It is duty of GOP state legislatures to send Trump electors when gas-lighting elections fail


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania
Once Georgia is settled, it's mathmatically over. And it is unlikely that Georgia GOP will risk alienating moderates before the senate run-off election, since it would do no good to install trump only to have him immediately impeached. Which is to say, it is over

Untitled drawing - 2020-11-18T155432.286.png

map based upon the possibility that AZ could flip, if the legislature appointed electors which the GOP governor certified. The gray states have Dem governors
Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania

Not only does Ron deSantis have NOTHING to say about how Michigan, Pennsylvania or any other state besides HIS OWN (shades of Lindsey Graham) runs their elections, BUT those states, and every fucking state, has its own state laws about how its electors are chosen and there is NOTHING --- ZERO --- that a governor in Florida can do to monkey them up.

Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania

I don't remember you guys arguing that the Trump wasn't president elect until the Electoral College voted in 2016.

Its almost like you guys don't have any actual standards.
Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania

I don't remember you guys arguing that the Trump wasn't president elect until the Electoral College voted in 2016.

Its almost like you guys don't have any actual standards.
Hmmm... Very questionable, but don't expect an honest answer.
Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania

And of course, the state legislatures of pretty much all the states in question have already confirmed that they're not doing that.

But thank you for demonstrating how eager you are to wipe your ass with the will of the people.
Republican legislatures with Democratic governors can never pull the STEAL off...

The constitution gives the legislature the power to choose how their states pick and send, Pennsylvania through legislation gave that power, to their state citizens....

In order to CHANGE THE RULES AFTER the contest is over in order to steal the election for their man, they would have to pass legislation to give themselves back that power from the people of Pennsylvania, and the democratic governor, would veto that legislation that was done AFTER the contest, was over.

In addition, it is the governor's job to send the slate of electors to the electoral college. A Democratic governor would never send the republican legislature slate, over the slate of electors, the Pennsylvania people chose....
Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania

It may be the moral thing to do, the legal thing to do, but I expect the GOP will be their usual spineless ballless wimps.
Republican legislatures with Democratic governors can never pull the STEAL off...

The constitution gives the legislature the power to choose how their states pick and send, Pennsylvania through legislation gave that power, to their state citizens....

In order to CHANGE THE RULES AFTER the contest is over in order to steal the election for their man, they would have to pass legislation to give themselves back that power from the people of Pennsylvania, and the democratic governor, would veto that legislation that was done AFTER the contest, was over.

In addition, it is the governor's job to send the slate of electors to the electoral college. A Democratic governor would never send the republican legislature slate, over the slate of electors, the Pennsylvania people chose....

You are right on all counts.

And the republican legislatures said they aren't doing it anyway. So its yet another conservative fantasy. Like....secession. Or Trump winning a second term.
Biden is "president elect." No he is not. No one is until the Electoral College meets. Media loses all credibility from that point on. "No evidence of fraud." Thousands of affidavits and witnesses like USPS workers on record is not evidence? It takes, and should take, a high bar for state legislators to exercise their perfectly legal right to send whatever electors it wants to the Electoral College (more gas-lighting, media now saying dubious legality, it is not.)

If ever this bar has been met in US history, it is now. Even Gore-Bush in 2000 was only over one state, Florida.

This is the Constitutional remedy enshrined by the Founders for when elections fail and there is no consensus over the process. it forces states to eventually get the process right. The Founders were geniuses.

GOP leaders in 4 states reject President Trump bid on electors

LOOKS LIKE YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS NEED A WAKE UP CALL. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling on citizens of Michigan and PA to call their state legislators to exercise their Constitutional right to send Trump electors to the Electoral College, when the election system has failed miserably.

Ron DeSantis: Ron DeSantis floats faithless elector plan for Michigan, Pennsylvania

Not only does Ron deSantis have NOTHING to say about how Michigan, Pennsylvania or any other state besides HIS OWN (shades of Lindsey Graham) runs their elections, BUT those states, and every fucking state, has its own state laws about how its electors are chosen and there is NOTHING --- ZERO --- that a governor in Florida can do to monkey them up.

Except, of course, make with the doggie whistle and see how many mutts show up!
What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?
The Electoral College is mainly there originally so the plebs don't elect someone who the plantation owners didn't want. Preventing a dictator from taking power is not something they would likely do in practice.

I can see the Electoral College in the future defending corporations and whatnot.
Wow. Just when you think the Republicans can’t get any dirtier...

Dirtier, C? What law would they be breaking?

  • What could be dirtier than rigging an election for a loser whose planning went back up to a year ago?
  • What could be dirtier than impeaching a president to stop him from investigating corruption because it would hurt your candidate?
  • What could be dirtier than spying on an administration, leaking sensitive information and rigging agencies against an administration on your way out the door?
  • What could be dirtier than burying a felony investigation involving national defense so as to keep a candidate in a presidential race?
  • What could be dirtier than using the IRS as a weapon to attack and block organizations hampering your opponents campaign so you could win reelection?
  • What could be dirtier than fanning hate and rioting and maximizing a socioeconomic crisis for months on end in an election year so you could blame the incumbent?
  • What could be dirtier than rigging a primary with super-delegates so your gal would win no matter how many votes the other guy got, then bitch how dirty it is when the GOP do as much?
What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?

It would have to be really compelling evidence. Like an absolute smoking gun. And on an scale that demonstrably shifted the election.

So far, there's nothing like that. Nothing even remotely close.

For example.....remember that guy who claimed that they were post dating ballots in Pennsylania to make them look like they were received on election day? It turns out that the total number of ballots that were dated as having been received on election AT ALL........was 2. Just 2 ballots. So the maximum number of ballots that could possibly match his story was....2.

Oh, and he recanted.

But that's the scale of what we're finding now.
What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?

It would have to be really compelling evidence. Like an absolute smoking gun. And on an scale that demonstrably shifted the election.

So far, there's nothing like that. Nothing even remotely close.

For example.....remember that guy who claimed that they were post dating ballots in Pennsylania to make them look like they were received on election day? It turns out that the total number of ballots that were dated as having been received on election AT ALL........was 2. Just 2 ballots. So the maximum number of ballots that could possibly match his story was....2.

Oh, and he recanted.

But that's the scale of what we're finding now.
If there is no such evidence provided to the SCOTUS after what Sidney Powell said, then it will change my point of view for sure.
What if evidence of fraud is found, the SCOTUS rules there was indeed fraud in several states, then what are the possibilities ? or is this an option ?

It would have to be really compelling evidence. Like an absolute smoking gun. And on an scale that demonstrably shifted the election.

So far, there's nothing like that. Nothing even remotely close.

For example.....remember that guy who claimed that they were post dating ballots in Pennsylania to make them look like they were received on election day? It turns out that the total number of ballots that were dated as having been received on election AT ALL........was 2. Just 2 ballots. So the maximum number of ballots that could possibly match his story was....2.

Oh, and he recanted.

But that's the scale of what we're finding now.
If there is no such evidence provided to the SCOTUS after what Sidney Powell said, then it will change my point of view for sure.

A lot of people are saying a lot of shit.

But what's being presented in court is a very different story. Its very....small scale. And procedural.

Trump's lawyers aren't actually arguing fraud occured in court. Even Gulliani yesterday admited that fraud allegations weren't part of their legal argument.

That's a big tell that the 'smoking gun' isn't smoking. Or a gun. Its just some guy pointing with his thumb up.

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