Israeli army used flechettes against Gaza civilians

Ever hear of a Taoist named Sun-Tzu? He wrote "The Art of War".

"In general, the method for employing the military is this: Preserving the [enemy's] state capital is best, destroying their state capital second-best. Preserving their army is best, destroying their army second-best. Preserving their battalions is best, destroying their battalions second-best. Preserving their companies is best, destroying their companies second-best. Preserving their squads is best, destroying their squads second-best. For this reason attaining one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the pinnacle of excellence. Subjugating the enemy's army without fighting is the true pinnacle of excellence."

- straight from my copy of it.

Additionally, Taoist means "scholar warrior".
"Taoist" is a loanword. It's based on "tao," which means "path" or "way," and the English suffix "-ist," which denotes a follower of something.

Try again jackass........are you another person in the image of Sunnidiot? A failed Christian that converted to islam?
No. Are you a failed Christian that converted to Taoism?

Just out of curiosity, what do YOU know about Taoist philosophy?
I've read enough Lao-Tzu to know that calling for slaughter and destruction isn't exactly in line with Taoist teachings.
Depends on if the person is your enemy or not.
Good weapons are instruments of fear; all creatures hate them. Therefore followers of Tao never use them. The wise man prefers the left. The man of war prefers the right. YOUR fucked up theology is peaceful? Not even fucking close you wanna be sand ******.
My theology is realistic. We don't love our enemies until our enemies no longer desire war, and we attack those who attack us first. If you want to criticize my religious beliefs, feel free to start a thread and let me know.
Well........islam is based on a lie. Hagar wanted Ishmael to have the birthright, as she wanted HER sons lineage to become the priests to the world, which is what Israel is supposed to be.

Because she didn't get Ishmael over Issac, she started to cause trouble in the tribe, and Sarah asked for her to be kicked out.

She then went wandering over through Egypt, and, just before she was to die from thirst, she prayed to God, and asked for water. Something showed up, and created the Zam-Zam well.

As far as the rest of the theology?'s based on quite a bit of Judaic theology, but, it tries to limit God by stating that there is only 1 way to Him.

Additionally.........most muslims are liars of the first degree, because their theology states it is okay to lie to anyone who is not a muslim. However........the 10 Commandments specifically state that thou shalt not bear false witness (lie). Where the dome of the rock is? Well......muslims said that there was nothing there when they took over, yet, that is the site of the Temple of Solomon, as well as where the Second Temple stood, yet they claim that is where the fucked up prophet named mohammed went up into Heaven and received the order to pray 5 times per day.

No.......islam is a fucking lie. And, you deity allah? May his name forever be a curse....ptooie.
and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why abikersailor is treated like a dumb motherfucker.

ps, stupid... regarding your "limiting god" statement...

but, it tries to limit God by stating that there is only 1 way to Him.

John 14:6 (King James Version)

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


yea dude.. whatever. It's fucking hilarious watching you try to talk shit against muslims every chance you get and then having to backtrack. There are no Buddhist orthodox jews. Perhaps your stupidity has a reason why that is.

for real. you have the spiritual insight of a washed up Stephen Segal.
Listen Shit Gun.......what I said is true, and if you would quit blowing little kids for candy bars and spare change, and actually look into some of this stuff, you may be able to sound half assed intelligent about it.

Until then, fuck yourself.
like i've said before, motherfucker, POST some evidence. Hell, I'm STILL waiting on the whole "allah is a demon" schtick to produce some evidence.... Don't cry on my fucking shoulder dude... SHOW US SOME BUDDHIST ORTHODOX JEWS.
Well........islam is based on a lie. Hagar wanted Ishmael to have the birthright, as she wanted HER sons lineage to become the priests to the world, which is what Israel is supposed to be.
One of the main principles of Islam is equality regardless of origin - messengers and prophets of Allah did not have to be Israelites as they were supposed to be in Christianity and Judaism. Whether the birthright rightfully belonged to Ishmael or not is irrelevant as far as this is concerned; Israel did not hold the distinction of being the only nation to supply the world with prophets and messengers of God, regardless of whether the birthright belonged to Ishmael or Isaac.

Mankind is a single nation. [...] - 2:213

Say: O you who are Jews, if you think that you are the favorites of Allah to the exclusion of other people, then invoke death, if you are truthful. - 62:6
Because she didn't get Ishmael over Issac, she started to cause trouble in the tribe, and Sarah asked for her to be kicked out.

