Israel says the Delta variant is infecting vaccinated people, representing as many as 50% of new cases


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Only completely idiots believe the 'jab' will end Covid-1984 Scamdemic. Nope, the 'jab' of Gates, Schwab & Drosten is the highway to death.

As Israel faces a surge in cases driven by the Delta variant, its health officials suggested that as many as half of new cases were among people who'd been vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated people who've come into contact with the Delta variant will have to quarantine, Chezy Levy, the director-general of Israel's health ministry, said on Wednesday, Haaretz reported.
"Even though the numbers are low, the fact that this is reaching vaccinated people means ... that we are still checking how many vaccinated people have also been infected," Levy said, according to Haaretz.

Only completely idiots believe the 'jab' will end Covid-1984 Scamdemic. Nope, the 'jab' of Gates, Schwab & Drosten is the highway to death.

As Israel faces a surge in cases driven by the Delta variant, its health officials suggested that as many as half of new cases were among people who'd been vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated people who've come into contact with the Delta variant will have to quarantine, Chezy Levy, the director-general of Israel's health ministry, said on Wednesday, Haaretz reported.
"Even though the numbers are low, the fact that this is reaching vaccinated people means ... that we are still checking how many vaccinated people have also been infected," Levy said, according to Haaretz.


What death? The article clearly states that the variant is milder in people who have been vaccinated. Sorry, nothing in this article should dissuade people from getting vaccinated. In fact, it should re-enforce the idea that it's important to get vaccinated so it doesn't become a major problem. None of the data has been peer reviewed. It's just observation. That being said, Israel is a small country. 100 infections per day doesn't even come up to the amount being infected daily in the state of NY or CA.
Israel says the Delta variant is infecting vaccinated people, representing as many as 50% of new cases. But they're less severe.

Israel Says up to 50% of Delta-Variant Cases Are in Vaccinated People (

1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, set thy face toward Jerusalem, and drop thy word toward the holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel,
3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.
4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:
7 And it shall be, when they say unto thee, Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shalt answer, For the tidings; because it cometh: and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water: behold, it cometh, and shall be brought to pass, saith the Lord GOD.
9 Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus saith the LORD; Say, A sword, a sword is sharpened, and also furbished:
12 Cry and howl, son of man: for it shall be upon my people, it shall be upon all the princes of Israel: terrors by reason of the sword shall be upon my people: smite therefore upon thy thigh.
13 Because it is a trial, and what if the sword contemn even the rod? it shall be no more, saith the Lord GOD.
17 I will also smite mine hands together, and I will cause my fury to rest: I the LORD have said it.
25 And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end,
32 Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.
According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."
Jewish population by country - Wikipedia

COVID is just speeding up the end.
They are going the way of the dodo bird.


Only completely idiots believe the 'jab' will end Covid-1984 Scamdemic. Nope, the 'jab' of Gates, Schwab & Drosten is the highway to death.

As Israel faces a surge in cases driven by the Delta variant, its health officials suggested that as many as half of new cases were among people who'd been vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated people who've come into contact with the Delta variant will have to quarantine, Chezy Levy, the director-general of Israel's health ministry, said on Wednesday, Haaretz reported.
"Even though the numbers are low, the fact that this is reaching vaccinated people means ... that we are still checking how many vaccinated people have also been infected," Levy said, according to Haaretz.

That dude looks familiar ?
I feel really bad fir the citizens of Israel who are good people,the military is rounding up the citizens ther and sentencing the resistors to hard labor for life.Canada Australia and China same thing
badger2 after reading your post I found the following information to explain a little more about what you mean regarding deletions. “Overall, the delta variant has eight mutations in the spike protein, including the predominant D614G substitution. And among all spike protein mutations, it has three in the N-terminal domain including, one deletion at the 156/157 residue, two in the vicinity of the S1/S1 cleavage site, and two more in the receptor-binding motif.”

So now that I understand a little more about how many and location of these deletions- can you tell me what that means exactly? Also, wanted to add this important piece of that article : “However, there have thus far been no indications that the delta variant causes more severe illness than other variants. We need more research to ascertain this variant”. So don’t buy into the media scare yet folks! Check all available science sites first, and then consider which sources are well researched and which sources fall short.
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I don't know the reason/s why but people in different parts of the world with different genetics react differently sometimes to different things.

