Islam is not inherently evil

What rules have Christians tried to force you to live under?

Well Neotemplar brought up Gay Marriage - Lots of christians hate gays and don't want them to be able to marry cause magic sky daddy says its bad.

While I'm not gay . . . that is certainly forcing others to live by their rules cause I'm fine with same sex marriage.

They have changed the pledge of alliegence to include "under God" which was not orriganally part of the pledge. Why? I don't believe I live under God.

I could go on and on but reaaly see no need to as I am sure you are bright enough to know the reality of things. Hell, there are currently accusations of forced conversion for aid in poor coutries. Thatnis certainly forcing someone against their will to accept their god.
What rules have Christians tried to force you to live under?

Well Neotemplar brought up Gay Marriage - Lots of christians hate gays and don't want them to be able to marry cause magic sky daddy says its bad.

While I'm not gay . . . that is certainly forcing others to live by their rules cause I'm fine with same sex marriage.

They have changed the pledge of alliegence to include "under God" which was not orriganally part of the pledge. Why? I don't believe I live under God.

I could go on and on but reaaly see no need to as I am sure you are bright enough to know the reality of things. Hell, there are currently accusations of forced conversion for aid in poor coutries. Thatnis certainly forcing someone against their will to accept their god.

No, Christians do not hate gays. Hate is not a Christian doctrine. The Christian is taught to love the sinner and teach them God's forgiveness of sin and new life in Jesus. If a gay person rejects that, how can the Christian be accused of hate?

Gay marriage has never been legal in the USA until recently. The fact that Christians stand up for the Word of God and our culture does not equate to "hate". I have not heard of any Christians trying to force gays from getting married in states where it is legal. Do you have any more examples or reality other than "accusations"?
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Do you really beleive all teh christians of today are hippy flower in your hair types?

Look at some of the posts here and you see some who are slavering to cry havoc and let slip the dogs.

Though as a rule the Christians are getting better press these days. Except for that "GOD HATES FAGS" schmuck. He rarely gets anyhting but bad press.

Again you engage in logical fallacy. You seek to create a false dichotomy. In reality, it makes no difference how bad or good the Christians were, Islam is evil. Even if you were to prove that Christians ate stewed infants for dinner every night, Islam would remain evil.
What rules have Christians tried to force you to live under?

Well Neotemplar brought up Gay Marriage - Lots of christians hate gays and don't want them to be able to marry cause magic sky daddy says its bad.

While I'm not gay . . . that is certainly forcing others to live by their rules cause I'm fine with same sex marriage.

They have changed the pledge of alliegence to include "under God" which was not orriganally part of the pledge. Why? I don't believe I live under God.

I could go on and on but reaaly see no need to as I am sure you are bright enough to know the reality of things. Hell, there are currently accusations of forced conversion for aid in poor coutries. Thatnis certainly forcing someone against their will to accept their god.

No, Christians do not hate gays. Hate is not a Christian doctrine. The Christian is taught to love the sinner and teach them God's forgiveness of sin and new life in Jesus. If a gay person rejects that, how can the Christian be accused of hate?

Gay marriage has never been legal in the USA until recently. The fact that Christians stand up for the Word of God and our culture does not equate to "hate". I have not heard of any Christians trying to force gays from getting married in states where it is legal. Do you have any more examples or reality other than "accusations"?


That's rich! CHristians hate plenty. Have you read the posts in this very thread.

Keep you made up creation myth out of my secular government would ya.

Well seeing as you are making up the rules as you go I'll just let you be a hateful little person.
Do you really beleive all teh christians of today are hippy flower in your hair types?

Look at some of the posts here and you see some who are slavering to cry havoc and let slip the dogs.

Though as a rule the Christians are getting better press these days. Except for that "GOD HATES FAGS" schmuck. He rarely gets anyhting but bad press.