She then went wandering over through Egypt, and, just before she was to die from thirst, she prayed to God, and asked for water. Something showed up, and created the Zam-Zam well.
The traditional Islamic story of Hagar and Ishmael differs from the Biblical account significantly and can be found in a hadith collected by Imam Bukhari:

4:583: Ibn Abbas: The first lady to use a girdle was the mother of Ishmael. She used a ...

Hagar and Ishmael were brought by Abraham to the site of the Ka'aba in Mecca. He was "ordered" by Allah to leave them there as a test of his obedience to divine will. Ishmael grew thirsty, and Hagar ran between Safa and Marwa, two hills, in search of water. Ishmael kicked the ground and the well of Zamzam sprung up. Muslims on hajj to Mecca reenact the search by running between the hills and drinking from the well.

As far as the rest of the theology?'s based on quite a bit of Judaic theology,
Not really. Similarities between Judaism and Islam are certainly observable, but the two religions are vastly different in many ways, as are their holy books.

but, it tries to limit God by stating that there is only 1 way to Him.
Limiting God is impossible. Islamic theology simply provides the framework for what Muslims consider to be a morally righteous lifestyle.

Additionally.........most muslims are liars of the first degree, because their theology states it is okay to lie to anyone who is not a muslim.
That itself is a lie. If it isn't, feel free to prove it by citing a passage from the Qur'an.

The patient and the truthful, and the obedient, and those who spend and those who ask Divine protection in the morning times. - 3:17

And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, they are with those upon whom Allah has bestowed favours from among the prophets and the truthful and the faithful and the righteous, and a goodly company are they! - 4:69

That Allah may reward the truthful for their truth, and chastise the hypocrites, if He pleases, or turn to them (in mercy). Surely Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. - 33:24

Surely the men who submit and the women who submit, and the believing men and the believing women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women, and the charitable men and the charitable women, and the fasting men and the fasting women, and the men who guard their chastity and the women who guard, and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember -- Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a mighty reward. - 33:35​

"Taqiyyah" refers to lying about one's beliefs to escape persecution. It isn't a concept discussed in the Qur'an.

However........the 10 Commandments specifically state that thou shalt not bear false witness (lie). Where the dome of the rock is? Well......muslims said that there was nothing there when they took over, yet, that is the site of the Temple of Solomon, as well as where the Second Temple stood, yet they claim that is where the fucked up prophet named mohammed went up into Heaven and received the order to pray 5 times per day.
The Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans. By the time the Muslims liberated Jerusalem from Byzantine control, the Second Temple had been gone for about 600 years. :eusa_eh:
and, in your case, the kettle insisting on a different standard for being black than the fucking rest of western pots. But, it's no shocker that a killer jew posts what you do on this forum.
The Second Temple was destroyed by the Romans. By the time the Muslims liberated Jerusalem from Byzantine control, the Second Temple had been gone for about 600 years. :eusa_eh:
Spoken like a man who has never been to Israel! Reminents of the wall are still up TODAY! And even more of it was still stating back during the Arab Caliphates/Crusades!
a wall of bricks isn't a temple of solomon. I look forward to the day your pussy asses gather up enough balls to do something about that particular piece of land.
You know what I'd like to see?

Someone taking a jet and crashing it into the dome of the rock, just like they did to the WTC.

If not that.....then some dumb shit suicide islamic asshole suicide bombing the place.

Free bong ride and good karma to the first one that does it. I hope it happens soon.
of course you do, stupid. Nothing like crying about 9/11 and then turning around and praying for dead civilians*

*as long as they are muslim! Hope no one notices that you are just as much a fuckwad dogma junkie as every seven virgin in heaven terrorist!
of course you do, stupid. Nothing like crying about 9/11 and then turning around and praying for dead civilians*

*as long as they are muslim! Hope no one notices that you are just as much a fuckwad dogma junkie as every seven virgin in heaven terrorist!

Better than being an islamic apologist and traitor to your country like you are ya freaking frat boy drunk.
that certainly is your OPINION. nutter. Thank the LOWARD you are the only human being with one of those!


ps, pussy.. this isn't a christian nation. Bursting your retarded little bubble doesn't make me a traitor any more than your "allah is a demon" routine makes you a fucking spiritual scholar. No amount of thanks from racist jews will make this any less true.

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