It won't always be the fault of a vaccine.

At the start Covid was killing more minorities in the UK than white folk due to certain genetics in them likewise in other countries the data can be vastly different even when the R-rates and circumstances are the similar.

I think some folk expect too much at times. It's a pandemic on a global scale, there's got to be a degree of trial and error here and there.

Provided the vaccines don't mean people are dropping dead like fly's after getting it, you've got to have some patience and faith.

Vaccine's aren't really the problem - the elites and their rules that they want to put on the folk restricting our liberties whilst they can bend whatever rules they want is my issue.
Only completely idiots believe the 'jab' will end Covid-1984 Scamdemic. Nope, the 'jab' of Gates, Schwab & Drosten is the highway to death.

As Israel faces a surge in cases driven by the Delta variant, its health officials suggested that as many as half of new cases were among people who'd been vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated people who've come into contact with the Delta variant will have to quarantine, Chezy Levy, the director-general of Israel's health ministry, said on Wednesday, Haaretz reported.
"Even though the numbers are low, the fact that this is reaching vaccinated people means ... that we are still checking how many vaccinated people have also been infected," Levy said, according to Haaretz.


What death? The article clearly states that the variant is milder in people who have been vaccinated. Sorry, nothing in this article should dissuade people from getting vaccinated. In fact, it should re-enforce the idea that it's important to get vaccinated so it doesn't become a major problem. None of the data has been peer reviewed. It's just observation. That being said, Israel is a small country. 100 infections per day doesn't even come up to the amount being infected daily in the state of NY or CA.
as said before, go live your pathetic, denying, life all alone...nobody needs your bullshit opinion on this matter, let alone any matter...
Only completely idiots believe the 'jab' will end Covid-1984 Scamdemic. Nope, the 'jab' of Gates, Schwab & Drosten is the highway to death.

As Israel faces a surge in cases driven by the Delta variant, its health officials suggested that as many as half of new cases were among people who'd been vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated people who've come into contact with the Delta variant will have to quarantine, Chezy Levy, the director-general of Israel's health ministry, said on Wednesday, Haaretz reported.
"Even though the numbers are low, the fact that this is reaching vaccinated people means ... that we are still checking how many vaccinated people have also been infected," Levy said, according to Haaretz.


