Its all your fault! Riot Caused by White Male Supremacy

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
USA Today: Riot Caused by White Male Supremacy
The Capitol Riot was a catastrophe for the Right, associating it with maniacs in the public mind and providing Big Tech and the Democrat Party with a pretext to crack down on free speech. But it was hard on moonbats too, as USA Today whimpers:
It wasn’t just masculinity, or entitlement, or supremacy. It was all of it that made the Capitol attack possible and often allows us to overlook the quieter attacks on our everyday lives, said Kristen Barber, a sociology professor at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and editor of the journal Men and Masculinities.

“Watching these images are triggering for people who experience the everyday violence of white male supremacy, whether that’s black men who are patrolled by W

hite police officers on the street or women who feel threatened by white men in their spaces on a daily basis,” Barber said. “It’s a reminder of the everyday stresses that come with living in a world that’s shaped by White masculinity …”
In contrast, the literally hundreds of black Lives Matter/Antifa riots that took place over the past year, costing $billions and destroying innumerable lives, were not caused by White Male supremacy, which must be why the liberal establishment generously supported them.
Experts say demonstrations of white masculinity have mental health impacts on everyone, but especially women, and can create stress, anxiety and trauma.
blacks commit rape at a far higher rate than Whites. Yet black masculinity is not a problem, because blacks are not required by liberal ideology to be effete Robert Francis O’Rourke types.
Symptoms of having been triggered by White masculinity can be severe. Reports Texas woman’s University psychology professor debra mollen:
“After the riot, one of my former students told me she couldn’t get out of bed. I’ve heard lots of accounts of women I know who have been uncontrollably crying. I’ve read several accounts of people who vomited, they were so upset and distressed by what they were witnessing.”
It is unclear whether any snowflakes were traumatized by the White femininity of Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death by Capitol Police during the riot.

If all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. All some moonbats have is their precious victimhood and their hatred of White Men.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

All links highlighted
White male have been capitalized, blacks have been all changed to lower case cause I felt like it .
White men can't tale the truth. You just don't get to have everything son. White boys aren't the only people living in America. So if you want a nation of nothing but white men, go find a desert island, name it homo erectus and go live there.
White men can't tale the truth. You just don't get to have everything son. White boys aren't the only people living in America. So if you want a nation of nothing but white men, go find a desert island, name it homo erectus and go live there.
How about not living in a marxist technocratic authoritarian nation for a start ?
White men can't tale the truth. You just don't get to have everything son. White boys aren't the only people living in America. So if you want a nation of nothing but white men, go find a desert island, name it homo erectus and go live there.
You can always rely on those who live in inner cities and murder each other in the 1000s to chime in, typical of the racist prick he is.
White men can't tale the truth. You just don't get to have everything son. White boys aren't the only people living in America. So if you want a nation of nothing but white men, go find a desert island, name it homo erectus and go live there.
How about not living in a marxist technocratic authoritarian nation for a start ?
You don't live in a " marxist technocratic authoritarian nation". You have free and fair elections and can throw out any form of extremism every four years, if that's what you think it is. The only people trying to discredit and get rid of the electoral system is you trumpsters.
White men can't tale the truth. You just don't get to have everything son. White boys aren't the only people living in America. So if you want a nation of nothing but white men, go find a desert island, name it homo erectus and go live there.
What's the matter? Pissed that you weren't invited to the cracker riot?
White men can't tale the truth. You just don't get to have everything son. White boys aren't the only people living in America. So if you want a nation of nothing but white men, go find a desert island, name it homo erectus and go live there.
How about not living in a marxist technocratic authoritarian nation for a start ?
You don't live in a " marxist technocratic authoritarian nation". You have free and fair elections and can throw out any form of extremism every four years, if that's what you think it is. The only people trying to discredit and get rid of the electoral system is you trumpsters.
Free and fair elections?