Again you engage in logical fallacy. You seek to create a false dichotomy. In reality, it makes no difference how bad or good the Christians were, Islam is evil. Even if you were to prove that Christians ate stewed infants for dinner every night, Islam would remain evil.

To you perhaps it would.

I disagree.
Well Neotemplar brought up Gay Marriage - Lots of christians hate gays and don't want them to be able to marry cause magic sky daddy says its bad.

While I'm not gay . . . that is certainly forcing others to live by their rules cause I'm fine with same sex marriage.

They have changed the pledge of alliegence to include "under God" which was not orriganally part of the pledge. Why? I don't believe I live under God.

I could go on and on but reaaly see no need to as I am sure you are bright enough to know the reality of things. Hell, there are currently accusations of forced conversion for aid in poor coutries. Thatnis certainly forcing someone against their will to accept their god.

No, Christians do not hate gays. Hate is not a Christian doctrine. The Christian is taught to love the sinner and teach them God's forgiveness of sin and new life in Jesus. If a gay person rejects that, how can the Christian be accused of hate?

Gay marriage has never been legal in the USA until recently. The fact that Christians stand up for the Word of God and our culture does not equate to "hate". I have not heard of any Christians trying to force gays from getting married in states where it is legal. Do you have any more examples or reality other than "accusations"?


That's rich! CHristians hate plenty. Have you read the posts in this very thread.

Keep you made up creation myth out of my secular government would ya.

Well seeing as you are making up the rules as you go I'll just let you be a hateful little person.

Stick it up your lying ass. The US Govt protects freedom of religion. If you don't like living here then move to N. Korea.
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Do you really beleive all teh christians of today are hippy flower in your hair types?

Look at some of the posts here and you see some who are slavering to cry havoc and let slip the dogs.

Though as a rule the Christians are getting better press these days. Except for that "GOD HATES FAGS" schmuck. He rarely gets anyhting but bad press.

Again you engage in logical fallacy. You seek to create a false dichotomy. In reality, it makes no difference how bad or good the Christians were, Islam is evil. Even if you were to prove that Christians ate stewed infants for dinner every night, Islam would remain evil.

To you perhaps it would.

I disagree.

He's right. You're ignorant of Christianity and Islam. I don't know why a person who is ignorant of religion would be posting in a debate on religion. Kinda stupid.
No, Christians do not hate gays. Hate is not a Christian doctrine. The Christian is taught to love the sinner and teach them God's forgiveness of sin and new life in Jesus. If a gay person rejects that, how can the Christian be accused of hate?

Gay marriage has never been legal in the USA until recently. The fact that Christians stand up for the Word of God and our culture does not equate to "hate". I have not heard of any Christians trying to force gays from getting married in states where it is legal. Do you have any more examples or reality other than "accusations"?


That's rich! CHristians hate plenty. Have you read the posts in this very thread.

Keep you made up creation myth out of my secular government would ya.

Well seeing as you are making up the rules as you go I'll just let you be a hateful little person.

Stick it up your lying ass. The US Govt protects freedom of religion. If you don't like living here then move to N. Korea.

Wow. that sound pretty hateful. I guess you are not a christian. Using your own statement about christians not hating and all.

Yes it does protect freedom of religion, which means you might be the one who needs to move considering how blindly you seem to hate Islam.
Again you engage in logical fallacy. You seek to create a false dichotomy. In reality, it makes no difference how bad or good the Christians were, Islam is evil. Even if you were to prove that Christians ate stewed infants for dinner every night, Islam would remain evil.

To you perhaps it would.

I disagree.

He's right. You're ignorant of Christianity and Islam. I don't know why a person who is ignorant of religion would be posting in a debate on religion. Kinda stupid.

Given what I've read in your posts you have got quite a bit of nerve to call anyone else ignorant.

But of course intolerance tends to be the hallmark of the "faithful".

That's rich! CHristians hate plenty. Have you read the posts in this very thread.

Keep you made up creation myth out of my secular government would ya.

