It Is Time To Fight Back Against Airlines And Their Mask Mandates


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Two Tampa Bay women uncomfortable wearing masks on airplane flights are partnering with a not-for-profit Wyoming organization to sue federal authorities over the requirement that people wear masks while using public transportation. The Health Freedom Defense Fund, the main plaintiff in the case, says the federal government exceeded its authority with the mask mandate. The Health Freedom Defense Fund is campaigning to end mask, vaccine and covid testing mandates. The fund’s website includes printable notices to employers saying that mask, testing and vaccine requirements violate federal law.

“When government gets into the business of mandating what people can and can’t do with their bodies, I think that we have a problem,” said the founder and president of the Health Freedom Defense Fund. Both Sarah Pope and Ana Carolina Daza are members of the fund, Manookian said. Pope publishes a blog and YouTube channel called The Healthy Home Economist. Pope said she wants to promote health the way her generation’s grandparents experienced it. “When they got sick, they didn’t need the crutch of pharmaceuticals or antibiotics to get better,” she said in the video. “They just got sick and they got well.”

It's about time someone addressed the elephant in the room...these mask mandates in airports and other public transportation is basically slavery-communism....Look, when 9/11 happened, I understood why we had to change how things were done.... even if it meant creating a brand new government agency and making us jump thru a bunch of hoops...9/11 killed 3000 people (unlike COVID) -- and plus we could blame 9/11 on muslims -- which made all of the inconveniences we dealt with in airports feel much better...

However, I am tired of having to wear masks everytime I go to the airport ..and then being forced to wear a mask to sit on a plane while I travel. This government tyranny has gone on far too long -- if people want to wear masks, let them start their own airlines or build their own airports and do it there....leave our airports the woman said; when our grandparents got sick, they didn't rely on big government, vaccines, big pharma and all of that other stuff -- they simply got sick and got fact, our standard of living and life expectancy would be much better if we took that approach more often.

"Two Tampa Bay women uncomfortable wearing masks on airplane flights are partnering with a not-for-profit Wyoming organization to sue federal authorities over the requirement that people wear masks while using public transportation. The Health Freedom Defense Fund, the main plaintiff in the case, says the federal government exceeded its authority with the mask mandate. The Health Freedom Defense Fund is campaigning to end mask, vaccine and covid testing mandates. The fund’s website includes printable notices to employers saying that mask, testing and vaccine requirements violate federal law.

“When government gets into the business of mandating what people can and can’t do with their bodies, I think that we have a problem,” said the founder and president of the Health Freedom Defense Fund. Both Sarah Pope and Ana Carolina Daza are members of the fund, Manookian said. Pope publishes a blog and YouTube channel called The Healthy Home Economist. Pope said she wants to promote health the way her generation’s grandparents experienced it. “When they got sick, they didn’t need the crutch of pharmaceuticals or antibiotics to get better,” she said in the video. “They just got sick and they got well.”

It's about time someone addressed the elephant in the room...these mask mandates in airports and other public transportation is basically slavery-communism....Look, when 9/11 happened, I understood why we had to change how things were done.... even if it meant creating a brand new government agency and making us jump thru a bunch of hoops...9/11 killed 3000 people (unlike COVID) -- and plus we could blame 9/11 on muslims -- which made all of the inconveniences we dealt with in airports feel much better...

However, I am tired of having to wear masks everytime I go to the airport ..and then being forced to wear a mask to sit on a plane while I travel. This government tyranny has gone on far too long -- if people want to wear masks, let them start their own airlines or build their own airports and do it there....leave our airports the woman said; when our grandparents got sick, they didn't rely on big government, vaccines, big pharma and all of that other stuff -- they simply got sick and got fact, our standard of living and life expectancy would be much better if we took that approach more often.

Wah,Wah,Wah. Time to grow up.
It always sounds great this stuff i.e people rallying

But the fact of the matter is this ...

It's the airlines company, it's their rules.

If you're someone who's a flyer then you realise pretty quickly you need them a thousand times more than they need you. I'm just back from 3-days in Malmo, Sweden and flew home from Copenhagen. Loads of folks said to me I hate these masks I'm not wearing them, then when they realise they need home the masks go on without question.

I don't like the masks and I'm not saying the continued being compelled to wear them is right, because it isn't but there's this romantic notion that the people will rise and then they will be able to board flights doing what they like.

Airlines are happy running at mega loses because I'm guessing they'll get subsidies for continuing the implement the over the top rules from the Governments.
Airlines aren't "public transportation". They're privately owned companies.

If they base their lawsuit on that, it's destined to fail...
Anything to knock the wind out of the whole wear a mask or die effort is ok in my books. Will they win? Doubtful, but still good to see people not always willing to rollover for anything and everything.

"Two Tampa Bay women uncomfortable wearing masks on airplane flights are partnering with a not-for-profit Wyoming organization to sue federal authorities over the requirement that people wear masks while using public transportation. The Health Freedom Defense Fund, the main plaintiff in the case, says the federal government exceeded its authority with the mask mandate. The Health Freedom Defense Fund is campaigning to end mask, vaccine and covid testing mandates. The fund’s website includes printable notices to employers saying that mask, testing and vaccine requirements violate federal law.

