Democrats Borrow Castro Slogan for Their Outreach to Latino Voters


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats Borrow Castro Slogan for Their Outreach to Latino Voters​

15 May 2022 ~~ By Chris Queen

It’s no secret that the Democrats are in trouble with Latino voters in the run-up to the midterm elections. Polling from last month showed that the president’s approval ratings are at their lowest among Hispanic voters. The Democrats’ border crisis, their leftward shift on cultural issues, and the economy have all prompted Latino voters to break toward the GOP
The Democrats are aware of their issues with Latinos, and they’ve launched a new strategy to reach them. There’s one problem: the slogan.
This new initiative to reach out to Spanish-speaking voters uses the slogan “Adelante,” which means “onward” or “forward.” Now, a Spanish word shouldn’t be an issue in and of itself, but when that word carries an association with Fidel Castro and Cuba’s communists, it becomes loaded with baggage.
So why the attachment to Castro-era propaganda? It’s especially baffling in light of a survey at the end of last year from Equis Labs that demonstrated that roughly 40% of Latinos have expressed concern over the Democrats’ embrace of socialism.
In its analysis of the Equis survey, NBC News revealed something interesting about Hispanic voters’ concerns about Democrats and their embrace of socialism.
“As would be expected, Latino 2020 Trump voters were more likely to say they were concerned — 71 percent — about Democrats embracing socialism or leftist policies,” NBC reports. “More jarring for Democrats is that 30 percent of Latinos who voted for Biden in 2020 also expressed such concern.”
Naturally, the Democrats think it’s all about their new favorite word: disinformation. Equis let its bias show when the report referred to the concerns about socialism as “a story about the weaponization of the American Dream— the true opposite of socialism in the right-wing narrative.”

From Obama proclaiming he would “Fundamentally Transform America”, to we need “Income Redistribution” to now Castro’s “Adelante”, if you have not figured out by now that the “Democrat” party of old has been taken over by the Maoist-Communist party, you need to get your head out of your arse. They just haven’t yet consolidated their power enough to be able to admit it publicly.
Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies using the slogan of a dead Commie dictator. Wow, what a smart strategy.
Tejanos despise Democrats using Maoist-Fascist Communist-Nazi slogans they think will woo Hispanic"
They simply can't get over the fact that "Let's Go Brandon' has stuck to Biden like a second skin.
Is there really a single sane, intelligent, informed person in the U.S. who has yet to realize that the Maoist Communist Democrat Party radicals and their useful idiots are fanatically committed to replicating the violent Communist revolution that Castro effected in Communist Cuba, and Venezuela as well as the dysfunction, deprivation, and dystopia that follows every violent Communist revolution?


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