace their rage
An interesting note from this short video is that it rightly states that when men express their anger it's seen as valid while women are viewed negatively when we become angry. Terms like "too emotional", "loss of control", etc are used and we are often sanctioned for having expressed even our displeasure let alone anger at certain things. There is indeed a double standard.

Me: "I can't find the jar of dill pickles."

My fiancé: "It's on the middle, middle shelf, in the middle of two bins in the middle, middle."

Me: "What? Where? Behind all that stuff?" Yanks out a refrigerator bin. Onions, apples, bags of vegetables tumble out. "Damn it. Honey, you're an ace at hiding things in the fridge."

My fiancé: "See, I told you. They're in the middle, middle of the middle shelf."

Me: "You always put the pickles as far from easy reach as possible. I just want a pickle for my burger. Why do you always make little things so complicated?"

My fiancé: "What!? What!? I complicate things? Me? Oh don't you dare. Remember the drive to Ocean City? Yeah, I bet you do. (begins to speak in rapid fire Hindi)."

Me: Drops pickles and runs for man cave cover.

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