What death? The article clearly states that the variant is milder in people who have been vaccinated. Sorry, nothing in this article should dissuade people from getting vaccinated. In fact, it should re-enforce the idea that it's important to get vaccinated so it doesn't become a major problem. None of the data has been peer reviewed. It's just observation. That being said, Israel is a small country. 100 infections per day doesn't even come up to the amount being infected daily in the state of NY or CA.
as said before, go live your pathetic, denying, life all alone...nobody needs your bullshit opinion on this matter, let alone any matter...
Speaking of peer reviews did you know that they began requiring that all journal submissions for studies on SARS-Cov2 be pre-determined whether or not they qualified for peer review? A new requirement that knocked out several studies from even being peer reviewed? Sorry, but there’s something wrong with that picture.
The qualification for peer review is an exercise in fascism, because knowledge is coming along behind them to change their fascist ways.
The qualification for peer review is an exercise in fascism, because knowledge is coming along behind them to change their fascist ways.
What I find beyond baffling is that the media hasn’t talked about this aspect whatsoever tmk- that 100’s if not 1000’s of medical papers have been screened (not something done before) to be preapproved in order to go to the next step ( formerly first step) for peer review and that is absolutely unethical. I read one author’s take where his paper was rejected by this “private viewing screen process” and to say he wasn’t happy about it would be an understatement with all the work he and two others had put into it. Fascism indeed preventing knowledge sharing.
Agreed. We see this fascism in pay-for articles at Pubmed. Once addicted to screenal space, the pimp has complete cntrol. Library nazis burned many books and especially journals whereas before one could walk up to it, open, and read. Knowledge that was once freely available to the prisoners is now prostitutionalized, for sale: 666 kuklos exothen. Keeps the riff-raff out.
Badger should add that it seems fascism isn’t unknown to the CDC. We caught them changing mutations in the P.1 Brazil-Japan variant that links to fentanyl. That’s why we’re going into Vietnam and bordering Yunnan: drugs, HIV-1, malaria, tuberculosis, etc. all could have played a role in a bat virus mutating into a human virus, recalling that C-19’s 25-year distinctive evolution links very close to the age of AIDS.
The qualification for peer review is an exercise in fascism, because knowledge is coming along behind them to change their fascist ways.
What I find beyond baffling is that the media hasn’t talked about this aspect whatsoever tmk- that 100’s if not 1000’s of medical papers have been screened (not something done before) to be preapproved in order to go to the next step ( formerly first step) for peer review and that is absolutely unethical. I read one author’s take where his paper was rejected by this “private viewing screen process” and to say he wasn’t happy about it would be an understatement with all the work he and two others had put into it. Fascism indeed preventing knowledge sharing.
Give me a break. Peer reviews are how scientific studies and trials are confirmed and verified. So in a case like this, the cure doesn't become worse than disease itself.
If we're down to not even agreeing on the basics of scientific research (calling it fascist), then I don't hold out any hope for that section of the voting population who
are determined to make even public health issues political.
#16: That’s what we’re down to, Einstein. You would watch tv while the societies of control perpetuated themselves with impunity. What part of book-burning eludes you? What we’re seeing can be compared to a form of pedophilia, creating pay-for walls where none existed before in a dumbing-down slouch toward Gomorrah, whilst the Catholic-CIA trollop in the White House raises America’s skirts for un-vetted immigrants at the border.
Just as we have verified the tampering of COVID-19 information on the part of the CDC (those were not typos that they changed on their webpage), so too should readers compile citations and examples for this peer-reviewing fascism. Which journals are spearheading the attempt to establish such a precedence concerning a virus whose reservoir in Nature is still unknown, thus it’s powerful question-answering biology is still unknown?
The qualification for peer review is an exercise in fascism, because knowledge is coming along behind them to change their fascist ways.
What I find beyond baffling is that the media hasn’t talked about this aspect whatsoever tmk- that 100’s if not 1000’s of medical papers have been screened (not something done before) to be preapproved in order to go to the next step ( formerly first step) for peer review and that is absolutely unethical. I read one author’s take where his paper was rejected by this “private viewing screen process” and to say he wasn’t happy about it would be an understatement with all the work he and two others had put into it. Fascism indeed preventing knowledge sharing.
Give me a break. Peer reviews are how scientific studies and trials are confirmed and verified. So in a case like this, the cure doesn't become worse than disease itself.
If we're down to not even agreeing on the basics of scientific research (calling it fascist), then I don't hold out any hope for that section of the voting population who
are determined to make even public health issues political.

In the current case, the injection is worse than the bioengineered virus.
The qualification for peer review is an exercise in fascism, because knowledge is coming along behind them to change their fascist ways.
What I find beyond baffling is that the media hasn’t talked about this aspect whatsoever tmk- that 100’s if not 1000’s of medical papers have been screened (not something done before) to be preapproved in order to go to the next step ( formerly first step) for peer review and that is absolutely unethical. I read one author’s take where his paper was rejected by this “private viewing screen process” and to say he wasn’t happy about it would be an understatement with all the work he and two others had put into it. Fascism indeed preventing knowledge sharing.
Give me a break. Peer reviews are how scientific studies and trials are confirmed and verified. So in a case like this, the cure doesn't become worse than disease itself.
If we're down to not even agreeing on the basics of scientific research (calling it fascist), then I don't hold out any hope for that section of the voting population who
are determined to make even public health issues political.
You misread my post. Of course peer reviews are needed, they added a "prerequisite of submission to be screened PRIOR to allowing it to be peer reviewed. That is a fascist move whether you view it as such or not. Look, this is likely the first post I've ever used to word fascist on this message board. I am no different than you, I research thoroughly.

"We conclude that the quality of COVID-19 publications in the three highest ranked scientific medical journals is below the quality average of these journals. These findings need to be verified at a later stage of the pandemic." I have given you at least one of the causal factors to this valid assessment.

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