White men can't tale the truth. You just don't get to have everything son. White boys aren't the only people living in America. So if you want a nation of nothing but white men, go find a desert island, name it homo erectus and go live there.
How about not living in a marxist technocratic authoritarian nation for a start ?
You don't live in a " marxist technocratic authoritarian nation". You have free and fair elections and can throw out any form of extremism every four years, if that's what you think it is. The only people trying to discredit and get rid of the electoral system is you trumpsters.
Free and fair elections?

View attachment 443175
The onus of proof of election fraud is on those who allege it.
The courts have examined such claims and thrown them out - No case to answer.

Do you accept the rule of law or not?
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White men can't tale the truth. You just don't get to have everything son. White boys aren't the only people living in America. So if you want a nation of nothing but white men, go find a desert island, name it homo erectus and go live there.
How about not living in a marxist technocratic authoritarian nation for a start ?
You don't live in a " marxist technocratic authoritarian nation". You have free and fair elections and can throw out any form of extremism every four years, if that's what you think it is. The only people trying to discredit and get rid of the electoral system is you trumpsters.
Free and fair elections?

View attachment 443175
The onus of proof of election fraud is on those who allege it.
The courts have examined such claims and thrown them out - No case to answer.

Do you accept the rule of law or not?
Seems that establishment Georg Bush's pick for SCJ Chief has dirt on him, which the Prog lefties are using to extort the no vote for trial. Only banana republics use these tactics. Seems that you love living in a banana republic.

As for Rule of Law, funny how a prog uses the Rules to enhance their own power, but when those oppose the cretins, then the progs go after them, for using their same Rules....
USA Today: Riot Caused by White Male Supremacy
The Capitol Riot was a catastrophe for the Right, associating it with maniacs in the public mind and providing Big Tech and the Democrat Party with a pretext to crack down on free speech. But it was hard on moonbats too, as USA Today whimpers:
It wasn’t just masculinity, or entitlement, or supremacy. It was all of it that made the Capitol attack possible and often allows us to overlook the quieter attacks on our everyday lives, said Kristen Barber, a sociology professor at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and editor of the journal Men and Masculinities.

“Watching these images are triggering for people who experience the everyday violence of white male supremacy, whether that’s black men who are patrolled by W

hite police officers on the street or women who feel threatened by white men in their spaces on a daily basis,” Barber said. “It’s a reminder of the everyday stresses that come with living in a world that’s shaped by White masculinity …”
In contrast, the literally hundreds of black Lives Matter/Antifa riots that took place over the past year, costing $billions and destroying innumerable lives, were not caused by White Male supremacy, which must be why the liberal establishment generously supported them.
Experts say demonstrations of white masculinity have mental health impacts on everyone, but especially women, and can create stress, anxiety and trauma.
blacks commit rape at a far higher rate than Whites. Yet black masculinity is not a problem, because blacks are not required by liberal ideology to be effete Robert Francis O’Rourke types.
Symptoms of having been triggered by White masculinity can be severe. Reports Texas woman’s University psychology professor debra mollen:
“After the riot, one of my former students told me she couldn’t get out of bed. I’ve heard lots of accounts of women I know who have been uncontrollably crying. I’ve read several accounts of people who vomited, they were so upset and distressed by what they were witnessing.”
It is unclear whether any snowflakes were traumatized by the White femininity of Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death by Capitol Police during the riot.

If all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail. All some moonbats have is their precious victimhood and their hatred of White Men.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

All links highlighted
White male have been capitalized, blacks have been all changed to lower case cause I felt like it .

Everyone has his/her opinions about Caucasian men.

That's fine.

Opinions are the lifeblood of a discussion forum.

In my opinion, without Caucasian men, the United States of America will become a failed state (sometime in the next century).
White men can't tale the truth. You just don't get to have everything son. White boys aren't the only people living in America. So if you want a nation of nothing but white men, go find a desert island, name it homo erectus and go live there.
How about not living in a marxist technocratic authoritarian nation for a start ?
We can just wait for the blacks to kill themselves off. Between black on black murder and abortion they will diminish year by year until the last few can be put in a zoo for protective custody.

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