Israelis Celebrate Peace Anniversary


Feb 6, 2009
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Israel is set to celebrate on Wednesday its first peace treaty with an Arab state but its partner Egypt plans to leave the 30th anniversary almost entirely unmarked.

"No commemoration is planned in Cairo" for Thursday's anniversary, foreign ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki said, in a sign of the cold peace that still reigns between the two neighbors amid widespread popular opposition to the treaty in Egypt.

"We haven't received any invitation for an event in Egypt, while we're planning several in Israel," Israeli embassy spokeswoman Shani Cooper-Zubida said.

Yet its the Arabs who have always wanted peace with Israel the one who deny them that joy...
Israel is set to celebrate on Wednesday its first peace treaty with an Arab state but its partner Egypt plans to leave the 30th anniversary almost entirely unmarked. is a great hidden news source from Israel from where most of the important news could be gathered.

"No commemoration is planned in Cairo" for Thursday's anniversary, foreign ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki said, in a sign of the cold peace that still reigns between the two neighbors amid widespread popular opposition to the treaty in Egypt.
Cast Lead jeopardized Israel's relations with all of its Arab neighbors. Even if the government of Egypt wanted to take part in these commemorations, most of the Egyptian people would probably refuse to have anything to do with it. The Arab world is not going to forget what it calls the "Gaza Massacre" any time soon.
Indeed, Poland probably looked forward to their first anniversary with nazi germany too.
It proves the point that Muslims don't want peace, they want jews dead and gone.

In fact, they killed Sadat for making that treaty.
It proves the point that Muslims don't want peace, they want jews dead and gone.
I'm sure you have proof that all or most Muslims want all Jews "dead and gone." Would you mind posting it?

In fact, they killed Sadat for making that treaty.
Yeah, and we killed Rabin about 15 years later. Oh... wait...
It proves the point that Muslims don't want peace, they want jews dead and gone.
I'm sure you have proof that all or most Muslims want all Jews "dead and gone." Would you mind posting it?

In fact, they killed Sadat for making that treaty.
Yeah, and we killed Rabin about 15 years later. Oh... wait...

well ---no----Rabin was killed by the son of parents who were BOTH escapees from islamic oppression. -----they had good memories too------and their son considered Rabin far too vulnerable to islamic demands. Lots of people have MEMORIES. Muslims NEED good memories because more than half of them cannot read or write------but----Hindus do have a recorded history-----and they know that muslims killed more than 100 million of them. -------and even comitted a genocide upon the Hindus of East Pakistan----less than 40 years ago. Christians read and write----and Jews read and write------SCORES AND SCORES of massacres and genocides comitted by muslims are recorded
just what we need. another zionist, racist jew.

You'll have to forgive me for not taking criticism from a guy who sounds like a Yigal Amir mimic too seriously.

I mean, I'd hate to give you a reason to kill another batch of arab toddlers in your hilarious jewish outrage.
You'll have to forgive me for not taking criticism from a guy who sounds like a Yigal Amir mimic too seriously.

I mean, I'd hate to give you a reason to kill another batch of arab toddlers in your hilarious jewish outrage.

YOU have had conversations with YIGAL AMIR?-----I have never killed anyone. as to killing toddlers----Israelis do not do so and muslims hand out AWARDS to those muslims who do. It is not clear to me why you like to make a fool of yourself/ Perhaps you are remembering with DELIGHT ----the piles of dead Biafran babies murdered for the glory of islam in Nigeria. ------remember that genocide? try----it will CHEER YOU UP.
You'll have to forgive me for not taking criticism from a guy who sounds like a Yigal Amir mimic too seriously.

I mean, I'd hate to give you a reason to kill another batch of arab toddlers in your hilarious jewish outrage.

YOU have had conversations with YIGAL AMIR?-----I have never killed anyone. as to killing toddlers----Israelis do not do so and muslims hand out AWARDS to those muslims who do. It is not clear to me why you like to make a fool of yourself/ Perhaps you are remembering with DELIGHT ----the piles of dead Biafran babies murdered for the glory of islam in Nigeria. ------remember that genocide? try----it will CHEER YOU UP.

Sure you have, killer. Did you think screaming antisemite would make the world ignore Cast Lead killings? Hell, I bet you jack off at night thinking about the bombing of the King David hotel! After all, when a muslim bobs civilians it's TRRRRRRRSM but when a JEW kills masses of civilians with planted bombs that Tim Mcveigh would appriciate.. well, THATS just "defense"


like I said, just what we need around here... another double standard loving, blank check expecting, racist zionist jew convinced that his own toddler killing shit doesn't stink.

ps, the mention of Amir made your yarmulke throb erect, didn't it?
HERE you go, killer... One shot tow kills, right buddy? Tell me more about how zionist jews don't lust after killing arab children.


Dead Palestinian babies and bombed mosques - IDF fashion 2009

Dead Palestinian babies and bombed mosques - IDF fashion 2009 - Haaretz - Israel News

NOTICE the link, shlomo!


you know, for being the new chosen race and all you are not very smart.
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