Well seeing as you are making up the rules as you go I'll just let you be a hateful little person.

Stick it up your lying ass. The US Govt protects freedom of religion. If you don't like living here then move to N. Korea.

Wow. that sound pretty hateful. I guess you are not a christian. Using your own statement about christians not hating and all.

Yes it does protect freedom of religion, which means you might be the one who needs to move considering how blindly you seem to hate Islam.

You don't have any idea about Islam or Christianity. You're ignorant of both.
To you perhaps it would.

I disagree.

He's right. You're ignorant of Christianity and Islam. I don't know why a person who is ignorant of religion would be posting in a debate on religion. Kinda stupid.

Given what I've read in your posts you have got quite a bit of nerve to call anyone else ignorant.

But of course intolerance tends to be the hallmark of the "faithful".

Why don't you take the time and explain to us the tolerance of Islam. I'm all ears.
Stick it up your lying ass. The US Govt protects freedom of religion. If you don't like living here then move to N. Korea.

Wow. that sound pretty hateful. I guess you are not a christian. Using your own statement about christians not hating and all.

Yes it does protect freedom of religion, which means you might be the one who needs to move considering how blindly you seem to hate Islam.

You don't have any idea about Islam or Christianity. You're ignorant of both.

This from the one who results to swearing and name calling to prove how tolerant and enlightened christians are.

What a maroon!:cuckoo:
He's right. You're ignorant of Christianity and Islam. I don't know why a person who is ignorant of religion would be posting in a debate on religion. Kinda stupid.

Given what I've read in your posts you have got quite a bit of nerve to call anyone else ignorant.

But of course intolerance tends to be the hallmark of the "faithful".

Why don't you take the time and explain to us the tolerance of Islam. I'm all ears.

Search "muslim treatment of people of the book" for starters.

Google is your friend if your not too arrogant and ignorant to learn that you might be wrong.

Both religions have plenty of blood on their hands.
Meanwhile objective reality informs intelligent folks that Islam IS inherently evil.

Mohammed was a psychotic evil pedophile piece of shit and lied about the word of Allah.

Cock sucker child rapist that he was.
Given what I've read in your posts you have got quite a bit of nerve to call anyone else ignorant.

But of course intolerance tends to be the hallmark of the "faithful".

Why don't you take the time and explain to us the tolerance of Islam. I'm all ears.

Search "muslim treatment of people of the book" for starters.

Google is your friend if your not too arrogant and ignorant to learn that you might be wrong.

Both religions have plenty of blood on their hands.

I don't see that anyone is denying the nastiness that has been a part of the religions that preceded Islam. The difference is that both Christianity and Judaism have gone through reformations and have largely given up the tribal "us vs. them" mentality that still defines islamism.

The wars that muhammud fought in and lead, the ethnic cleansing of Yathrib, the expulsion of competing religions from the Arabian peninsula, the tacit permission for his soldiers to rape war captives. The permission of sexual slavery (or slavery at all). The assassination of political rivals. The practice of banditry and caravan raids. The marriage to Aisha. The very reason these occurrences are even a part of the historical record is because Moslems recorded these events. They were perfectly fine with the ideas of sexual slavery, genocide and piracy. Those behaviors were not morally objectionable to them, and so they were dutifully recorded with the intention of preserving the history of muhammud as an example for all later Moslems.

All of the behaviors described above were perfectly acceptable in the context of a brutal existence in 7th century Arabia. While it may be unfair to cast judgments regarding Muhammud as a 7th century Arab warlord in the context of his time, we have no legitimate reason to accept his behavior in the context of the 21st century. Moslems still muhammud as the perfect example for humanity.

However, the standards for judgment are different if, rather than judging Muhammud as a 7th century Arab warlord, we instead are judging him as a "model for humanity". In that sense, muhammud's behavior is irreconcilable with the ethics of either a good man or the standards of behavior we define as acceptable in the 21 st century.
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That's rich! CHristians hate plenty. Have you read the posts in this very thread.