“When government gets into the business of mandating what people can and can’t do with their bodies, I think that we have a problem,” said the founder and president of the Health Freedom Defense Fund. Both Sarah Pope and Ana Carolina Daza are members of the fund, Manookian said. Pope publishes a blog and YouTube channel called The Healthy Home Economist. Pope said she wants to promote health the way her generation’s grandparents experienced it. “When they got sick, they didn’t need the crutch of pharmaceuticals or antibiotics to get better,” she said in the video. “They just got sick and they got well.”

It's about time someone addressed the elephant in the room...these mask mandates in airports and other public transportation is basically slavery-communism....Look, when 9/11 happened, I understood why we had to change how things were done.... even if it meant creating a brand new government agency and making us jump thru a bunch of hoops...9/11 killed 3000 people (unlike COVID) -- and plus we could blame 9/11 on muslims -- which made all of the inconveniences we dealt with in airports feel much better...

However, I am tired of having to wear masks everytime I go to the airport ..and then being forced to wear a mask to sit on a plane while I travel. This government tyranny has gone on far too long -- if people want to wear masks, let them start their own airlines or build their own airports and do it there....leave our airports the woman said; when our grandparents got sick, they didn't rely on big government, vaccines, big pharma and all of that other stuff -- they simply got sick and got fact, our standard of living and life expectancy would be much better if we took that approach more often.
Soros quoted, "A penny earn is a penny more in my pockets to fulfill my agenda"

To mention a point made by Mr. Carlson on Fox News the other night, WHERE ARE THE STUDIES that compare some highly populated venue with NO MASK MANDATE and a similar venue with a strictly-enforced mask mandate? You know, the "Experimental Group" vs the "Control Group"? Like every other study you've ever read? Such a study, if done properly, would demonstrate that either masks are efficacious or they are not - and are a waste of time, money and comfort.

Such studies don't exist. Because the sponsoring organizations are fearful that they will reveal the fact that masks are worthless in suppressing the spread of the Covid virus.

Show me that study, proving that masks "work," and I will wear a fucking mask anyplace you want. But not until I see it.
I hope they keep the mask mandate in place forever. It’ll give me an excuse not to have to fly anywhere anymore.
To mention a point made by Mr. Carlson on Fox News the other night, WHERE ARE THE STUDIES that compare some highly populated venue with NO MASK MANDATE and a similar venue with a strictly-enforced mask mandate? You know, the "Experimental Group" vs the "Control Group"? Like every other study you've ever read? Such a study, if done properly, would demonstrate that either masks are efficacious or they are not - and are a waste of time, money and comfort.

Such studies don't exist. Because the sponsoring organizations are fearful that they will reveal the fact that masks are worthless in suppressing the spread of the Covid virus.

Show me that study, proving that masks "work," and I will wear a fucking mask anyplace you want. But not until I see it.

And the American sheeple allow it to go on because of their religious faith in what the media tells them is the science.

"Two Tampa Bay women uncomfortable wearing masks on airplane flights are partnering with a not-for-profit Wyoming organization to sue federal authorities over the requirement that people wear masks while using public transportation. The Health Freedom Defense Fund, the main plaintiff in the case, says the federal government exceeded its authority with the mask mandate. The Health Freedom Defense Fund is campaigning to end mask, vaccine and covid testing mandates. The fund’s website includes printable notices to employers saying that mask, testing and vaccine requirements violate federal law.

“When government gets into the business of mandating what people can and can’t do with their bodies, I think that we have a problem,” said the founder and president of the Health Freedom Defense Fund. Both Sarah Pope and Ana Carolina Daza are members of the fund, Manookian said. Pope publishes a blog and YouTube channel called The Healthy Home Economist. Pope said she wants to promote health the way her generation’s grandparents experienced it. “When they got sick, they didn’t need the crutch of pharmaceuticals or antibiotics to get better,” she said in the video. “They just got sick and they got well.”

It's about time someone addressed the elephant in the room...these mask mandates in airports and other public transportation is basically slavery-communism....Look, when 9/11 happened, I understood why we had to change how things were done.... even if it meant creating a brand new government agency and making us jump thru a bunch of hoops...9/11 killed 3000 people (unlike COVID) -- and plus we could blame 9/11 on muslims -- which made all of the inconveniences we dealt with in airports feel much better...

However, I am tired of having to wear masks everytime I go to the airport ..and then being forced to wear a mask to sit on a plane while I travel. This government tyranny has gone on far too long -- if people want to wear masks, let them start their own airlines or build their own airports and do it there....leave our airports the woman said; when our grandparents got sick, they didn't rely on big government, vaccines, big pharma and all of that other stuff -- they simply got sick and got fact, our standard of living and life expectancy would be much better if we took that approach more often.
I'm fine with removing the federal requirement, as long as airlines are allowed to enforce their own mandates. I won't fly with people who aren't masked up or vaccinated. I suspect most airlines would continue the mask requirements.
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it would be more effective to simply spend an hour contacting every airline and informing them that you will no longer patronize their business due to the onerous requirements, such as invasive security procedures, bad customer service, and ridiculous mask mandates.

If they got a few thousand calls and emails everyday like that, they might start to pay attention.

Of course, you would also have to contact your representatives and make it clear you will not tolerate the government bailing them out with your tax money as well.
Wah,Wah,Wah. Time to grow up.
All being vaccinated will solve that problem. This is a bad virus. I saw a man who had hair lose due to this virus. It is still to be seen whether his hair will grow back. He has lung damage. He survived but has effects from it, like no other virus.

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