Keep you made up creation myth out of my secular government would ya.

Psst, sparky...

That Sharia you promote, it has a creation myth.

Well seeing as you are making up the rules as you go I'll just let you be a hateful little person.

Rich irony.

That's rich! CHristians hate plenty. Have you read the posts in this very thread.

Keep you made up creation myth out of my secular government would ya.

Psst, sparky...

That Sharia you promote, it has a creation myth.

Well seeing as you are making up the rules as you go I'll just let you be a hateful little person.

Rich irony.

I promoted Shariah?

No I called bull on what was clearly uninformed morons spewing hate in the name of whatever the hell you all believe in.

All religions are suspect and cesspools of hate, intolerance, fear and a need to make others fall in line.

Not all adherance of said religions are bad folk by any stretch however which is humanities saving grace.
I promoted Shariah?

Those Muslims you promote, they aren't followers of Payne.

No I called bull on what was clearly uninformed morons spewing hate in the name of whatever the hell you all believe in.

Yet the uninformed moron was demonstrably you.

All religions are suspect and cesspools of hate, intolerance, fear and a need to make others fall in line.

Again with logical fallacy. No, not all religion is the same. Your bigotry does not define reality.

I'm an agnostic, I neither accept nor reject the concept of a god, but I follow no religion. I can say this openly with Christians, Buddhists, Jew, and Hindus.

But Muslims are commanded by the Koran to kill me. Further, if given a chance, they will do so, as they regularly do in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.

I view Christians, Buddhists, Jews, and Hindus as somewhat silly. All of them have blemishes in their past where murder has been done in the name of their religion - but a study of each reveals that the religions actually prohibit such acts.

Not Islam, in fact Islam commands murder as faithfulness to their evil little god, Al-Ilah. You create equivalence to excuse the barbarism of Islam and to justify your bigotry against Christians.

Not all adherance of said religions are bad folk by any stretch however which is humanities saving grace.

Perfect adherence to the Christian religion results in a person who will never do harm.

Perfect adherence to the Muslim religion results in a person who will be a murderer, rapist and looter.

If you engage both of your brain cells, can you grasp this?
I promoted Shariah?

Those Muslims you promote, they aren't followers of Payne.

No I called bull on what was clearly uninformed morons spewing hate in the name of whatever the hell you all believe in.

Yet the uninformed moron was demonstrably you.

All religions are suspect and cesspools of hate, intolerance, fear and a need to make others fall in line.

Again with logical fallacy. No, not all religion is the same. Your bigotry does not define reality.

I'm an agnostic, I neither accept nor reject the concept of a god, but I follow no religion. I can say this openly with Christians, Buddhists, Jew, and Hindus.

But Muslims are commanded by the Koran to kill me. Further, if given a chance, they will do so, as they regularly do in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Indonesia.

I view Christians, Buddhists, Jews, and Hindus as somewhat silly. All of them have blemishes in their past where murder has been done in the name of their religion - but a study of each reveals that the religions actually prohibit such acts.

Not Islam, in fact Islam commands murder as faithfulness to their evil little god, Al-Ilah. You create equivalence to excuse the barbarism of Islam and to justify your bigotry against Christians.

Not all adherance of said religions are bad folk by any stretch however which is humanities saving grace.

Perfect adherence to the Christian religion results in a person who will never do harm.

Perfect adherence to the Muslim religion results in a person who will be a murderer, rapist and looter.

If you engage both of your brain cells, can you grasp this?

Christians are commanded by the bioble to kill you too they just gloss over that part of the bible.

You should learn a bit more about the religions you choose to defend. As an agnostic it would serve you better to know your enemies. Make no mistake Christians are commanded to slay the unbeliever every bit as much as muslims and as an ubleiever you are on the same list as me.

But hey keep your head burried and trust they won't throw you to the wolves when it suits them.